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missing cat in vernon hills area of worcester

[Jul 17,2008 10:27pm - missing pussy  ""]
if anyone lives around here and you see him call this number 508 237 9954.
[Jul 17,2008 10:31pm - missing pussy  ""]
[Jul 17,2008 10:31pm - missing pussy  ""]
this cat is the shit and smokes mad weed
[Jul 18,2008 8:16am - missing pussy  ""]
[Jul 18,2008 9:19am - largefreakatzero ""]

missing%20pussy said:this cat is the shit and smokes mad weed

Sorry your cast is lost, but perhaps if you didn't blow so much weed in his face, he would have remembered how to get home.
[Jul 18,2008 9:33am - SkinSandwich ""]

largefreakatzero said:
missing%20pussy said:this cat is the shit and smokes mad weed

Sorry your cast is lost, but perhaps if you didn't blow so much weed in his face, he would have remembered how to get home.

[Jul 18,2008 9:47am - lost pussy  ""]
not my cat
[Jul 18,2008 12:48pm - Yeti ""]
good luck, but there aren't many Worcesterites here. i live in the Greendale area so i won't be of any use.
[Jul 18,2008 1:25pm - CtB0rderpatrol  ""]
that funny, i had a pet fisher cat that i lost in that area. im sure your stoner cat was delicious to the little bugger

he name is claws and he enjoys feasting on cats, chickens, and small dogs
[Jun 13,2012 8:16pm - Wolfy  ""]
Two points,

1) The warrior monks of Templa-Ku were no match for my crew as we stormed into the seething riverbank city, sabres wet with blood and rain and the smell of thatch smoke filling the air. A generation of discipline fell before us, joining the two hundred generations whose bones and frayed ligaments filled the musty catacombs beneath the city streets. For a civilization that feared salt as the sweat of the devil, the appearance of an ocean-going ship of Her Majesty's fleet within their sweet water was a signal of doom.

2) Even in this desparate circumstance, I remember my Queen and her statuesque grace on the day I received my commission. I wonder if there are web-filled tunnels beneath the royal palace like the ones I struggled into in desperation after our charge was turned this afternoon. I can hear my fellow officers crying out in agony through the cracks in the stone walls - I can hear the ship burning.

[Jun 14,2012 2:21am - SLAGNot  ""]
WUT. This pussy still wanders my area.
[Jun 14,2012 12:12pm - i  ""]
how does that even make sense
[Jun 14,2012 12:16pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

also wolfy ate your cat.
[Jun 14,2012 2:56pm - i  ""]
haha I think that's Rufiooooooo
[Jun 14,2012 3:00pm - xmikex ""]

missing%20pussy said:[img]

this cat clearly rules and ran the fuck away from you.
[Jun 14,2012 3:08pm - trioxin_245 ""]
anyone who claims their cat 'smokes mad weed' should be banned from ever owning any living thing.
[Jun 14,2012 3:12pm - RustyPS ""]

Wolfy said:Two points,

1) The warrior monks of Templa-Ku were no match for my crew as we stormed into the seething riverbank city, sabres wet with blood and rain and the smell of thatch smoke filling the air. A generation of discipline fell before us, joining the two hundred generations whose bones and frayed ligaments filled the musty catacombs beneath the city streets. For a civilization that feared salt as the sweat of the devil, the appearance of an ocean-going ship of Her Majesty's fleet within their sweet water was a signal of doom.

2) Even in this desparate circumstance, I remember my Queen and her statuesque grace on the day I received my commission. I wonder if there are web-filled tunnels beneath the royal palace like the ones I struggled into in desperation after our charge was turned this afternoon. I can hear my fellow officers crying out in agony through the cracks in the stone walls - I can hear the ship burning.


I have the biggest boner right now.
[Jun 14,2012 3:16pm - cat enthusiast  ""]
[Jun 15,2012 10:25am - i  ""]
left to right - rufio, chuck schuldiner?, cat, tatanka, and the evil indian from last of the mohicans.

what ever happened to the idea of making a rufio-based prequel to hook? that was a good idea.
[Jun 15,2012 10:25am - i  ""]
magwa, his name was magwa

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