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just got home from seeing Beyond the Embrace, Trauma Concept

[Feb 10,2004 1:03am - hektik ""]
and a few other bands who sucked.

Now, let me say this: If you attended the show, where was the fucking pit? It was me, my three friends, and a roadie.

Everyone at that show was a fucking pussy.
[Feb 10,2004 1:08am - moran ""]
Did you see the fight after?
[Feb 10,2004 1:09am - moran ""]
And where were you dancing? Cause I didn't see anyone.
[Feb 10,2004 1:11am - moran ""]
oh yeah, I only watched the last band, so disregard that my last post.
[Feb 10,2004 2:00am - hektik ""]
I was up front with the 'roadie' for Trauma Concept headbanging and shit, getting my ass kicked by the four other people moshing.

And no, I didn't see the fight, I left during Random Acts of Violence.
[Feb 10,2004 2:34am - moran ""]
Some guy punched a girl outside after the show. So BTE tried to fight that guy and in the middle of that someone from BTE hit the bouncer, and shit got out of control, it was awesome.
[Feb 10,2004 3:25am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hahahahah, why does Bill's Bar = fights?
When we played there with RAoV & BoE was probably the only metal/hardcore show that didn't have any fights.
[Feb 10,2004 9:52am - the_reverend ""]
hm... I like taking pictures of fights cause it always looks like just people standing in a big-old homo circle.
[Feb 10,2004 10:24am - SinPromos  ""]
Damn I missed the fight... I was in the backroom collecting loot and one of the BTE guys came in pissed (rightfuly so too.. what kind of guy hits a girl no matter what??) it was a 4 cruiser brawl though... someone looked pretty hurt. Hope everyone (except the guy who hit the girl) is ok!
[Feb 10,2004 10:46am - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
Random Acts of Violence don't suck.

You really like calling lots of people whom you don't know pussies .

[Feb 10,2004 3:50pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Random Acts of Violence was the best band on that bill...i hope alot of people got really hurt/or dead.
[Feb 10,2004 4:05pm - hektik ""]
I heard one song, and then some of the second.

I will say they were good musicians, but the vocals were fucking horrible, in my opinion.
[Feb 10,2004 5:41pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
i wanted to go to this show, but i was so poor. mondays are bad days for shows. buh.
[Feb 10,2004 5:46pm - james raov  ""]
thanks joe

[Feb 11,2004 6:04pm - SinPromos  ""]
yeah Monday shows can be tough but with the good line-ups at Bills I go there more than I'd imagine... and RAOV def. don't suck.. they've been kick ass everytime i've seen them including last night. Seemless was cool too... kind of clutchy-rock-blues type influenced stuff, kind of out of place with all the heavy bands but it worked. Good show overall.. wishing I caught the brawl though
[Feb 11,2004 6:07pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]

Andy's vocals are perfect for the band.
Maybe if they were tuffer you would have liked them.
[Feb 12,2004 5:57am - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
Andy, do you say the word "englishman" at one point in the cd? I swear to god I hear it.
[Feb 12,2004 9:12am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
the thing that's most sucky about monday shows is my severe lack of money from the weekend shows. i spent my money i was going to use on this show on an overpriced scorpion bowl. :( ah well, what can you do? i'm a big fan of BTE and my friends' band Command Presence used to play with Trauma Concept way back in the days of yore.
[Feb 12,2004 10:44am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Cryptic Anthony said:Andy, do you say the word "englishman" at one point in the cd? I swear to god I hear it.

Hahaha. I don't think so but maybe. Which song?
[Feb 12,2004 6:28pm - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
The song is Vengeance is Mine, in the second pre-chorus part. I wish I had the lyrics to your cd, you bastards

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