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[Feb 8,2004 10:33pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Every time I listen to them I think "Why the fuck aren't these guys more well know?" So I guess I'm just trying to spread "the word".(The word is NOT legs) I would understand if any you did the same.
I sure no one cares... but still.
[Feb 8,2004 10:51pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I like legs.
Wish I had a nice pair to throw over my shoulders lately.

Kalmah have a website? What're they like, etc.
[Feb 8,2004 11:03pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yes, kalmah.com . Like Children of Bodom, but with less key boads, heavier and more Death Metalish. actualy Kalmah have been aroud afew years before Bodom. They where first named Ancester. Then changed to Kalmah in 2000.
Beautyful Metal, yet intense. Actualy they are in the CD review list. Check it out...yo.
[Feb 9,2004 12:20pm - the_reverend ""]
their cd art is dumb, but they aren't.
I'll play a track tonight.
[Feb 9,2004 12:21pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, and they don't have that commador 64 keyboard sound like COB.
[Feb 11,2004 4:17pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I think the covers are cool, but some of their lyrics can be funny.(Music 10/10)
But I'm glad to see someone knows them.
[Feb 11,2004 4:28pm - RustedAngel ""]
you just discovered kalmah? hm.
[Feb 11,2004 4:34pm - swamplorddvm ""]
No, I've known about them for over a year I believe.
Thanks to S.O.D. mag.(now anvil)
[Feb 11,2004 6:27pm - JellyFish ""]
Kalmah is definetly awesome. I dont know very many people who know them. I like the song 'The Blind Leader' from They Will Return the most. The cover art is ok, but I guess it dosent matter. The music is fast, technical, and just kick-your ass good.
[Feb 29,2004 11:18pm - Abbath ""]
kalmah is a fucking sweet ass band! they remind me of a blind guardin/ harder version of a cob (vocally) the evil in you, hades, and the using the words are great songs! i can't wait to hear more of them


ok swamplord can i have my 5 bucks now?
[Feb 29,2004 11:27pm - JellyFish ""]
hahaha. You need to hear 'They Will Return.' such a sweet cd.
[May 29,2004 1:12pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Ok I dont know if anyone here cares but you can hear samples of two of their new songs. Not as good as their first two albums (Swamplord & They will return), but not bad.
[May 29,2004 3:31pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
if they suck, im going to blame you for the waste of... 15 minutes of my life
[May 29,2004 4:21pm - swamplorddvm ""]
ok listen to Swamplord first
[May 29,2004 4:39pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
metal observer gave that a 7/10 and they will return an 8/10 and i think both reviews of swampsong got 6/10

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