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did somebody say Obama was not qualified for his position ?

[Aug 30,2008 8:01pm - Monster_Island ""]
what the fuck is this ? :spineyes:

[Aug 30,2008 8:10pm - Martins ""]
A really loud guy yelling at some MILF slut.
[Aug 30,2008 8:11pm - SkinSandwich ""]
She wants my genitals about her face area.
[Aug 30,2008 8:14pm - samYam ""]
This is the person, if in the event John McCain has a fatal bout with cancer, will run our country. Didn't you know that? Supposedly her two years of governership in Alaska of all places, makes her qualified to be our President. Yet she doesn't know what the VP does? Good job McCain!
[Aug 30,2008 8:18pm - handinjury ""]
Gov of alaska..........whatever bookworm bitch.
[Aug 30,2008 8:22pm - zyklon ""]
I heard she posed naked, God I'd love to see her wrinkled pussy
[Aug 30,2008 8:55pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
STUUUUUUUUUUPID LIIIIIIIIIIIBERALS, this woman has moar EXECUTIVE experience (1.5 years in a state with a population slightly larger than Baltimore proper) than Obama and Biden (and McCain, but don't mention that) combined!!!!1!!~~!!!!1!1!!!!
[Aug 30,2008 8:56pm - the_reverend ""]
um... what? have you ever seen a pussy before? all pussies are wrinkley. look it up in the dictionary. it will say first off that they are all wrinkley.
[Aug 30,2008 8:59pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Ok, seriously, did anyone else not notice that this is totally an attempt to open up Alaskan Oil Drilling if McCain is president?? I mean come on people, open your eyes!! HER HUSBAND IS INVOLVED WITH ALASKAN OIL AND THE REPUBLICANS JUST DISCUSSED THIS AS A PRIMARY ISSUE FOR THEIR PARTY THIS UPCOMING TERM!!
[Aug 30,2008 9:08pm - samYam ""]
TOC: the problem is people don't want to see that, they think Republicans can help in a failing economy, a war that is totally unnecessary and has killed over 4,000 of our troops, a plummeting housing market (actually it's already plummeted, but continues to get worse), record unemployment, etc, etc... I guess noone has noticed for the past 8 years a Republican is the one that has done this to us, I don't know how John McCain (a Republican) can help. Because he won't, he's voted with Bush 90% of the time, we aren't getting anything new out of John McCain.

This isn't an endorsement for any candidate, just the fact I refuse to vote for John McCain. I'd rather vote for Ronald McDonlad.
[Aug 30,2008 9:09pm - zyklon ""]

the_reverend said:um... what? have you ever seen a pussy before? all pussies are wrinkley. look it up in the dictionary. it will say first off that they are all wrinkley.

I guess you have a hard time understanding sarcasm, do i really have to explain myself to you? come the fuck on!!!!!!
[Aug 30,2008 9:11pm - zyklon ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:STUUUUUUUUUUPID LIIIIIIIIIIIBERALS, this woman has moar EXECUTIVE experience (1.5 years in a state with a population slightly larger than Baltimore proper) than Obama and Biden (and McCain, but don't mention that) combined!!!!1!!~~!!!!1!1!!!!

If that senile motherfucker dies do you really want this milf to be your commander in chief?? she doesn't even care about the wars, gimme a fucking break
[Aug 30,2008 9:12pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

zyklon said:
BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:STUUUUUUUUUUPID LIIIIIIIIIIIBERALS, this woman has moar EXECUTIVE experience (1.5 years in a state with a population slightly larger than Baltimore proper) than Obama and Biden (and McCain, but don't mention that) combined!!!!1!!~~!!!!1!1!!!!

If that senile motherfucker dies do you really want this milf to be your commander in chief?? she doesn't even care about the wars, gimme a fucking break

I guess you have a hard time understanding sarcasm, do i really have to explain myself to you? come the fuck on!!!!!!
[Aug 30,2008 9:13pm - zyklon ""]
Fuck you motherfucker!
[Aug 30,2008 9:14pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

zyklon said:Fuck you motherfucker!

[Aug 30,2008 9:15pm - zyklon ""]
[Aug 30,2008 9:18pm - rustyps ""]
I like her because she hasn't blindly gone with every Republican stance like pretty much every politican. That doesn't mean I agree with her, or vote for McCain because of her, but he could've done worse.
[Aug 30,2008 9:49pm - Conservationist ""]
She seems principled.

She's open-minded -- even spoke well of Obama.

She's Conservative, yes, but more likely the dogmatic kind and less of the money-grubbing kind.

Time will tell.

Obama has no experience. He's the result of social affirmative action -- "a BLACK candidate, how cute! vote up!!11!"
[Aug 30,2008 9:57pm - samYam ""]
* She was elected Alaska's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage of 9000 people! She has no foreign policy experience.

* Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest. (very open minded eh?)

* She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.

* Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.

* She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.

* She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.

* How closely did John McCain vet this choice? He met Sarah Palin once at a meeting. They spoke a second time, last Sunday, when he called her about being vice-president. Then he offered her the position.
[Aug 30,2008 9:57pm - Monster_Island ""]


$5,000,000.00 just in come ???
[Sep 1,2008 12:02am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 1,2008 4:17am - thegreatspaldino ""]

Conservationist said:

Obama has no experience. He's the result of social affirmative action -- "a BLACK candidate, how cute! vote up!!11!"

that is not what its about. he is HALF black and HALF white anyway. if you had two guys offering to fix your car, one black and one white, the black guy was more qualified to do the job, who would you pick? i mean, its a fucking skin color. anyone focusing on the fact that he is half black is a straight-up retard. i could really care less about politics, but come on. this isnt 1940, we arent lynching niggers. its 2008, get a fucking clue.
[Sep 1,2008 6:49am - guy  ""]
to say that his being black isnt an issue is being dishonest
[Sep 1,2008 7:39am - Conservationist ""]

thegreatspaldino said:
Conservationist said:

Obama has no experience. He's the result of social affirmative action -- "a BLACK candidate, how cute! vote up!!11!"

that is not what its about. he is HALF black and HALF white anyway. if you had two guys offering to fix your car, one black and one white, the black guy was more qualified to do the job, who would you pick? i mean, its a fucking skin color. anyone focusing on the fact that he is half black is a straight-up retard. i could really care less about politics, but come on. this isnt 1940, we arent lynching niggers. its 2008, get a fucking clue.

Yes, because the passage of time changes truth, right?

Ethnopluralism never works.

If there were only two guys qualified to fix my car, I'd move.

Obama is the darling of the left because he is half-black, not because he has any ideas, which creates a weird delusional feel-good cult of which no good will come.

Like Clinton, he's a public relations master -- mainly at hiding his ill deeds.
[Sep 1,2008 7:52am - thegreatspaldino ""]

Conservationist said:

If there were only two guys qualified to fix my car, I'd move.

funny that you mention that... thats pretty much how i feel and if i had a lot more money, i would.
[Sep 1,2008 7:54am - Conservationist ""]

thegreatspaldino said:funny that you mention that... thats pretty much how i feel and if i had a lot more money, i would.

I have been in that type of situation, and it really sucks.

You hand over your money expecting something bad...

In fact, it's better a town has only 1 guy qualified to fix a car than only two. At least with the 1, all focus becomes on getting that guy to toe the line. With two there's the illusion of "competition" but not the actuality.

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