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[Jul 22,2008 12:22pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
needs to happen

I'm talking no political agendas...just middle and lower class americans taking to the streets and overthrowing the slave economy that keeps us drowning in feces and debt.

If we don't start know the cattle will be too docile by the time they bring us all to slaughter.

anyone who thinks they have a decent life is just living in the dark...compare your life to that of the politicians and ceos of companies that make their living off of extorting you.

the first thing that has to go is the bank system.

does it make sense that you put in money and someone taking out money gets your money and the bank profits off of interest from money you put in?
[Jul 22,2008 12:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:

the first thing that has to go is the bank system.

Credit Unions FTW!
[Jul 22,2008 12:27pm - pam ""]
I'm in.
[Jul 22,2008 12:50pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Anyone who doesn't see the world of man coming to a halt very soon is blind

poisons everywhere, cancers everywhere, extinctions at a rate more rapid than any other time sans the end of the dinosaurs.

watch this and tell me it doesn't hit a chord of despair


[Jul 22,2008 12:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
it doesnt seem like you have an actual plan for action here.
[Jul 22,2008 12:54pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
the first two minutes are boring, the good stuff is after...the collages of war and famine, disease, death
[Jul 22,2008 12:56pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:it doesnt seem like you have an actual plan for action here.

no need, planning is giving the initiative to those who have suffocated rebellions for hundreds of years.

needs to be something like independent towns rising, awakening.

it starts in the home and then takes to the street.

I've got plenty of time to figure out what I will do, what part I will play.

The revolution has already started, it's in it's infancy... people are outraged, beginning to realize what the government is doing...they're starting out by disseminating knowledge and literature...much like the early days of the 1st American revolution.
[Jul 22,2008 1:02pm - Conservationist ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:I'm talking no political agendas...just middle and lower class americans taking to the streets and overthrowing the slave economy that keeps us drowning in feces and debt.

No thanks.

I would rather not have the uninformed ruling over us... if people are "lower class," it's because they've fucked up hugely in life.

This place is awash in opportunity.

The problem isn't the rich, but the slave state that favors the impoverished, minorities, disabled, gender-defensive, etc. at the expense of our best.

Society is its own doom.

I don't want to save most of these people. They're fucking useless. I want the smart ones to break away and watch third world USA die on its own.
[Jul 22,2008 1:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"independent uprisings" will only be seen as terrorist acts by the government and will be quickly taken care of. you know how this shit works.
[Jul 22,2008 1:32pm - Yeti ""]
could have, would have, should have, all the words in the world aren't going to make it a reality.
[Jul 22,2008 1:32pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
the third world didn't become that way on it's own.

do you think everyone has a chance to rise to the top?

how many opportunities are lost on the poor and starving, who knows how many scientists, writers, musicians, poets have been among them.

I think that the Lucifer character will bring the light and the lower classes will become a powerful force of hardworking and honest people.

people are the way they are know because of the conditions they live in, the chances for success are very small when you spend your life trying to fill your belly or your family's belly.
[Jul 22,2008 1:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
what exactly do you expect people to do to initiate this revolution you speak of?
[Jul 22,2008 1:45pm - Infidelis on faptop  ""]
Im rich as hell!
[Jul 22,2008 1:56pm - aril  ""]
just complete chaos - take to the streets and do whatever. think of the Katrina aftermath but on a much larger scale but with more white people.
that would be awesome. i can't wait to play a metal show in a post-apocalyptic atmosphere with the steampunks, crustpunks, and metalheads.
[Jul 22,2008 2:08pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:what exactly do you expect people to do to initiate this revolution you speak of?

what they did in Russia, what they did in Cuba, what they tried to do in America in the early 1900's.

there is already a revolution it just hasn't gone full scale.

[Jul 22,2008 2:34pm - Conservationist ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:the third world didn't become that way on it's own.

Yeah, it did. Look at the average IQs of different nations and how far along they are. The third world is what happens when no one is functional.

Sure, it's easier to blame "oppressors," but that's just denial. We need to make sure the USA doesn't become third world, and I'm not talking about immigration (necessarily) here...

[Jul 22,2008 2:34pm - Conservationist ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:
FuckIsMySignature said:what exactly do you expect people to do to initiate this revolution you speak of?

what they did in Russia, what they did in Cuba, what they tried to do in America in the early 1900's.

there is already a revolution it just hasn't gone full scale.

French Revolution and Russian revolution both left useless husks of nations behind.

Are you sure you want that? Really?!!?
[Jul 22,2008 2:41pm - aril  ""]
What we need to do, is prepare for China's uprising. Our "empire" is dying, and I don't think there's too much we can do to fix it at this point.
[Jul 22,2008 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
its certainly easier to talk about what should happen on a message board than it is to do anything about it.

"i'd rather let a 1000 guilty men go free than chase after them"
[Jul 22,2008 3:39pm - immortal13 ""]
Let's just start a zombie apocalypse.
[Jul 22,2008 4:43pm - Conservationist ""]
Or just sodomize the weak.
[Jul 23,2008 6:39am - Kadooganglia  ""]

Conservationist said:
y_ddraig_goch said:the third world didn't become that way on it's own.

Yeah, it did. Look at the average IQs of different nations and how far along they are. The third world is what happens when no one is functional.

Sure, it's easier to blame "oppressors," but that's just denial. We need to make sure the USA doesn't become third world, and I'm not talking about immigration (necessarily) here...

The third world is also what happens when people go uneducated of the basic principles of the subconcious, human decency that seems to be NOWHERE right now. Why not UPDATE THE FUCKING EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM in a way that works, that actually TEACHES people what they want to know, when they want to know it? I'd like to see the day when a 12 year old with a high school diploma isn't something out of the ordinary. Teach/learn to one's own abilities. Will everyone learn equally? No. Do they now? No. I think this'd be a more effective way to "weed out the weak" for lack of a better term.

The college-educated who've been trained to further the workforce/economy (no thanks) can eat shit.

Who do you think is keeping the schools (and people) in the ignorant state they're in? The same "elite" who want to see people stay in the slums.

[Jul 23,2008 8:25am - Conservationist ""]

Kadooganglia said:
Conservationist said:
y_ddraig_goch said:the third world didn't become that way on it's own.

Yeah, it did. Look at the average IQs of different nations and how far along they are. The third world is what happens when no one is functional.

Sure, it's easier to blame "oppressors," but that's just denial. We need to make sure the USA doesn't become third world, and I'm not talking about immigration (necessarily) here...

The third world is also what happens when people go uneducated of the basic principles of the subconcious, human decency that seems to be NOWHERE right now. Why not UPDATE THE FUCKING EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM in a way that works, that actually TEACHES people what they want to know, when they want to know it? I'd like to see the day when a 12 year old with a high school diploma isn't something out of the ordinary. Teach/learn to one's own abilities. Will everyone learn equally? No. Do they now? No. I think this'd be a more effective way to "weed out the weak" for lack of a better term.

The college-educated who've been trained to further the workforce/economy (no thanks) can eat shit.

Who do you think is keeping the schools (and people) in the ignorant state they're in? The same "elite" who want to see people stay in the slums.

While I agree wholeheartedly, you cannot improve intelligence through education. The third world, even if run through Harvard, would remain the third world. That being said, the American educational system is dogshit. A high school degree once meant something. Now it's like a post count
[Jul 23,2008 9:13am - RustyPS ""]

Kadooganglia said:
Conservationist said:
y_ddraig_goch said:the third world didn't become that way on it's own.

Yeah, it did. Look at the average IQs of different nations and how far along they are. The third world is what happens when no one is functional.

Sure, it's easier to blame "oppressors," but that's just denial. We need to make sure the USA doesn't become third world, and I'm not talking about immigration (necessarily) here...

The third world is also what happens when people go uneducated of the basic principles of the subconcious, human decency that seems to be NOWHERE right now. Why not UPDATE THE FUCKING EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM in a way that works, that actually TEACHES people what they want to know, when they want to know it? I'd like to see the day when a 12 year old with a high school diploma isn't something out of the ordinary. Teach/learn to one's own abilities. Will everyone learn equally? No. Do they now? No. I think this'd be a more effective way to "weed out the weak" for lack of a better term.

The college-educated who've been trained to further the workforce/economy (no thanks) can eat shit.

Who do you think is keeping the schools (and people) in the ignorant state they're in? The same "elite" who want to see people stay in the slums.

Another educational flaw is tests. People can learn strategies on how to take tests and do well on them without ever learning the material. They pass classes without ever getting a real understanding of the subject. Then, they go into the field ill-prepared for their job because they focused more on passing rather than actually learning.
[Jul 23,2008 4:23pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I honestly think the only solution is mass murder.

kill off 90 percent of the world.

but earth is already planning on that...look forward to more outrageous weather...it's what happens when the oceans warm up and currents become weaker.
[Jul 23,2008 4:41pm - NippleViolater ""]
Nice, a revolutionary who can't fucking spell and an idiot right winger who believes that some races are just inherently inferior.

Stupidity wins!
[Jul 23,2008 5:19pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
where did I spell wrong my meng? I have firefox so it's quite hard for me to spell wrong.
[Jul 23,2008 5:45pm - NippleViolater ""]
The word "know" and "now" are very different.
[Jul 23,2008 5:48pm - Conservationist ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:kill off 90 percent of the world.

or just let them die of their own incompetence. We need some way to trim the herd here in the industrialized west too.
[Jul 23,2008 6:49pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

NippleViolater said:The word "know" and "now" are very different.

whoops, that was a mental blip.

but to be a jerk about it, it would be considered a grammar mistake, not a spelling mistake.
[Jul 23,2008 6:50pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

Conservationist said:
y_ddraig_goch said:kill off 90 percent of the world.

or just let them die of their own incompetence. We need some way to trim the herd here in the industrialized west too.

people mate too fast... it's ok though, fertility is going down in males.
[Jul 23,2008 6:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:
Conservationist said:
y_ddraig_goch said:kill off 90 percent of the world.

or just let them die of their own incompetence. We need some way to trim the herd here in the industrialized west too.

people mate too fast... it's ok though, fertility is going down in males.

thank you marijuana. i must be shooting blanks know... hehe.
[Jul 24,2008 1:47pm - SW  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:"independent uprisings" will only be seen as terrorist acts by the government and will be quickly taken care of. you know how this shit works.

This man is correct. Half-ass revolutionaries vs military trained professional killers w/ a lot more artillery = elimination of dissent. I wish it wasn't true, but there's no way around the truth.

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