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bye bye bunny ears, hello dtv

[Aug 5,2008 10:52am - Mess ""]
haha i'm one of those poor bastards that still uses a coathanger to get channel 7 or 25 in at my place. last week i got that 40 dollar certificate to buy the dtv converter box and let me tell you, it's fucking great. now i get those channels plus about a dozen more and wgbh. that's all i need. screw cable. so the box was about 50 bucks so all i had to throw in was 10 bucks. they sell them at wal*mart. i didn't even send out for a certificate either. it just came in the mail.
that's all, i'll go back to my cave now.
[Aug 5,2008 11:00am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
good tv watching to you sir
[Aug 5,2008 11:27am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm just gonna watch the static and try to decipher it like in The Matrix.
[Aug 5,2008 11:29am - the_reverend ""]
this is one of the things that would make it ok to get satellite cause you get HD local channels. all digital!
[Aug 5,2008 11:47am - Mess ""]

the_reverend said:this is one of the things that would make it ok to get satellite cause you get HD local channels. all digital!

me no comprehende? so if i go out and get a dish, throw it on da roooof, and plugged it in, i could get more channels fo freeeee?
[Aug 5,2008 1:34pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I know from DirectTV -- we have it because there is no cable on our road.
[Aug 5,2008 9:05pm - Mess ""]
yesssss! kitchen nightmares
[Aug 5,2008 10:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I say satellite cause back when you didn't get the local channels.
[Aug 5,2008 10:40pm - the_reverend ""]
next, try HD radio.
[Aug 5,2008 11:00pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:next, try HD radio.

fuck that shit. Just say no to commercial radio
[Aug 6,2008 8:29am - xmikex ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:I'm just gonna watch the static and try to decipher it like in The Matrix.

Poser. I'm going to communicate with the dead through my shitty TV reception in an annoying uninteresting way just like White Noise.
[Aug 6,2008 8:35am - the_reverend ""]
no to commercial radio? not a single radio station that I listen to is a commercial station in the HD or analog sphere. Plus, don't you pay for satellite? nothing more commercial that radio you directly pay for.
[Aug 6,2008 10:08am - largefreakatzero ""]

xmikex said:
DestroyYouAlot said:I'm just gonna watch the static and try to decipher it like in The Matrix.

Poser. I'm going to communicate with the dead through my shitty TV reception in an annoying uninteresting way just like White Noise.

Haha -- strangely enough White Noise 2 was slightly less horrible than the VERY terrible original White Noise.
[Aug 6,2008 10:18am - contagion ""]
welcome to 1980
[Aug 11,2008 8:39pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:no to commercial radio? not a single radio station that I listen to is a commercial station in the HD or analog sphere. Plus, don't you pay for satellite? nothing more commercial that radio you directly pay for.

do you pay for cable or satellite television?
And yes i pay, but NONE of the music stations have commercials, unlike terrestrial radio which has been totally taken over by advertisers and corporate douchebags.
[Aug 11,2008 8:51pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't listen to a single station with commericals soo... listen to better stations and you don't have to worry about that.

BTW: HD radio sounds frigging awesome. when it clicks over it's so great... but the range sucks. the rain killed it and instead of static, it fades in and out.
[Aug 11,2008 9:03pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:I don't listen to a single station with commericals soo... listen to better stations and you don't have to worry about that.

BTW: HD radio sounds frigging awesome. when it clicks over it's so great... but the range sucks. the rain killed it and instead of static, it fades in and out.

in Boston there was the Mike 93.7.....that's all. BCN,AAF,ZLX, the same shit day in day out. 95.3(whrb i think) played good shit sometimes. Out here in the mid west though, faggedabout it. There ain't shit for radio. Satellite goes out in tunnels and under long overpasses or if there's alot of tree cover, but for the most part it's solid
[Aug 11,2008 9:11pm - the_reverend ""]
I would never listen to those shitty ass station. fuck them. they are for old people who like shitty music.
[Aug 11,2008 9:12pm - the_reverend ""]
the thing I like about satellite is the DVR stuff.

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