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Descent posts new music

[Sep 5,2008 7:08pm - .descent.  ""]
Desent is a thrash/death metal project from the South Shore created by Godless Rob and Brandon (BoE).
We just finished recording several rough mixes which will be featured on our upcomming cd 'For Whom The Gods Would Destroy'. New material can be heard on our myspace profile.


The following songs are Churchburner, Endless Devastation and Altar of the Apocalypse. Once again these are unmixed with no voacals just yet.
So listen and tell us what you think.

Also we are now looking for a drummer and lead guitarist to add to the fold. Contact us if anyone is interested through our myspace profile.
[Sep 5,2008 7:39pm - GodlessRob ""]
Wow the first time Brandon ever posts and he fucks it all up!

Ok let's try this again
Desent is a thrash/death metal project from the South Shore created by GodlessRob and Brandon (BoE).
We just finished recording several rough mixes which will be featured on our upcomming cd - WHOM THE GODS WOULD DESTROY! (He was listening to "For Whom The Bell Tolls when he was typing!) New material can be heard on our myspace profile.

The following songs are Churchburner, Endless Devastation and Altar of the Apocalypse. Once again these are unmixed with no vocals just yet.
So listen and tell us what you think.

Also we are now looking for a drummer and lead guitarist to add to the fold. Contact us if anyone is interested through our myspace profile.

Now other killer news too:
We are being interviewed on Wed.

The magazine is Shallow Graves magazine, for their christmas issue. I am totally psyched. The publisher/editor in chief has been a friend of mine for a number of years. She started the mag not too long ago and it has skyrocketed since it's inception. We also have an opportunity to stuff a disc in the mag. This magazine is distributed in Japan, Germany, Australia, England and more. Well, I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity to get Descent out there and for fucking free no less.

Alright I hope everything is corrected, except, Rev if you can mark this as band, Brandon didn't know how to do it.
[Sep 5,2008 8:43pm - the_reverend ""]
Brandon should posted more often
[Sep 6,2008 9:05pm - .descent.  ""]
[Sep 6,2008 9:12pm - #2  ""]
Bedroom Blackmetal *yawn*

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