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Race isn't genetic

[Aug 16,2008 8:46am - Conservationist ""]
Biologists have constructed a genetic map of Europe showing the degree of relatedness between its various populations.

All the populations are quite similar, but the differences are sufficient that it should be possible to devise a forensic test to tell which country in Europe an individual probably comes from, said Manfred Kayser, a geneticist at the Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands.

[Aug 16,2008 10:22am - fleshfries nli  ""]
I always thought it was common sense that race wasn't genetic. People will do anything to put others into groups...it's just what we do I guess.
[Aug 16,2008 10:29am - fleshfries nli  ""]
Adding to that, I was watching a video once about this class. What they did was took their own DNA and compared it with other kids in the class [this was a very diverse class, might I add]. The kids were asked who they thought their DNA would be similar most to, and most kids stayed within their own racial groups. When the testing was done, most kids were wrong about who they were most similar to. For example, one of the black girls had closer DNA to a Chinese girl, and the other Chinese girl was closer to a white person.

Saying that race is genetic is ridiculous.

You could be in Georgia, and if you're 1/16 black, you're considered fully black, but if you go to Florida, you're only considered black if it's 1/8.

There's only one race and that's the human race, simply put.
[Aug 16,2008 11:01am - the_reverend ""]
people like to fuck
[Aug 16,2008 1:15pm - Conservationist ""]
...you all need to read the article...
[Aug 16,2008 1:30pm - samYam ""]

fleshfries%20nli said:Adding to that, I was watching a video once about this class. What they did was took their own DNA and compared it with other kids in the class [this was a very diverse class, might I add]. The kids were asked who they thought their DNA would be similar most to, and most kids stayed within their own racial groups. When the testing was done, most kids were wrong about who they were most similar to. For example, one of the black girls had closer DNA to a Chinese girl, and the other Chinese girl was closer to a white person.

Saying that race is genetic is ridiculous.

You could be in Georgia, and if you're 1/16 black, you're considered fully black, but if you go to Florida, you're only considered black if it's 1/8.

There's only one race and that's the human race, simply put.

[Aug 16,2008 1:56pm - Conservationist ""]

fleshfries%20nli said:Adding to that, I was watching a video once about this class. What they did was took their own DNA and compared it with other kids in the class [this was a very diverse class, might I add]. The kids were asked who they thought their DNA would be similar most to, and most kids stayed within their own racial groups. When the testing was done, most kids were wrong about who they were most similar to. For example, one of the black girls had closer DNA to a Chinese girl, and the other Chinese girl was closer to a white person.

There are many ways to compare DNA. What was the method? Loci, or statistical assessment?

SNPs add a whole new level to the game.
[Aug 16,2008 4:09pm - Cream of Sumyunguy  ""]

fleshfries%20nli said:

There's only one race and that's the human race, simply put.

yea but... like... what about niggers?
[Aug 16,2008 6:01pm - Conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:people like to fuck

...with differing results, as a drive down any american freeway will show you!

[Aug 16,2008 11:24pm - Hoser ""]

samYam said:
fleshfries%20nli said:Adding to that, I was watching a video once about this class. What they did was took their own DNA and compared it with other kids in the class [this was a very diverse class, might I add]. The kids were asked who they thought their DNA would be similar most to, and most kids stayed within their own racial groups. When the testing was done, most kids were wrong about who they were most similar to. For example, one of the black girls had closer DNA to a Chinese girl, and the other Chinese girl was closer to a white person.

Saying that race is genetic is ridiculous.

You could be in Georgia, and if you're 1/16 black, you're considered fully black, but if you go to Florida, you're only considered black if it's 1/8.

There's only one race and that's the human race, simply put.


samYam...you have no heart or allegiance. You are yet another liberal democratic sore on the ass of humanity. Grow up....and when you do, your opinions will actually have a crumb od crdibility. Until then, continue experimenting with drugs and gay sex. While you're at it, do the world a favor and shut your fucking hippy mouth.
[Aug 17,2008 2:36am - sean ""]
Is watching the Olympics making anyone else more of a racist? I usually judge ppl on character and other non-race characteristics, but damn watching these games I find a strong Aryan pride welling up. Fuck these Chinese gymnasts. I don't know how they can say the games are about unity. I've never felt more nationalistic than when I'm watching the Olympics.
[Aug 17,2008 8:27am - samYam ""]

Hoser said:
samYam said:
fleshfries%20nli said:Adding to that, I was watching a video once about this class. What they did was took their own DNA and compared it with other kids in the class [this was a very diverse class, might I add]. The kids were asked who they thought their DNA would be similar most to, and most kids stayed within their own racial groups. When the testing was done, most kids were wrong about who they were most similar to. For example, one of the black girls had closer DNA to a Chinese girl, and the other Chinese girl was closer to a white person.

Saying that race is genetic is ridiculous.

You could be in Georgia, and if you're 1/16 black, you're considered fully black, but if you go to Florida, you're only considered black if it's 1/8.

There's only one race and that's the human race, simply put.


samYam...you have no heart or allegiance. You are yet another liberal democratic sore on the ass of humanity. Grow up....and when you do, your opinions will actually have a crumb od crdibility. Until then, continue experimenting with drugs and gay sex. While you're at it, do the world a favor and shut your fucking hippy mouth.

Hoser, I'll speak slow for you so your neanderthal like brain can understand...

I am not a democrat, or liberal for that matter. While I hate to admit it, I actually voted for Bush, twice. I'll never make that mistake again!

Obviously your idea of maturity is a bit skewed, telling me "shut your fucking hippy mouth" kind of says "hey maybe I should grow up and lay off the booze so my brain has time to clear up and my eyes can actually see the world outside of the woods."

And when you speak of allegiances, how so? Because I believe every human should be treated the same that means I have no allegiances or heart? I think it's you pal who need to step back and re-evaluate things.
[Aug 17,2008 9:53am - Conservationist ""]

samYam said:Hoser, I'll speak slow for you so your neanderthal like brain can understand...



[Aug 17,2008 10:29am - samYam ""]
it might be racist if it weren't the fact I am of the same "race" as he is.
[Aug 17,2008 10:45am - Conservationist ""]
No, it's racist against Neanderthals.


"Hoser, I'll speak slow for you so your African-like brain can understand..."

Admit it, you're a total fucking racist. Neanderthals were humans, too, and could interbreed with modern humans. You just don't like them because their hair color was different.

You fucking racist.

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