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pot luck wedding

[Aug 25,2008 10:43am - ouchdrummer ""]
yah, i went to a pot wedding on saturday. No booze, no food, no entertainment, wow. lamest wedding ever. It wasnt in fall river either. These people are from MEDFIELD and still they couldnt afford at least a keg? Come on. My weed did the job for the afternoon, but it was still the lamest wedding ever. Well, maybe, anyone got any humerous matramony stories?
[Aug 25,2008 10:58am - C.DEaD  ""]
Wait, was it some Indian wedding? I hear they don't do shit at theirs.
[Aug 25,2008 11:04am - GoatCatalyst ""]
Hmm... you'd think they'd have a vision quest or smoke em peacepipe and shake their asses like dancing buffalo at an Indian wedding. Or even some of that Ahayusca juice that Mr. Ouch is always talkin bout. Bummer.
[Aug 25,2008 11:05am - largefreakatzero ""]
My "wedding" --
Attendees: Me, my wife-to-be, Justice of the Peace, several ducks, geese and dogs in the JOP's backyard.
Ceremony: took 10 minutes
After-party: a nap

The moral: don't spend money on a wedding, save it for something that's lasting -- like a house.
[Aug 25,2008 11:25am - C.DEaD  ""]

GoatCatalyst said:Hmm... you'd think they'd have a vision quest or smoke em peacepipe and shake their asses like dancing buffalo at an Indian wedding. Or even some of that Ahayusca juice that Mr. Ouch is always talkin bout. Bummer.

hah, YOU R RACSIT!!!@!!!! I mean Dot head Indian, not "Hey how are ya" Indian!!!!

[Aug 25,2008 11:43am - scmfck  ""]
i was in a wedding 3 weeks ago where the bride and groom were both 2 hours late. It just got worse from there on. The reception was at like a polish club or something so at least i got to get shitfaced for cheap money.
[Aug 25,2008 11:51am - markfuckingrichards ""]
I have never been to a single wedding, but I did go to a reception for Dave Maggot's brother's wedding 2 weeks ago. MSD and I exchanged vows there too, hahaha.
[Aug 25,2008 12:05pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 25,2008 12:49pm - ouchdrummer ""]
italian-irish people. the whole family was very angry at the lack of booze. i on the other hand had stuff to keep myself entertained.
[Aug 25,2008 5:16pm - ellesarusrex ""]
girl i used to work with got married by elvis on the beach in marshfield.. ultimately the most annoying/boring wedding ever.. but that ould of been bc i attended it a week after i quit my job. a buncha squeebs.
[Aug 25,2008 11:56pm - ScumFuck ""]
at that last wedding i was at they were married by a guy who wore a single silver glove and quoted michael jackson...kinda rediculous
[Aug 26,2008 2:05am - Samantha ""]
I once went to a wedding that took place in a local park that is commonly a white trash family destination. It was informal. People were wearing shorts and t-shirts. There was a pot luck barbecue after. It was also BYOB, and people brought BOXES of wine and cases of cheap beer to share. People were drinking beer, eating hot dogs, and playing volley ball. It was weird.

The real kicker was when the bride walked down the aisle. Instead of "Here Comes the Bride", they played an Air Supply song. The moment I heard Air Supply, I had to crouch down and cover my mouth to prevent myself from committing the social faux pas of bursting out laughing during someone's wedding.
[Aug 26,2008 2:18am - Martins ""]
Wait wait wait wait wait wait.


Also, I had to go to a wedding in Harwich yesterday. Didn't know anyone. Got free food. Left.
[Aug 26,2008 8:00am - ouchdrummer ""]
my little sister got married in may, my brother in law is the only person i know dorcier than i am. They played the imperial march during the garder toss, and had shout-outs to harry potter/jedi/& the force during the ceremony. (Allthough everyone was dressed normally and everything else was quite classy)

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