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'Indiana Jones' star LeBeouf arrested for DUI

[Jul 27,2008 12:20pm - succubus ""]

LOS ANGELES (AP) — "Indiana Jones" co-star Shia LaBeouf was arrested for drunk driving Sunday after an early morning car accident in which he was injured, police said.

LaBeouf was the driver of a vehicle that was involved in a 3 a.m. collision in Hollywood, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Sgt. S. Wolf said.

"It was immediately apparent to officers responding on the scene that LaBeouf was intoxicated and he was subsequently placed under arrest," Wolf said.

LaBeouf and his passenger were injured, as was the other driver. Wolf said he didn't know the extent of their injuries.

Wolf said he didn't know if LaBeouf, 22, would face felony or misdemeanor charges.

LaBeouf has been working as an actor for 10 years. He starred on the Disney Channel series "Even Stevens," starred in last year's "Transformers: The Game," and this year appears opposite Harrison Ford in "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull."

In November, he was charged with misdemeanor criminal trespassing after a drunken tirade in a Chicago Walgreens.

He later told David Letterman on the "Late Show": "Drinking and driving is one thing, but drinking and shopping ... it's just as bad."

Prosecutors dropped charges because Walgreens Co. and a security company indicated they didn't want to continue the case.

Two of LaBeouf's publicists did not immediately return calls seeking comment Sunday. Neither did attorney Michael Norris, who has previously represented LaBeouf.


On November 4, 2007, LaBeouf was arrested early in the morning for misdemeanor criminal trespassing in a Chicago Walgreens after refusing to leave when asked by a security guard. LaBeouf was due in court on November 28, 2007.[44] The criminal charges were dropped on December 12.

In March 2008, an arrest warrant was issued for LaBeouf after he failed to turn up to a court appearance. The hearing was in relation to a ticket he received for unlawful smoking in Burbank, California in February 2008. When neither LaBeouf nor a lawyer turned up at the court at 8:30 a.m., a $1000 bench warrant was issued for his arrest,[46] however the court commissioner in California recalled this warrant on March 19, 2008 after the actor’s attorney arrived a day late to plead not guilty on LaBeouf's behalf, and a pre-trial hearing was set for April 24, 2008.[47] The charge was dismissed after the actor paid a $500 fine.[48]

[Jul 27,2008 12:33pm - goatcatalyst ""]
that kid needs a slap
[Jul 27,2008 2:28pm - rotivore ""]
he should have had shortround drive
[Jul 27,2008 3:15pm - the_reverend ""]
not quite beautiful, not quite tuff, Shia LaBeouf
[Jul 27,2008 3:16pm - goatcatalyst ""]
he is a jewwy twink and i will fuck his mouth
[Jul 27,2008 3:28pm - zyklon ""]
He's just a goofy looking motherfucker
[Jul 27,2008 4:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
kid needs to learn how to hold his liquor
[Jul 27,2008 5:45pm - W3 nli  ""]

goatcatalyst said:he is a jewwy twink and i will fuck his mouth

i know jew broads are pretty good in bed, but umm what you just said is pretty gay.
[Jul 29,2008 2:51pm - succubus ""]
[Jul 29,2008 2:52pm - succubus ""]
[Jul 29,2008 2:53pm - Martins ""]
If I could fuck Louis Stevens, I'd do it.
[Jul 29,2008 2:53pm - succubus ""]
Before his weekend DUI arrest, Shia LaBeouf opened up about his struggles with alcohol in Details' September issue (out August 12).

The most shocking revelation: LaBeouf, 22, and his father, a former heroin addict, "would drink together and smoke together," the actor told the magazine, "and it's just a bad deal.

"It's not something that is conducive to being a role model — no iconic actors that I know of have problems like that," LaBeouf added. "And I don't know how to do it like a gentleman. I don't know how to have one drink."

He also opened up about a drunken spat he had in a Chicago Walgreens last November. (He was charged with criminal trespassing; it was later dropped.)

"It was two hotheads," LaBeouf said of the incident. "One completely in the wrong, one who wasn't enjoying his job that night, going at it about minuscule bulls--t."
[Jul 29,2008 3:39pm - oscarct ""]
starred in last year's "Transformers: The Game"
[Jul 29,2008 3:40pm - Yeti ""]
this is Kramer, Chaz Kramer assho-SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH
[Jul 29,2008 3:59pm - archaeon ""]
even stevens
[Jul 29,2008 4:04pm - Martins ""]

archaeon said:even stevens

Martins said:If I could fuck Louis Stevens, I'd do it.
[Jul 29,2008 4:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
they should arrest George Lucas for making that godawful Crystal Skull travesty
[Jul 29,2008 4:40pm - aril  ""]
the fact that they chose Shia for Indy's son and perhaps to fill his shoes in makes me sick. would have been better if it was a GOOD actor like the fat trumpet kid that was in the 3rd movie.
[Jul 29,2008 4:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Fat Trumpet Kid FTW
[Jul 29,2008 4:55pm - aril  ""]
Fat Trumpet Kid has been my idol since that movie came out.

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