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the shield: final season starts tonight at 10

[Sep 2,2008 8:46pm - dreadkill ""]
my favorite show is back for its final season. who tuning in tonight?
[Sep 2,2008 11:12pm - Boine(nli)  ""]
good shit pumped for this season
[Sep 3,2008 1:27am - This_Is_Heresy_nli  ""]
Its off to a damn good start!
[Sep 3,2008 10:25am - oscarct ""]
I have yet to see a single episode of this show. I need to pick up the first season on dvd.
[Sep 3,2008 10:29am - RustyPS ""]

oscarct said:I have yet to see a single episode of this show. I need to pick up the first season on dvd.

You need to pick up all the seasons on DVD. Best show EVER!

....and last night's episode was great. Not to say Season 6 was bad, because it wasn't (in fact, after watching it again, it was better than I remembered), but any little doubts I had about this season because Season 6 wasn't the best season were squashed in the first scene. Great episode.
[Sep 5,2008 10:03am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
The Wire > The Shield, although The Shield is still awesome.
[Sep 5,2008 10:05am - aril  ""]
what's the show about? I rarely watch anything outside of the history channel or PBS kids now (2.5 year old)
[Sep 5,2008 10:20am - RustyPS ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:The Wire > The Shield, although The Shield is still awesome.

See, I tried to start watching The Wire Season 1, and about 4 or 5 episodes in, I just lost interest. I'll definitely give it another shot, but I don't know.
[Sep 5,2008 10:28am - RustyPS ""]

aril said:what's the show about? I rarely watch anything outside of the history channel or PBS kids now (2.5 year old)

[Sep 5,2008 11:59am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

RustyPS said:
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:The Wire > The Shield, although The Shield is still awesome.

See, I tried to start watching The Wire Season 1, and about 4 or 5 episodes in, I just lost interest. I'll definitely give it another shot, but I don't know.

That's where it starts getting good. The Wire is very very slow to start, but after that it gets downright amazing. Seriously one of the best (if not the) shows on tv.

I will back this up by burning copies of all seasons for whoever is interested haha.
[Sep 5,2008 12:48pm - RustyPS ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:
RustyPS said:
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:The Wire > The Shield, although The Shield is still awesome.

See, I tried to start watching The Wire Season 1, and about 4 or 5 episodes in, I just lost interest. I'll definitely give it another shot, but I don't know.

That's where it starts getting good. The Wire is very very slow to start, but after that it gets downright amazing. Seriously one of the best (if not the) shows on tv.

I will back this up by burning copies of all seasons for whoever is interested haha.

I'll take you up on that lol.
[Sep 9,2008 11:27am - RustyPS ""]
Episode 2 TONIGHT!
[Nov 25,2008 10:19pm - boine ""]
series finale tonight anybody else watching?
[Nov 26,2008 8:22am - RustyPS ""]
watched the finale...thought it was very good

I felt the end was fitting for the show, although I'm somewhat disappointed that Vic and Shane didn't have one final face-to-face encounter (even though their phone conversation was one of the best scenes the show ever had). I also expected much more action, but as far as making absolute sense, being unpredictable, ahd having an actual definitive end, I say they get an A.
[Nov 26,2008 9:27am - oscarct ""]
ive never seen this show. need to pick up season 1.
[Nov 26,2008 9:56am - dreadkill ""]

RustyPS said:watched the finale...thought it was very good

I felt the end was fitting for the show, although I'm somewhat disappointed that Vic and Shane didn't have one final face-to-face encounter (even though their phone conversation was one of the best scenes the show ever had). I also expected much more action, but as far as making absolute sense, being unpredictable, ahd having an actual definitive end, I say they get an A.

i agree. i thought the finale was amazing. i'm happy they didn't go with all the predictable scenarios. i felt bad for ronny. the look on shane's face after the phone conversation with vic was great. walton goggins is an excellent actor, probably the best on the show. i'd go into more detail about the episode, but i don't want to ruin it for any fans of the show who haven't seen the episode yet.

RIP to my favorite show of all time.
[Nov 26,2008 10:06am - RustyPS ""]

oscarct said:ive never seen this show. need to pick up season 1.

[Nov 26,2008 11:29am - This_Is_Heresy ""]

dreadkill said:

RIP to my favorite show of all time.

Mine too my man. RIP indeed. I went to bed last night feeling like an old friend had just died.

But as for the episode... Amazing.

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