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Aug 31 (Sun) - Zircon, Hung (NY), Nocturnum, Fires of Old & Skull Hammer - Ralph's Diner (Worcester, MA)

8/31: Zircon, Hung, Nocturnum, Fires of Old, Skull Hammer @ Ralph's Diner

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jul 23,2008 2:19am - Samantha ""]

[Jul 26,2008 3:56pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Jul 26,2008 4:16pm - pam ""]
I will be attending this...babysitting depending. My liver is already training.
[Jul 26,2008 5:02pm - grizloch ""]
I keep reading Old Skull and getting excited...
[Jul 26,2008 5:05pm - MetalThursday ""]
Will be 1 year & 17 days since the last Zircon show at Ralph's... that we didn't cancel. I have missed that stage!
[Jul 27,2008 9:15pm - pam ""]

MetalThursday said:Will be 1 year & 17 days since the last Zircon show at Ralph's... that we didn't cancel. I have missed that stage!

You know because you said that someone will cancel, right?
[Jul 28,2008 10:41am - Yeti ""]
Chris, aren't you guys playing on the 16th?
[Jul 28,2008 5:38pm - MetalThursday ""]

pam said:
MetalThursday said:Will be 1 year & 17 days since the last Zircon show at Ralph's... that we didn't cancel. I have missed that stage!

You know because you said that someone will cancel, right?

Doesn't matter who cancels, this show will go on... :NEWHORNS:
[Jul 28,2008 5:39pm - MetalThursday ""]

Yeti said:Chris, aren't you guys playing on the 16th?

[Jul 29,2008 8:30am - Yeti ""]
hmmm....i've been given false information. i was told you are playing a show with gay 12 Step Program.
[Jul 29,2008 3:51pm - Hagar the Horrible  ""]
Gay 12 step program? Is that one of those religious programs that tries to 'cure' gays of their gayness? How gay.
[Jul 29,2008 8:41pm - MetalThursday ""]

Yeti said:hmmm....i've been given false information. i was told you are playing a show with gay 12 Step Program.

We were offered but declined.
[Jul 30,2008 10:41am - Yeti ""]

Hagar%20the%20Horrible said:Gay 12 step program? Is that one of those religious programs that tries to 'cure' gays of their gayness? How gay.

bahahaha the best part of this is that it was posted by Hagar the Horrible. excellent reference.
[Aug 7,2008 7:16am - MetalThursday ""]
[Aug 24,2008 4:13pm - Nocuous_Fumes ""]
will be there
[Aug 24,2008 4:15pm - aril  ""]
Grizloch, you missed our Old Skull cover at the Wheelchair. Yes, Herugrim covered "Pizzaman" by Old Skull. It somewhat phased out though and no one knew what was going on.
[Aug 30,2008 7:49pm - Samantha ""]
Up for tomorrow! :MYKING:
[Aug 31,2008 3:24pm - poopy dick  ""]

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