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[Feb 11,2004 12:06pm - succubus ""]
if you get an osama game

i got an ICQ from someone i know ...

some link about an osama game...

[Feb 11,2004 12:28pm - succubus ""]

There is a new virus affecting AIM users going around, which once installed sends messages to people on your buddy lists with a message similar to:

"check this out: http://www.wgutv.com/osama_capture... "

Do not click on the link - it will attempt to install the virus on your machine.

If you think your machine may be infected, here is a link to download a fix:

[Feb 11,2004 12:29pm - JellyFish ""]
fucking osama. Hes always ruining something.
[Feb 11,2004 1:31pm - dreadkill@work  ""]
i got that im last night and clicked it, but i have a mac, so nothing happened. macs rule. yay
[Feb 11,2004 2:39pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 11,2004 2:41pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Why are MAC users always so ugly? I'M TALKING TO YOU, GEORGE!!!
[Feb 11,2004 2:53pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
"Welcome to Buddylinks.net!
February 10, 2004

We are proud to announce our latest release, The WGUTV Osama Game, "Run Saddam Run"! Help President Bush trick Osama and Saddam into working for the USA!"

Don't they know Osama and Saddam were already on US payroll...

"Our game has grown so fast that we have received some emails and phone calls asking about the nature of our flash games. Our games interact with instant messengers by promoting the game among the user's network of buddies. Please understand, our flash games are in no way a virus. We simply combine peer-to-peer, social networking, and instant messaging into one spectacular technology.

If you would like to uninstall our game, and opt out of sending messages please just contact us at support@buddylinks.net.

You can also uninstall the game in the Add/Remove Programs option in your Control Panel."

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