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ENEMY REIGN - new project from Sherwood Webber, ex-SKINLESS...

[Sep 6,2008 11:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
ENEMY REIGN - new project from Sherwood Webber, ex-SKINLESS...


ENEMY REIGN, the band featuring Sherwood Webber (formerly of SKINLESS) and members of DEADSPEAK, has announced a listening party for its debut EP, "Means to a Dead End", on September 18 at 3 Kings Tavern in Denver, Colorado at 9:00 p.m. The band recently returned for a "one-of-a-kind" show in Albany, New York featuring OVERCAST, DISSOLVE and CONTEMPT.

ENEMY REIGN will also play with OBITUARY and UNLEASHED on September 30 at the Bluebird Theater in Denver, Colorado.

Webber stated: "'Means…' came out great, it's heavy as hell. We're happy to be playing these shows and getting the EP out to people. Everyone who has given it a listen has been blown away. Interest has been high; it makes it worth all the work that goes into it. Now we're ready to play some more shows. 'Means To A Dead End' is our calling card. We're totally self -contained as a band right now and it feels good to be in control of our own destiny in these turbulent times of music distribution. Pretty much the only way to get the record and merchandise is through us, so pick it up!!!"

"Means to a Dead End" track listing:

01. Command
02. Isolate
03. Means to a Dead End
04. Throw Myself to the Wolves
05. Abuse

"Means to a Dead End" was recorded, mixed, and mastered by by Dave Otero (CEPHALIC CARNAGE, MARTRIDEN) at Flatline Audio.

For more information, visit the band's MySpace page.

[Sep 7,2008 2:47am - the_reverend ""]
I wonder what happen to that dude.
[Sep 7,2008 3:18am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
He lives in the Denver, CO area.
[Sep 7,2008 1:11pm - grizloch ""]
I have video of that Albany show, woo, someday it might find its way to youtube
[Sep 21,2008 1:30am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Sep 21,2008 12:17pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I played Shitwood in a game of pool and whipped his ass. he was hammered.
[Sep 21,2008 1:14pm - VesgoreNLi  ""]
fuckin lame

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