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Bush nominated for Nobel Peace Prizze

[Feb 13,2004 10:53pm - Kalopsia ""]

um...... correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't Bush start a war with Iraq???
[Feb 13,2004 11:11pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
this is one of those things that remind of how lame the general populous of the earth really is.
[Feb 14,2004 5:13am - the_reverend ""]
I think that if you wage war for peace, you can win one of these things.
[Feb 14,2004 7:47am - Kalopsia ""]
you know i once saw on a shirt that said "fighting for peace is like having sex for virginity." and considering bush STARTED the war with Iraq, when they were doing nothing to us (and still aren't since we have found NO weapons of mass destruction). if he's nominated, u might as well nominate hitler for the prize as well
[Feb 14,2004 8:38am - joostin ""]
[Feb 14,2004 9:26am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Go ahead, take Hitler's side...
[Feb 14,2004 6:21pm - retzam ""]
Kalopsia said:you know i once saw on a shirt that said "fighting for peace is like having sex for virginity." and considering bush STARTED the war with Iraq, when they were doing nothing to us (and still aren't since we have found NO weapons of mass destruction). if he's nominated, u might as well nominate hitler for the prize as well

Well, Saddam was doing some pretty nasty stuff. But this whole thing is one of the biggest paradoxes I have ever heard of.
[Feb 14,2004 8:45pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
let me correct you....
The UN started a war between Iraq and the US.

[Feb 14,2004 9:10pm - Hoser ""]
Sometimes it takes war to create peace, ladies and gentlemen. As a former US Marine, I can tell you that it's no fun....but if it weren't for war, you'd all be speaking German.
Remove the blinders from your Hippy eyes....and you'd see that.
You all have no idea what some of the citizens of these countries have been through, instead you sit here, basking under the umbrella of security that this country provides you, and bitch about how violent and fucked up that war is, and how fucked up your countries leaders are. So until your government starts taking your fathers and uncles "away", shut the fuck up and think about how lucky you are to have a great country with great and strong leaders. Bush is an American, and the leader of the most powerful country in the world. We fought for the rights and freedoms that allow you all to sit back and whine about your countries leaders without getting your throats slit for it. So "until you have grabbed a rifle and stood a post" Shut the fuck up. War is what gave you the freedom of speech, the freedom to vote, and the freedom of religion and race that you all bitch about. To argue against a war that will suppress a tyrants' ability to take the freedoms that we have earned, and the freedoms that the rest of the world deserves, is a hypocritical argument on your part. Take the freedoms that your fore-fathers have paid the ultimate price to gain and preserve, and find happiness in them. I would certainly fight again, as I did in Somalia, Iraq, Liberia, and Haiti; to spread the peace and tranquility that I feel being an American everyday, to those in countries led by power hungry dictators who kill and oppress their own citizens, to gain power. Do not take for granted what this country provides you. To do so would make the sacrifices that our veterans and war dead have made to their country and citizens, sacrifices made in vain.

God Bless America
God Bless our Veterans
[Feb 14,2004 9:20pm - the_reverend ""]
um... Ich kann' Deutsch sprechen....
Was macht's mich?
[Feb 14,2004 9:22pm - swamplorddvm ""]
If god were real, amarica would definetly NOT be blessed. (opinion) And if war never existed... well we wouldn't know what language we would be speaking. WWII was not the first war. Bush is a tool and so is his father.
PEACE!!! (I realize how unrealistic it sounds, but peace is what i'd preffer.)
[Feb 14,2004 9:26pm - the_reverend ""]
wasn't somalia run by warlords?
and haiti by a group that coup de'tat'd aristide?
though the other two had dictators.. um.. taylor and iraq had some guy.
[Feb 14,2004 9:37pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Let's not forget pinochet. from Chile.
[Feb 14,2004 10:51pm - Kalopsia ""]
Hoser said:Sometimes it takes war to create peace, ladies and gentlemen. As a former US Marine, I can tell you that it's no fun....but if it weren't for war, you'd all be speaking German.
Remove the blinders from your Hippy eyes....and you'd see that.
You all have no idea what some of the citizens of these countries have been through, instead you sit here, basking under the umbrella of security that this country provides you, and bitch about how violent and fucked up that war is, and how fucked up your countries leaders are. So until your government starts taking your fathers and uncles "away", shut the fuck up and think about how lucky you are to have a great country with great and strong leaders. Bush is an American, and the leader of the most powerful country in the world. We fought for the rights and freedoms that allow you all to sit back and whine about your countries leaders without getting your throats slit for it. So "until you have grabbed a rifle and stood a post" Shut the fuck up. War is what gave you the freedom of speech, the freedom to vote, and the freedom of religion and race that you all bitch about. To argue against a war that will suppress a tyrants' ability to take the freedoms that we have earned, and the freedoms that the rest of the world deserves, is a hypocritical argument on your part. Take the freedoms that your fore-fathers have paid the ultimate price to gain and preserve, and find happiness in them. I would certainly fight again, as I did in Somalia, Iraq, Liberia, and Haiti; to spread the peace and tranquility that I feel being an American everyday, to those in countries led by power hungry dictators who kill and oppress their own citizens, to gain power. Do not take for granted what this country provides you. To do so would make the sacrifices that our veterans and war dead have made to their country and citizens, sacrifices made in vain.

God Bless America
God Bless our Veterans

BUSH IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!! this country has been free long before bush was fucking born. i'm so fucking sick of bush supporters saying that shit. World War 2 was completely different than Iraq. in WW2, we were attacked. Iraq did not attack us, terrorists from afghanistan did. there was this whole thing about osama and the taliban ect. and then out of nowhere, IRAQ!!!!! completely from left field. bush stating that saddam is threatening our safety with the production of biological weapons and they still have not been found!!!!!!! so like i said before, BUSH STARTED THE WAR. he was not defending shit, just finshing what his father started. i do not hate America. i love this country, i just hate the guy controlling it. i think bush is a fucking moron. i mean he was a coke head in college. he was a failure until he was 40 years old. that is not someone i want leading the world's strongest army!!!!!! i hate to break it to you hoser but this war with iraq had nothing to do with our freedom. it had to do with oil, that's the bottom line. i have the ut-most respect for our soldiers. i have the ut-most disrespect for the men in charge of those soldiers.

[Feb 14,2004 11:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
I think it's great that the media is currently dismantling his image, it pissed me off the way everyone hated Clinton. bush's record of foul play is off the charts.
[Feb 14,2004 11:17pm - the_reverend ""]
I hate bush.
clinton rocks cause he got loats of head.
[Feb 15,2004 12:57am - Hoser ""]
I agree with the Rev on the head deal and Clinton, because head rules. However, I have to disagree with anyone who hates Bush. Think about it...if this were a question of absolute power, we would be a monarchy. Also, he was voted in by the majority (and don't give me any shit about the vote being fucked up...he won fair and square so quit being a whining pussy and suck it up.) Most of all, do you really think that a bunch of assholes on a metal site know more about how to run an entire country than the U.S Gov't?? If you believe that you do know more, you are an egomaniacal, misguided, douchebag kid and don't deserve to breathe my air. Iraq was hardly about oil, asshole. Keep sucking in the puke that the Liberal Democratic media feeds you. Saddam Hussein was responsible for the mass slaughter of THOUSANDS of Kurds you fucking IDIOT. I'll bet that you'd feel differently if your mother, or brother was GASSED TO DEATH by that fucking psycho. I was against the war at the beginning as well because I don't think that any foreign fucking problem is worth one AMERICAN LIFE. However, once we commit to go to war, I want our boys to go in and FUCKING DESTROY our enemy with NO REGARD for them or their fucking SHIT-ASSED existence. They have no regard for your existence you self-righteous moron. Like I said before..."until you grab a rifle and stand a post"...SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER. The Iraqi regime would have burnt, raped, and skull-fucked you family if they were given the opportunity. So again, like I said before, just bask under the umbrella of peace, freedom, and tranquility that BUSH and his Armed forces provides you, and do the rest of us a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU DON'T KNOW OR UNDERSTAND ANYTHING. AND YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING. Support your country and it's elected leaders and quit your infantile whining, because nobody cares (ESPECIALLY WE VETERANS) what the hell you think. Enjoy your freedom, and freedom to whine...I lost a good friend of mine in Somalia so that you could do so. By the way, REV....you are right about those countries being ruled by warlords....warlords who starved the people of those countries TO DEATH. Thank God that we had the balls to help. Even when the UN wouldn't. And just for the record, Clinton was responsible for that abortion of an operation in Somalia that left 17 of my brothers in arms, and your fellow Americans DEAD, because he wouldn't push the U.N to help with a fully armed and combat ready force. Instead he decided to send a single Marine unit and a single Army Ranger unit in ALONE, against insurmountable odds.....all the capture one dumb dictator asshole, and we, as a country, suffered more losses in one day than we have in any operation since Vietnam. Now again....how smart and wonderful was Clinton? I lost my roommate and best friend in that shithole country all because some asshole in Washington didn't want to "start a war" to get one guy, yet at the same time we suffer more losses in one day of battle than any war since VIETFUCKINGNAM. By the way, I was the one lucky enough to have to hand the flag that covered his casket to his mother. He was 19 years old.
His name was Brandon Murley. 2/2 Echo Co. 2Mar Div. Camp Lejeune, NC.
God Bless him.

This is the last I post about this.....stop the fucking whining, you know NOTHING.
[Feb 15,2004 1:13am - the_reverend ""]
actually, bush lost the majority and won the electoral college.
[Feb 15,2004 1:13am - the_reverend ""]
ps: head rules!
[Feb 15,2004 1:16am - the_reverend ""]
pps: vietnam lost something like 500 soldiers per month with 4x that in injuries.
Iraq has a 1 to 8 injured to death rate... so for ever 1 person you hear about dead, there are 8 people injured.
[Feb 15,2004 1:19am - Kalopsia ""]
funny, i didn't know it was your air to breathe. back in the early 90's, yes, invading iraq was all about how saddam was treating his countrymen. wait a second, if i recall, bush senior stopped us from going into iraq at that time. come to recent days, i haven't heard one fucking thing about him torturing and killing innocent ppl these days. i am in no way saying i support saddam, but it seems like he wasn't doing anything and then junior comes along and decides to finish what daddy started. i'm not whining about the vote u shit. bush did win fare and square, that doesn't mean i have to agree with it. from what i've heard, i think it was a righteous decision to go into somalia. i think it was righteous to stop iraq from taking over kuwait back in what was it 92? i DO NOT feel this war is righteous. get that through your fucking skull. don't think that just because i hate bush that i think exactly the same as everyone else does. ok, so bush claims we invade iraq in order to capture saddam. over 500 american soldiers and countless iraqi's have died for the capture of this one man, who so far has not been found guilty of producing WMD which bush GUARENTEED us he was doing. does that seem right to you? i definately believe that at times, war is the final option. but this war was not one of those times. plain and simple. oh, and YOU don't give a shit about my opinions, don't speak for everyone else. think about this. if "asshole" clinton did want to go to war with somalia, chances are, we'd have lost a lot more men than 19 in that one day. and while some cokehead like bush is still in power, the only way i would pick up a rifle and defend my country is if it was invaded, like Normandy of 1942. until then, i'm not gonna be one of his pawns. remember, i respect soldiers whole-heartidly. i just feel their commander and chief is leading them into a pointless battlefield.

one final comment because i keep finding points you make that i can contradict. when we first invaded last year, we said "no no no we don't want the oil, that's not why we're here." a couple months later we are negotiating with the UN about controlling the oil. odd, wouldn't u say?
[Feb 15,2004 1:38am - the_reverend ""]
its not all about oil...
it's about some small dick thing that GWB has got going on... and oil.
GWB was planning to attack iraq in sept 1999, before he was elected.

Also, the gas that poured down on the kurds was allowed to passed by bush senior. this was cause he DIDN'T want to go to bagdad.

to quote negrodamus
"negrodamus, why is bush so sure that saddam has WDM's?" asked some bitch
"cause he has the recipt" replied negrodamus.
[Feb 15,2004 1:42am - swamplorddvm ""]
This country can care less about the people in other countries. Like Chile, "we" helped put pinochet in power. He had the millitary kill the president at the time, and then had a shit load of innocent people killed that did not agree with him. The U.S. did NOTHING to stop him, WHY??? Because that son of a bitch general made "us" alittle more money. I'm sorry but generaly our country cares about $$$. Always have. I don't hate this country but I'm not gonna ignore what our "leaders" have done to make our arrogant asses comfortable. We only get in serious wars when it can make those fat greedy shmucks some money. And hoser, you "served" our country. I hope you didn't actually fall for all that bull shit they fed you in the millitary.
[Feb 15,2004 1:53am - the_reverend ""]
when "camel jockies" kill us, my 401K goes down 25% per quarter.
when we blow up "towel heads" my 401K goes up 25% per quarter.

we need to blow up more of them cause I want my 401K to go up up up so I retire a millionaire.
[Feb 15,2004 1:54am - Hoser ""]
Look...you all make some good and valid points. Points well taken into consideration by a closed minded pawn like me. And Kalopsia, if you wouldn't pick up a rifle unless you were being invaded, then please give my air back. It's not about being a pawn. It's about watching people starve to death and having the simple human compassion, and BALLS to do something to change it. To the rest of you, you have the right to your beliefs, and I respect that. I really have no idea behind the motivations of the U.S Gov't in their invasion of Iraq. I just know that I have been there and seen the fear in the eyes of these people. Someone had to help. Hopefully, that's why we were really there. Otherwise, all of you conspiracy theory morons might win an argument for once.

Take it easy, all. I'm buzzed and going to bed.
[Feb 15,2004 1:59am - Hoser ""]
swamplorddvm said:This country can care less about the people in other countries. Like Chile, "we" helped put pinochet in power. He had the millitary kill the president at the time, and then had a shit load of innocent people killed that did not agree with him. The U.S. did NOTHING to stop him, WHY??? Because that son of a bitch general made "us" alittle more money. I'm sorry but generaly our country cares about $$$. Always have. I don't hate this country but I'm not gonna ignore what our "leaders" have done to make our arrogant asses comfortable. We only get in serious wars when it can make those fat greedy shmucks some money. And hoser, you "served" our country. I hope you didn't actually fall for all that bull shit they fed you in the millitary.

And no dude....I fall for nothing. I just kill anyone that points their weapon at me. It's simple. As far as my beliefs are concerned, those are mine, and I form them on my own, from what I believe to be reasonably true. Otherwise, I'd be a robot. Believe me dude, when you're in the middle of a combat zone, all of your beliefs fail and the only thing on your mind is home, mom and apple pie.

[Feb 15,2004 2:00am - swamplorddvm ""]
Night dude.
[Feb 15,2004 2:01am - George ""]
although i strongly disagree with the war on iraq, anybody who has served in the military deserves respect. he has done alot more than most people in this country ever will. sitting around and talking about it on a messageboard solves nothing.
if you agree with war, join the military, take a part and do something useful with your life.
if you disagree with the war, do something, go protest, write letters to your leaders, stand up for what you think is right.
the real problem with this country is nobody gives a shit. we all sit around and watch television and sit on our computers.
people have their own opinions, there's bullshit on both sides of the political spectrum. everybody is trying to make you believe whatever they're telling you, so take it all with a grain of salt.
and for gods sake, dont watch fox news.
[Feb 15,2004 2:02am - Hoser ""]

[Feb 15,2004 2:04am - Hoser ""]

Hey George, I might like you now, let's fuck!!
[Feb 15,2004 2:05am - swamplorddvm ""]
George said:dont watch fox news.

Well put.
[Feb 15,2004 2:07am - Hoser ""]
G'night all. Have a beer on me, and keep fucking playing METAL.

By the way...we still need a singer.

email poopisgreat@hotmail.com
[Feb 15,2004 2:10am - the_reverend ""]
damn it... wft does someone like me who just wants his 401K to go up?

anyone that gives their life for their country is a billion times better than me.
I'm a pussy and I'd only fight someone (like the king of england) if he came to push me around (thank you 2nd ammendment!).
thankfully, a war needs worker bees at home.
that's me!
[Feb 15,2004 2:13am - Kalopsia ""]
you could always be one of those photo journalists that takes pictures during the heat of battle aaron. just don't use a flash
[Feb 15,2004 2:18am - swamplorddvm ""]
I sorry you had to deal with war. and the whole "served" thing... well sometimes I question wether or not the soldiers are actually seveing our country. for the good at least. I realy ment nothing by it. Sorry if I offended any one, I often get carried away.
[Feb 15,2004 11:47am - MyDeadDoll ""]
most wars are fought because of religion, which
is retarded. but yeah, whatever. i try to avoid
discussions about the war in iraq because people
feel way to strongly about it. it just saddens me
when i think about the american lives that have been
lost. that is the most important thing to me.

oh and, i want to give my congrats to
hoser for showing us he can be intelligent.
[Feb 15,2004 4:46pm - Hoser ""]

Incredible in bed......guilty

Awesome with a garden hose.....guilty

The greatest guitar player to ever live.......guilty

Sometimes I amaze myself with how much I rule. I hereby sentence myself to being fucking awesome forever.

Sorry guys, but I have to return to idiocy at this point. The intelligent and emotional is over. So with that being said......

Fuck you, you fuckin' fucks.....:middlefinger:
[Feb 15,2004 4:59pm - the_reverend ""]
Hoser said:Digs in own poop.....guilty

a truer thing has never been uttered.
[Feb 15,2004 6:28pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
it was too good to be true.
[Aug 4,2011 2:01pm - l^!tdiplljknùj$  ""]

the_reverend said:its not all about oil...
it's about some small dick thing that GWB has got going on... and oil.
GWB was planning to attack iraq in sept 1999, before he was elected.

Also, the gas that poured down on the kurds was allowed to passed by bush senior. this was cause he DIDN'T want to go to bagdad.

to quote negrodamus
"negrodamus, why is bush so sure that saddam has WDM's?" asked some bitch
"cause he has the recipt" replied negrodamus.

[Aug 4,2011 2:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
interesting contribution, all my views are now revolutionized. especially the ninja turtle, that was especially eloquent.

do you have a newsletter?
[Aug 4,2011 4:11pm - Boozegood ""]
[Aug 4,2011 4:25pm - Boozegood ""]
Apparently it is now 'Operation New Dawn' and not 'Operation Iraqi Freedom'.

The only reason I know this is from PX coffee mugs and the backs of t-shirts.
[Aug 4,2011 5:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Boozegood said:Apparently it is now 'Operation New Dawn'

So, when radio communications go out to units in the field, they are hailing the new dawn? Catchy.

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