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Your idea of God?

[Jul 29,2008 9:01am - Kadooganglia  ""]
Considering the dependence of each and every body-with-energy upon every other body-with-energy on our planet, and the instinct that's there from birth in each of those same life forms, I'm starting to believe in the existence of a god, of some sort.

And no, I don't mean a giant guy with a beard watching us everyday, or anything resembling anything we'd recognize, but that there must be something at work that's been driving these unerring patterns for...well, forever.

I don't know anything for sure, of course. Your thoughts?
[Jul 29,2008 9:02am - Kadooganglia  ""]
And I'm not trying to start any fights. I'd honestly like to know what people believe. Let's keep this shit civil, for once. I BULLEEB IN YOU AR TEE TEE PEE
[Jul 29,2008 9:07am - sever ""]
The idea of god as an omnipotent immortal being is ridiculous.

God is a way of consoling our simple brains to the fact that we couldn't possibly understand or fully appreciate life and existence. I don't think we'll ever know why or how we're here... and that's the beauty of living. We probably aren't meant to.
[Jul 29,2008 9:10am - SkinSandwich ""]
[Jul 29,2008 9:16am - scumfuck ""]
beer = god
[Jul 29,2008 9:22am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
proud Walkenist
[Jul 29,2008 9:45am - aril  ""]
I don't believe there ever was a "god" the way most see it. It's in human instinct to question our origins; and before people knew many of the things we know today about space and science, it was natural to assume we had been created by a powerful being.
What I do find, however, is that there are a number of intriguing similarities between some of the ancient world's faiths - the most common one is the story of a flood.
The book I'm reading right now is called "Fingerprints of the Gods" and it explores the possibility that Antarctica was once 2000 miles north of it's present location, as little as 11,000BC. This was the result of a crust displacement theory, one of which is not accepted by most orthodox scientists, but there are a number who believe it's a possibility - Einstein was one of them. There are a number of maps from all over the world that have Antarctica mapped out without ice, and it's very close to the real thing (which we didn't know until the past 60 years). These ancient maps site older sources, which have been lost in time with certain catastrophes such as the Library of Alexandria being destroyed. The book delves deeper into ancient creation myths from all over the world, and starts off with natives in Peru (Nazca lines), the Olmecs, Mayans, and Egyptians.
Anyway, before I rant even more, let me just question the possibility that there was an ancient "mother race" - or, rather, and ancient civilization that helped in molding some of the old civilizations we know today.
Of course, this opens up the posibility of various thoughts and opinions on the matter -- some of mine have always been whether or not we've been guided by ETs throughout history. Call me crazy (like Grizloch does), but to me, there's more evidence supporting "Star People" rather than a God or gods. They could be intermingled together, we may not know for a while. There's three things I have faith in and that's science, knowledge, and beer.
[Jul 29,2008 12:14pm - zenerik ""]
Fairy tale.
[Jul 29,2008 12:16pm - sxealex ""]
we only have 5 senses...
[Jul 29,2008 12:21pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I would love to contribute my thoughts to this and I will but these men and their books articulate this subject better than me:

The Reason For God- Timothy Keller
The Case For Faith- Lee Strobel (The people he interviews are worth the read)
[Jul 29,2008 12:27pm - NoodleFace ""]
Optimus Prime.
[Jul 29,2008 12:32pm - sxealex ""]
there is no reason to believe in a god... if there is a god and it is logical then it won't be pissed that you don't believe since it supposedly put you in the situation which you are in. if its not logical then you will never understand it with the 5 sense you have. there is no reason in believing publicly.
[Jul 29,2008 12:33pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i believe there is a "council" of higher beings that together form a being that is as close to a "god" as there ever will be.

this is the "council":







and at the head of everything...

[Jul 29,2008 12:58pm - Corpus_Colostomy ""]
me thinks conquer the bathtub should read some paul tillich on "ultimate purpose."
[Jul 29,2008 1:06pm - JoeyCobra ""]
[Jul 29,2008 1:11pm - pam ""]
[Jul 29,2008 1:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Gah? .... No Gah.
[Jul 29,2008 2:56pm - xmikex ""]
You know... sometimes I think "What if God was one of us?"
[Jul 29,2008 3:25pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Jul 29,2008 3:27pm - Yeti ""]
my god is the magnificence of bio-chemical reactions that occur in nature. i don't know why humans need a reason for it, the beauty of it is right there. life just is, i don't feel the need to attribute it to one thing that created it. i have absolutely no belief that there is, was, or ever will be a higher power, be it "god" or whatever you want to call it. i'm not agnostic because i know in my heart that there isn't anything there to prove itself. stand alone in the middle of the deepest woods on Earth and tell me there is a need to believe in anything more powerful. the natural order of life and death are all i need to live through. i only need nature, knowledge, science, and beer.
[Jul 29,2008 4:09pm - hyper_sludge ""]
beer = god
[Jul 29,2008 4:13pm - aril  ""]
as yeti states and I left out, nature too.
[Jul 29,2008 4:32pm - Kadooganglia  ""]

Yeti said:my god is the magnificence of bio-chemical reactions that occur in nature. i don't know why humans need a reason for it, the beauty of it is right there.

i have absolutely no belief that there is, was, or ever will be a higher power, be it "god" or whatever you want to call it... stand alone in the middle of the deepest woods on Earth and tell me there is a need to believe in anything more powerful. the natural order of life and death are all i need to live through.

Nature's a higher power if there ever was one.

And humans need a reason for it all because, in the first place, a lot of people think that Mankind IS the reason for it all, and so want proof for their egos. The brilliance in every little detail on Earth is more than enough justification, I think, for believing in SOMETHING of higher power, whether it's the processes themselves or whatever it is that drives those processes, and so on until you reach the end of the universe.
[Jul 29,2008 4:50pm - Hungtableed  ""]

Humans ain't shit. If we were 'intelligently designed' then we are obviously meant to dwell at an almost southern part of the power structure in the Universe. Someone que the .gif that relates the size proportions of things in the universe.

A better question:
Do you think that somewhere else in the Universe other forms of life, whether "intelligent" or not, exist?

I say that it is beyond more than probable that other life does exist somewhere.
[Jul 29,2008 5:11pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I believe the earth itself and the sun are the only "gods" we will ever need. the heathens had it best, they just gave stories and personifications to the integral elements of human life, it was entertainment and their form of science.

I was thinking about it yesterday walking with the strong storm wind blowing, what being is more powerful then the earth...it fucking moves continents. We all think we are high and mighty..but once a bad storm comes we're all nothing more then drowning rats running for a place to keep safe.

like others here have said...just sit there and take notice of the nature around you...that's my view of god...it's the life of every thing...and I believe there is some kind of strange "life" like force in inanimate natural things. ie water, mountains, hills.

The ocean alone is proof that here on earth, earth is almighty.

like george carlin says...plastic.
[Jul 29,2008 5:15pm - Conservationist ""]
I'm a transcendental idealist. I believe the universe is a blind, dumb process that invented itself and rewards greater complexity. Therefore, we must do great things, and murder the stupid and useless.
[Jul 29,2008 5:27pm - hyper_sludge ""]
too bad we're doing stupid things. at least we're doing something right? who cares the planet is going to be a sheet of glass in a few years any way. smoke crack.
[Jul 29,2008 6:27pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Watch Mission to Mars.
[Jul 29,2008 6:40pm - the_reverend ""]
a sensitive rich horror in a moomoo and 20 dicks.
[Jul 29,2008 7:38pm - scumfuck ""]
[Jul 29,2008 10:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the Dude abides
[Jul 29,2008 10:38pm - monster_island ""]
[Jul 29,2008 11:54pm - eric ""]

Yeti said:stand alone in the middle of the deepest woods on Earth and tell me there is a need to believe in anything more powerful. the natural order of life and death are all i need to live through. i only need nature, knowledge, science, and beer.

Yeti said:stand alone in the middle of the deepest woods on Earth and tell me there is a need to believe in anything more powerful. the natural order of life and death are all i need to live through. i only need nature, knowledge, science, and beer.

Yeti said:stand alone in the middle of the deepest woods on Earth and tell me there is a need to believe in anything more powerful. the natural order of life and death are all i need to live through. i only need nature, knowledge, science, and beer.

Yeti said:stand alone in the middle of the deepest woods on Earth and tell me there is a need to believe in anything more powerful. the natural order of life and death are all i need to live through. i only need nature, knowledge, science, and beer.

Yeti said:stand alone in the middle of the deepest woods on Earth and tell me there is a need to believe in anything more powerful. the natural order of life and death are all i need to live through. i only need nature, knowledge, science, and beer.
[Jul 30,2008 3:53am - The true CNV  ""]
Release me now
O savior
O anti cosmos
[Jul 30,2008 4:27am - The true CNV  ""]
Chaos trapped in matter

The blood of Chaos
[Jul 30,2008 10:38am - Yeti ""]

Kadooganglia said:
Yeti said:my god is the magnificence of bio-chemical reactions that occur in nature. i don't know why humans need a reason for it, the beauty of it is right there.

i have absolutely no belief that there is, was, or ever will be a higher power, be it "god" or whatever you want to call it... stand alone in the middle of the deepest woods on Earth and tell me there is a need to believe in anything more powerful. the natural order of life and death are all i need to live through.

Nature's a higher power if there ever was one.

what i mean by the term "higher power" is something like intelligent design, where its an omnipotent being that watches a giant ant farm. but yes, you are right, nature is essentially a higher power, but i don't view it as a god or being. it is the force.
[Jul 30,2008 10:48am - aril  ""]
cheers to Mother Nature.

in recent news, a huge Canadian ice sheet broke off the other day, and now scientists are saying the arctic will be all broken up by 2013 rather than 2030 like previously thought.

see ya later polar bears and elephant seals.
[Jul 30,2008 11:14am - DYA / NLI  ""]

scumfuck said:[img]

[Jul 30,2008 11:19am - Conservationist ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:the heathens had it best, they just gave stories and personifications to the integral elements of human life, it was entertainment and their form of science.

I agree with this. As a Hindu would say, their concern was Godhead not God.
[Jul 30,2008 4:16pm - ouchdrummer ""]
No god, No higher power, No higher intelligence. When we die, we die. Anyone who believes different is making themselves feel better about how meaningless our whole excistence is.
[Jul 30,2008 4:17pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
If there is no meaning, what keeps you around?
[Jul 30,2008 4:20pm - aril  ""]
[Jul 30,2008 5:42pm - ouchdrummer ""]
what keeps me around? music, pleasure, excitement, challenges, hate, even love (sometimes) and all these things do have meaning, but not in the sense that they will make any difference when i am gone. (except maybe to others blips on the galactic radar.)

Thats not to say that i dont believe people, good, smart people can't be religious.. or that religion doesnt do good things for people. I know people personally that have went through hard times and used religeon to make it a little easier to deal with, when i go through hard times i use drums, drugs, and books to make myself feel better (nobody's perfect). I don't dissalussion myself into thinking i am better than them, i just think we should all call a crutch... a crutch. Thats all religeon is, a crutch.
[Jul 30,2008 5:42pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
I believe in a goat, with a big goatee.
[Jul 30,2008 6:22pm - CtB0rderpatrol  ""]
[Jul 30,2008 6:33pm - SlypknaWt ""]
ya God is realz you ignorent asswipes. hope you all burn in hell 4 yer stupid commentz.
[Jul 30,2008 7:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

SlypknaWt said:ya God is realz you ignorent asswipes. hope you all burn in hell 4 yer stupid commentz.

Current favorite fake poster. 7/10, would LOL again.
[Jul 30,2008 7:34pm - monster_island ""]
[Jul 30,2008 10:36pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I do not believe in a god of any kind, no energy of higher force. We are nothing special in the universe.

We just are.

and how? We will NEVER know.
[Jul 30,2008 10:38pm - swamplorddvm ""]

ouchdrummer said:No god, No higher power, No higher intelligence. When we die, we die. Anyone who believes different is making themselves feel better about how meaningless our whole excistence is.

Haha YES!
[Jul 31,2008 10:44am - Yeti ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:If there is no meaning, what keeps you around?

to me, the prospect of death and its unknown variables gives more than enough reasons to live. i love the idea that someday i'll die, i'm not saying i'm rushing it or "do you ever fantasiiize....about being killed", i just love to wonder about what that moment is going to be like. no, i didn't ask for birth, but it happened, so i might as well make the best of it while i'm here. but i don't personally feel that devoting my life to an unknown deity is truly living. to live only for the reward at the end of life is just wrong in my eyes. as you've shown many times it works just fine for you, but for me its such an empty way to live. i guess i can't understand why you'd want to live your life for a deity just like you couldn't understand why i'd want to live my life free of religion. and you don't have to say that you understand, because you really don't. same with me.
[Jul 31,2008 10:57am - ISPJackson  ""]
god is the reason I live, along with being straight edge. everyday I live my life to the word of god, and the word of my sxe friends. all other words do not matter in life, as long as I live a pure life, free of sin and free of drugs.
[Jul 31,2008 11:11am - thuringwethil ""]


spoken for.
[Jul 31,2008 11:48am - grizloch ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:If there is no meaning, what keeps you around?

considering the alternative....

I once heard a quote that I hold near and dear to my heart in almost every situation, I can never remember the exact line, but its something like "never trust anyone with a firm belief in anything"
[Jul 31,2008 12:47pm - xmikex ""]
All knowing invisible bearded old man in the sky that watches you masturbate

[Jul 31,2008 12:50pm - Conservationist ""]
Rip the sacred flesh
Sodomize the holy asshole
Drink the red blood of the mother of earth
Masturbation on the dead body of christ
The king of Jews is dead
and so are the lies
Vomit on the host of Heaven
Masturbate on the throne of God
Break the seals of angels
Drink the sweet blood of Christ
Taste the flesh of the priest
Sodomize holy nuns
The king of Jews is a liar
The Heavens will burn
Dethrone the son of God
God is dead
Holyness is gone
Purity is gone
Prayers are burned
Covered in black shit
Rape the holy ghost
Unclean birth of Jesus Christ
Heaven will fall
Fuck the church
Fuck Christ
Fuck the Virgin
Fuck the gods of Heaven
Fuck the name of Jesus

[Jul 31,2008 3:20pm - Yeti ""]

xmikex said:All knowing invisible bearded old man in the sky that watches you masturbate


[Jul 31,2008 6:51pm - secthammer  ""]
God is consciousness.

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