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Smiley Face

[Aug 19,2008 8:08pm - succubus ""]
is tonight's rental..


[Aug 19,2008 8:27pm - succubus ""]
since it's about pot i figured people here would have seen it
[Aug 20,2008 8:16am - succubus ""]
[Aug 20,2008 8:55am - the_reverend ""]
you aren't renting any of the movies that I wanted.
[Aug 20,2008 9:12am - succubus ""]
well there is tonight....and john k is in smiley face so i thought perhaps you might want to see it
[Aug 21,2008 10:43am - Yeti ""]
i just pick up that card wit da smiley face
call him over to ma place
[Aug 21,2008 12:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this movie is fuckin awesome. loved it

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