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I'm posting from Google Chrome

[Sep 2,2008 3:21pm - brian_dc ""]
I need AdBlock or some equivalent. But I could see this taking off
[Sep 2,2008 3:23pm - aril  ""]
better than or similar to firefox?
[Sep 2,2008 3:25pm - brian_dc ""]
smoother layout. seems very quick

I just need my fancy addons...I'm sure they'll come up with superior ones though. I think it's going to be better, but not yet.
[Sep 2,2008 3:26pm - aril  ""]
dude, it's google. they'll come up with amazing addons.
[Sep 2,2008 3:26pm - mOe ""]

brian_dc said:smoother layout. seems very quick

I just need my fancy addons...I'm sure they'll come up with superior ones though. I think it's going to be better, but not yet.

well when it is gimmie a ring, i'll give a fuck
[Sep 2,2008 3:27pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
I'm just giving it a testrun as well. But yeah, it definitely seems pretty quick.
[Sep 2,2008 3:27pm - brian_dc ""]
[Sep 2,2008 3:26pm - aril ]
dude, it's google. they'll come up with amazing addons.

that's what I'm saying
[Sep 2,2008 3:29pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 2,2008 3:34pm - the_reverend ""]
huh.. not bad at all.
though none of my nice FF3 plug ins.
very light weight.
[Sep 2,2008 3:41pm - the_reverend ""]
no RSS um.. what?
[Sep 2,2008 3:41pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah...I rely heavily on my awesome addons. Autocopy is crucial for me at work.

gmail manager isn't there

AdBlock...that's the big thing...I can't be seeing all sorts of ads all over the place

The "Incognito Window" feature is cool for work.
[Sep 2,2008 3:42pm - brian_dc ""]
it's google...they'll get all this figured out

I bet the addons are going to be intense
[Sep 2,2008 3:42pm - sinistas ""]
yeah, this is amazing thus far - I don't use a whole lot of add-ons, so it's not like anything is drastically different except the speed. oh yes, the speed.
[Sep 2,2008 3:45pm - Martins ""]
Do they only have it available for Windows? :(
[Sep 2,2008 3:46pm - aril  ""]
Chrome is kind of a dumb name, though.
[Sep 2,2008 3:47pm - the_reverend ""]
yes, cause anything else is faggodelic.
[Sep 2,2008 3:50pm - brian_dc ""]
it's got it's own task manager

that's neat
[Sep 2,2008 4:05pm - the_reverend ""]
weird... my fonts in firefox look different now...
[Sep 2,2008 4:12pm - Conservationist ""]
All I can think about is the VNV nation song. Fjuck
[Sep 2,2008 5:15pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
google chrome inexorably equals:

[Sep 2,2008 10:14pm - ellesarusrex ""]
i dont know anything about this stuff but my new comp needs to run as smooth as my old comp that was taylored for me,. work it our comp nerds someone set my lappy up nice.
[Sep 2,2008 10:17pm - the_reverend ""]
does any body feel the way I do? is there anyone out there? are you hearing me?
[Sep 3,2008 12:12am - Conservationist ""]
<3 Faggots.

[Sep 4,2008 3:29pm - dertoxia ""]
they already changed that section of the EULA. i guess google uses a generic eula for all their apps and sometimes certain sections don't really fit well. they rewrote that to basically say you retain all copyrights to anything you do within chrome.
[Sep 5,2008 3:31pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

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