Minorities to be Majority by 2050[views:2555][posts:24]_______________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 9:47am - y_ddraig_goch ""] http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/08/13/census.mi...orities/index.html?iref=mpstoryview I guess us whites need to start having more babies |
_____________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 9:48am - ouchdrummer ""] what about us whites that are married to almost black south americans. Am i still allowed to have babies? Or do i need to take one for the team and sleep with some white women on the side? |
________________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:11am - y_ddraig_goch ""] yes! Honestly I don't care, as long as the spanish folk don't have some agenda to crush european culture. |
______________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:14am - ouchdrummer ""] did you read my whole post.... i was saying that if I absolutely HAVE to I will sleep with some white women to make sure there are more lil' white babies. I am third generation Irish on my moms' and my dads' sides. So i can have some really really white babies, like when they come out you get blinded for a minute. But just like me, when you put em in the sun they will burn in a matter of seconds. |
________________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:16am - thuringwethil ""] yeah, I'll bet the white pride fucks are shakin' in their boots. tough break. |
______________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:19am - ouchdrummer ""] yea. HAHA |
________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:19am - aril ""] 2050 is going to be a great year. the oceans will be high, coasts are going to be different, major cities are going to be underwater, polar bears will be extinct, and america won't exist! |
________________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:21am - ORGYMFATWORK ""] hmmm....let's see i'd be seventy, eh, i'm sure i'll have already died of a massive heart attack long before that |
______________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:21am - ouchdrummer ""] america may exist, but it will DEFINATELY not be the financial/business mecca that it once was. It will be much more of the "third world" sorta feel. |
______________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:22am - ouchdrummer ""] oh yeah, i will be dead LONG before that too, if not due to the drugs, my ever loving wife that i mention so often will have definately killed me by then. |
______________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:25am - ouchdrummer ""] WAIT EVERYONE, WAIT WAIT WAIT.... in 2012 the worlds gonna end anyways. The eschaton? Timewave Zero? Terrence Mckenna? Dont ya know? |
________________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:26am - ORGYMFATWORK ""] hahaha, yeah.....WE'RE ALLLLL GONNA DIEEEEE |
________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:27am - aril ""] 2012 will be full disclosure of the truth or humanity |
________________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:27am - thuringwethil ""] bennyhillifier still my absolute favorite Bakshi movie. |
______________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 10:40am - ouchdrummer ""] between piss and shit we are born? When lion devours both dragon and child? |
___________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 11:05am - grizloch ""] Spain isn't in Europe? |
_______________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 11:14am - the_reverend ""] Someone learned their countries in an american school I see. |
______________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 11:16am - ouchdrummer ""] Anaal Nathrahk rules, all people suck. I can prove it, give me a pad and a paper, an etch a stecth, I can show my work, the facts, the proof, the factorum. |
__________________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 12:27pm - Conservationist ""] We need fewer dipshit loser whites, and more smart ones. And then to talk openly about our preference to live among our own... http://www.pan-nationalism.org/ |
______________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 12:34pm - ouchdrummer ""] Conservationist said:We need fewer dipshit loser whites, and more smart ones. And then to talk openly about our preference to live among our own... http://www.pan-nationalism.org/ Preference to live among ones own is totally natural. Every culture does it everwhere in the world. It is only so pronounced here because of the Plethra of cultures living in this country. ( Iam agreeing with you by the way) Think about china town, federal hill in providence, the examples of communitys where the only common denomanator is race would fill this thread to the gills. Its normal, its natural, so why do people get upset about prefering it? |
__________________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 12:45pm - Conservationist ""] ouchdrummer said:Preference to live among ones own is totally natural. Every culture does it everwhere in the world. It is only so pronounced here because of the Plethra of cultures living in this country. ( Iam agreeing with you by the way) Think about china town, federal hill in providence, the examples of communitys where the only common denomanator is race would fill this thread to the gills. Its normal, its natural, so why do people get upset about prefering it? I agree. I think it's important for us all to realize that preference for one's own isn't racism, it's just pure sense. You like what you are; you want to get better at being that. I became a nationalist after conversations with a black man. He basically pointed out that most of his friends, contrary to the visions of white liberals, LIKED being black and didn't want to become white. We then moved on to discussion of different whites, which I think was as informative for him as his perspective had been for me. Race, caste, class, and specific ethnicity (southern, nords, easterns, etc) differentiate whites a lot too. "White" is a media creation. German-American is not, nor is Polish-American, Irish-American, etc. |
________________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 12:51pm - ORGYMFATWORK ""] I FULLY AGREE..... i have been called racist on many occasions because i do not find black or hispanic women sexually/physically attractive. it's not that don't ever associate with people of other races....i do it's that in most cases, blacks tend to stick together, as do hispanics, asians, indians, etc. but if a group of white people stick together (regardless if they are tied by racial/ethnic background, or just some common taste/interest) they are labelled klansman. you notice on t.v., they can have a crowd of all blacks, or all hispanics......etc, but if there is a white man in the commercial/show/program/whatever it has to br the friggin "multi-culture pals" |
______________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 12:52pm - ouchdrummer ""] The majority of people that i've met from other countries not only all feel that way, they see nothing wrong with voicing those opinions. |
______________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 12:57pm - ouchdrummer ""] ouchdrummer said:The majority of people that i've met from other countries not only all feel that way, they see nothing wrong with voicing those opinions. Obviously neither do i. I really like quoting myself. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 14,2008 1:02pm - ouchdrummer ""] and not finding a certain race attractive (thats a REAL big generaliztion, but hear me out) makes sense when you think about it... I like women with small waists, and very, very curvy bodies. IE. Most asian women do not attract me. Not that i wouldn't date one i found attractive, not that i have never seen one I was attracted to, but more to the point: Due to culture (what they eat, and how much, and how often) with their slighty different genetic makeup (obviously smaller, less curvy, again not ALWAYS, but thats why Y.Ming was such a rarity) there is a lot less of a chance for me to be into an asian girl. If this isnt a factual explanation i dont know what is.................. but i guarantee that given the correct audiance i would be deemed a racist. |