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Thursday February 19th

the Chopping Block (Boston, Ma) - [abhorred][ascendancy][dissector][raising_kubrick][randomshots]
[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Feb 20,2004 3:55pm - Dissector ""]
yeah, our website is www.dissector.cjb.net We have a real shitty recording on there, hopefully a good one will be up soon.

Sorry about stealing your zombie-rape bit, DOM. We didn't know. Thanks for the kind words people.
[Feb 20,2004 6:55pm - sarah rk  ""]
awesome show everyone!!!!! thanks for the pictures aaron and carina, they came out spectacular as usual--you two rule. I'm getting over my illness slowly and hopefully the floor will cease from spreading more illness to me and high pitch screams will be in effect by the next show. Thanks to the bands for playing, to the people who actually came to see the bands, and to joenotcommon for being so in love with metal! i hope to see everyone at the next show!!!!! xo\m/xo
[Feb 20,2004 10:21pm - Terence ""]
good times, good bands, good people, good pictures. :D
[Feb 21,2004 12:04am - succubus ""]
sarah rules
[Feb 21,2004 3:46am - MarkKevorkian ""]
The best part of the show.

Blue's shirt !!!!!!!
[Feb 21,2004 7:02am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
There were so many good shirts that night.
[Feb 21,2004 1:59pm - succubus ""]
Raising Kubrick:
working on the rest
[Feb 21,2004 2:29pm - succubus ""]
[Feb 21,2004 4:13pm - Robdeadskin  ""]
good show fuckers.....sorry we missed rk.. that sucks. That kid dissector brought should be put in a cage or somthing for a stage prop.. see yall soon....Rob..of teratism
[Feb 21,2004 6:46pm - Assuck ""]
this thread is eternal
[Feb 21,2004 7:29pm - Dissector ""]
Like a true zombie, this thread will never die!! mwahahaha. Carina, the pics are awesome! I gotta learn to stop making stupid faces when I play though.
[Feb 21,2004 7:34pm - Assuck ""]
I do to actually... can't really help it though. Makes it more entertaining I suppose.
[Feb 21,2004 7:39pm - Dissector ""]
Yeah, it is pretty funny looking at the pictures and seeing all the retarded faces you made without even knowing.
[Feb 21,2004 7:45pm - Assuck ""]
good times...good times....
[Feb 21,2004 7:48pm - Assuck ""]

I particularly enjoy this one. I'm on the right.
[Feb 21,2004 9:46pm - frey  ""]
awesome show everyone! Keep metal alive and listen to DARKTHRONE!!!
[Feb 21,2004 9:47pm - frey  ""]
awesome show everyone. Keep metal alive and listen to DARKTHRONE!:gun::satancross:
[Feb 21,2004 9:52pm - Dissector ""]
Frey is the "Zombie Mosh Guy"
[Feb 21,2004 11:15pm - Dissector ""]
Does anybody know the record of most posts in a thread for RttP? I'm determined we can beat it with this.
[Feb 21,2004 11:19pm - Terence ""]
200 something. It was the Bloodletting N. America one back in November.
[Feb 21,2004 11:21pm - Dissector ""]
Ok, fuck that idea then.
[Feb 22,2004 1:01am - BornSoVile ""]
[Feb 22,2004 2:52am - succubus ""]
glad you like the pics Dissector!
oh and here is another memorable show thread
[Feb 22,2004 12:24pm - Assuck ""]
i think we can top 200
[Feb 22,2004 3:58pm - eddie ""]
for a show that less than 30 people went to, I say go for it
[Feb 22,2004 4:39pm - Assuck ""]
that's what i'm saying
[Feb 22,2004 7:52pm - frey  ""]
i guess the people who worked at the bar really hated the music. oh well, they were just to old to realize how awesome it was.:gun:
[Feb 22,2004 7:56pm - Terence ""]
less then 30 people? more like less then 8 people.
[Feb 22,2004 8:00pm - Dissector ""]
I think it was 8 people exactly.
[Feb 22,2004 8:05pm - blue ""]
it was great listening to one of the guys working there talk about how "our music" was basically the downfall of humanity.
[Feb 22,2004 8:10pm - succubus ""]
i think i missed that...
what were they saying exactly?
[Feb 22,2004 8:12pm - succubus ""]
oh! let me add...when aaron and i got there, the venue got a phone call from someone asking what kind of a show it was

and the guy said "punk"
[Feb 22,2004 8:12pm - blue ""]
i wasnt in the convo, only overhearing it. one of the guys was telling sarah how she didnt need to be screaming and doing that "crap" and how her singing voice was amazing, and how she needed to be on the big stage. quite interesting.
[Feb 22,2004 8:13pm - succubus ""]
bahh forget him...
[Feb 22,2004 8:14pm - blue ""]
raising kubrick...redefining punk.
[Feb 22,2004 8:34pm - Terence ""]
Some of the best punk bands played that night, I tell you.
[Feb 22,2004 8:43pm - succubus ""]
i concur..unfortunately..i didn't get to shoot the last band...i got this though..my second to last pic..
[Feb 22,2004 8:47pm - Terence ""]
now thats the biggest punk Ive ever seen!
[Feb 22,2004 8:48pm - succubus ""]
it was before you guys started playing...then i turned aroundand got a shot of joe and then...poof
bye bye camera
[Feb 22,2004 11:27pm - sarah rk  ""]
blue said:i wasnt in the convo, only overhearing it. one of the guys was telling sarah how she didnt need to be screaming and doing that "crap" and how her singing voice was amazing, and how she needed to be on the big stage. quite interesting.

yeah--haha, he said I should try to be more like Brittany Spears hahahahaha! this is when serge busted in and basically told the guy to shut up. It was funny because the whole time I was talking to the guy, his friend stood behind him and gestured that the man that said I should be like b. spears was a huge pot head and saying--yeah like you never had your fun days... haha, you old man! hahahahaha
[Feb 23,2004 10:14am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I have done punk shows there, as well as metal, so they just took a chance and guessed punk.

I know that Bob loves the bands I book, that guy is the best.
I have no idea who that old fella was running the door.
The older female bartender doesn't mind it either, probably because she has seen so many bands that recognizing bad from good comes naturally now.

[Feb 23,2004 12:27pm - the_reverend ""]
the guy at the door was new cause the "young" guy quit.
[Feb 23,2004 12:28pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i should get that job
[Feb 23,2004 3:07pm - Assuck ""]
i need a god damn job
[Feb 23,2004 3:08pm - succubus ""]
yeah aaron and i got there early and heard all the gossip
they are nice people
[Feb 23,2004 4:16pm - Dissector ""]
Hahaha, that old guy was funny. "My music was all about being good, your music is all about sound". During RK's set I looked back and he was shaking his head in disapointment going "that's not singing"

[Feb 23,2004 4:31pm - blue ""]
[Feb 23,2004 6:34pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
That guy was such a weirdo. Who else heard him arguing with Serge about jazz and metal?
[Feb 23,2004 7:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
the "young" guy was cool, I think he was a SHARP or something. I stood behind him while Dissector played and felt like a boss at spooky world, cause he was scared and bewildered (sp?). I really like the chopping block though, it's just that parking is a bitch!
[Feb 23,2004 10:57pm - Assuck ""]
who was it that thought robert downey jr. was dead because they saw him on tv? i know you're out there

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