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I saw Testament, Heaven & Hell and Priest tonight

[Aug 16,2008 3:39am - goatcatalyst ""]
... then walked around the asian corridor with a raging hard-on for an hour. goodtimes.
[Aug 16,2008 3:40am - goatcatalyst ""]
*hard-on is to be hyphenated. particularly in this instance.
[Aug 16,2008 3:50am - thuringwethil ""]
you lucky skunk.

my roomates went and I stayed home drinking Knob Creek and watching I Clavdivs for the zillionth time.

Mediocre times.
[Aug 19,2008 1:50pm - porphyria  ""]
mohegan was like a military operation. I had a shoot with testament before they went on and had to get like 7 mohegan security employees involved just to get some of my equipment in. Then as I was shooting H&H a security guy said I didn't have the right color pass to shoot them so I left and talked to Priest's manager who seemed nice but still turned me down and told me to go through the office next time. I decided to just go in there and shoot anyways but anchored myself in front of Tipton's side so no one would notice. (there were fucking people with point and shoots with passes).

oh and while I was shooting priest some drunk asshole behind the barricade pushed me after telling me to get the fuck out of the way, even though I wasn't really in the way of anyone, the sub/speakers in front of me were up to my nose.

some of my pix:

[Aug 19,2008 2:21pm - oscarct ""]
missed testament, rest of the show was a good time. 4th row center
[Aug 19,2008 7:09pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
nice pics dude. testament looked like fun guys, how did they sound?

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