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my idea for a comic book/tv series

[Sep 5,2008 11:39am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
so my friend and I have been throwing some ideas around for an awesome comic book series, or even a tv series.

it's going to involve a duo of time traveling detectives who go back in time or forward to solve mysteries. they have some weird phone device that will randomly ring and when they pick it up they get sucked into a time portal and brought to some point in time and some place where something happens and they help solve the mystery.

who are the two detectives, judge phillip banks, and officer carl winslow.

uncle phil is the rageaholic fighting man who can get anyone to talk and carl winslow is the keen eyed detective who can follow any cold trail of clues.

it will involve appearances by steve urkel, myrtle urkel, will, carelton, jeffrey the butler, fez from that 70's show, cheech and chong, mr miagi, ving rhames, the ghost of chris farely as the beverly hills ninja

and their arch nemesis is red foreman from that 70's show, and maybe archie bunker
[Sep 5,2008 1:16pm - xmikex ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:it's going to involve a duo of time traveling detectives who go back in time or forward to solve mysteries.

You lost me. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

who are the two detectives, judge phillip banks, and officer carl winslow.

You won me back.
[Sep 5,2008 1:19pm - MSDnli  ""]
I will buy 50 copies of your first issue right now.
[Nov 16,2008 12:58am - tits_or_GTFO  ""]

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