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"Don't Talk to the Police" by Professor James Duane

[Sep 2,2008 5:00pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 2,2008 7:42pm - Hoser ""]
Great post. Good shit.
[Sep 2,2008 7:46pm - the_reverend ""]
I started watching but will finish later
[Sep 2,2008 7:48pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Sep 2,2008 8:01pm - Hoser ""]

the_reverend said:I started watching but will finish later

I just finished the series. It's about an hour long, but really informative. Great Libertarian fuel. On a more serious note, thanks Rev. It was pretty fucking cool.
[Sep 2,2008 8:40pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, that guy sounds like kucinich
[Sep 2,2008 8:57pm - Hoser ""]
Kucinich is a nazi.....this guy has a brain and is more right wing than Kucinich could ever dream to be.
[Sep 2,2008 8:58pm - Hoser ""]
But holy shit...great post.

[Sep 2,2008 9:05pm - the_reverend ""]
I wouldn't say that guy is rightwing. an extreme lefty could say the same thing. this dude is a smart cookie with some good advice. kucinich is also far from a nazi. mazi/facists's are right wing. commies/anarchists are left wing. you could call kucinich a commie, but not a nazi. ron paul is closer to a nazi than kucinich.

I can't wait to listen to the rest of this
[Sep 12,2008 5:30am - duanegoldstein ""]
ah I watched this yesterday fukin excellent.
[Sep 12,2008 7:06am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, been meaning to bump this. I must also say that I really do repect police that do their job in the spirit of the law not the letter of the law. like when im in a bad neighborhood in albany and a cop drives by every 3 minutes or the cops at the palladium who put the freak of god in some people but rarely arrest anyone. those dudes rule.
[Sep 12,2008 8:35am - ouchdrummer ""]
good videos
[Sep 12,2008 9:11am - Conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:y I must also say that I really do repect police that do their job in the spirit of the law not the letter of the law. like when im in a bad neighborhood in albany and a cop drives by every 3 minutes or the cops at the palladium who put the freak of god in some people but rarely arrest anyone. those dudes rule.

Me too. Anarchy doesn't work.

Part of what's ruined the modern police force is that we've made it a business... confiscate for cash, write tickets for cash.
[Jan 12,2010 11:08am - ouchdrummer ""]
remember this folks, it's very important.

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