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I Miss Ogrish

[Jul 30,2008 3:19pm - Mess ""]
fuckers... list some sick sites i can check out. i need my ogrish fix. liveleak just doesn't do it for me.
[Jul 30,2008 3:21pm - thuringwethil ""]
yeah ogrish, it was like videodrome. Pretty harsh.
[Jul 30,2008 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
i didn't know Ogrish was gone. that sucks, i loved that site.
[Jul 30,2008 3:23pm - aril  ""]
does consumptionjunction or steakandcheese still exist? they probably do. i'm at work but I wouldn't dare go to those sites right now.
[Jul 30,2008 3:25pm - Mess ""]
CharonBoat.com is pretty nasty. i think a doctor runs it. i thought i read that somewhere.

WARNING: CHARONBOAT.COM is the most interesting website in the Internet about the dark side of our reality and it contains images and video of uncensored events!
[Jul 30,2008 3:27pm - Mess ""]

Protect your children from pedophiles! Thank you for visiting CharonBoat.com! Take time to appreciate life!
[Jul 30,2008 4:13pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 30,2008 4:53pm - Conservationist ""]
hell awaits!
[Jul 30,2008 6:12pm - fleshfries ""]
I miss Ogrish to death...I guess Snuffx.com suffices a little bit, but it's definitely no Ogrish.
[Jul 30,2008 6:56pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
ya i miss all the daily beheadings...fucked up shit
[Jul 30,2008 6:57pm - thuringwethil ""]
I saw that Al Quada video, I think of them killing Eugene Armstrong? That's like one of the worst. Gyad.
[Jul 30,2008 7:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jul 30,2008 8:00pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]


[Jul 31,2008 2:12am - i_am_lazy  ""]
I misread this as "I miss Oprah"
[Jul 31,2008 2:26am - ernie  ""]
the dude was a total scumbag. he would blackmail people sending in the good shit to keep making more, better grosser pictures or else he would rat them out... my buddy at the funeral home had to quit his job out of fear of being arrested and shit. still, theres way better stuff all over if you ask around. i have a dvd full of dead iraq war victims , american and middle eastern.. all kinds of kickass carnage. i bet i could sell it for a hefty check from a major news network. ohhh yeah jackpot.
[Jul 31,2008 3:13pm - Mess ""]
ernie, you should post some pics. share your wealth with rttp.
[Jul 31,2008 3:22pm - Yeti ""]

thuringwethil said:I saw that Al Quada video, I think of them killing Eugene Armstrong? That's like one of the worst. Gyad.

i haven't seen that one, but the worst one i've ever seen was that Russian one where the dude gets his throat cut out. Cattle Decapitation used the sound byte on To Serve Man.
[Jul 31,2008 3:27pm - Mess ""]
there's a video where these chechen rebels take 3 russian soldiers hostage. the rebels hacked all three of their heads off one at a time. one of them tried to run but he got shot and dragged back to the site and his head was hacked off too. i think that's the most graphic one i've seen. it's actually on liveleak somewhere still.
[Jul 31,2008 3:36pm - Mess ""]
yeah it's still there, actually it was 6 russians.
[Jul 31,2008 3:36pm - Conservationist ""]

one russian down
[Jul 31,2008 4:19pm - porphyria  ""]

the_reverend said:shownomercy?

I'm gonna bring it back soon...but not as a death/gore site. Been there, done that :spineyes:
[Jul 31,2008 4:25pm - porphyria  ""]
The guy from Ogrish use to BEG me to put a link to his site on shownomercy.com. I think I did at some point after I noticed he was linking back. Next thing I knew he was in the headlines for posting the berg beheading. The only exciting thing that happened to me aside from tons of e-mailed threats was that my host got a an official letter from someone in Germany claiming that my site was banned and that I wasn't allowed to enter the country or something. haha.

Oh and one time Marilyn Manson had linked me on his main page. hah!

I'm a fool for not putting up click-through banner ads everywhere. haha.
[Jul 31,2008 4:28pm - porphyria  ""]
Peak traffic at one point was between 150,000 - 200,000 unique visits per week from sick bastards all over the world. Around 9/11 I had shut the site down because other clients of my host were starting to complain about lag because of the bandwidth it was hogging. oops.
[Jul 31,2008 4:32pm - porphyria  ""]
Also, when Columbine happened I was called to the principles office that day and questioned about shownomercy because a teacher thought I was a possible member of the Trenchcoat Mafia even though I've NEVER worn a trenchcoat in my life.

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