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Role Call: September 4th Metal Thursday

[Sep 3,2008 10:18am - BenFo ""]
Who be goin? :doublehorns:
[Sep 3,2008 1:50pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
Uhhh, me.
[Sep 3,2008 1:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
who be playin
[Sep 3,2008 4:04pm - benfo ""]
Black Trip
Blood of the Gods
Withered Sun
The Pathos of Clytemnestra

A thrash / melodic death show. Good times.
[Sep 3,2008 4:10pm - blue ""]
RPG call?
[Sep 3,2008 4:13pm - W3 nli  ""]
i'd like to see Blood of the Gods but if i was still here in mass tomorrow night id def be going to OBs
[Sep 3,2008 6:57pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]

blue said:RPG call?


We'll see if anyone here can roll a d20 to avoid "queer" and show up to see us.
[Sep 3,2008 9:14pm - BenFo ""]

W3%20nli said:i'd like to see Blood of the Gods but if i was still here in mass tomorrow night id def be going to OBs

:( At least you're honest.
[Sep 3,2008 9:16pm - BenFo ""]

blue said:RPG call?

I always thought it was role. I has been pwned.

[Sep 4,2008 6:36pm - Samantha ""]
I'm supposed to be vacationing in Vermont right now, but since my car is still in the shop (damn it), I'm stuck in Worcester. Metal Thursday! Whoo!
[Sep 4,2008 6:56pm - the_reverend ""]
imma down in boston. sorry

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