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Dark ambient experimental noise?

[Sep 11,2008 12:42pm - steel penetration  ""]
Can anyone suggest bands that may fit a similar description?

I've been listening to Tribes of Neurot lately... so anything along those lines.
[Sep 11,2008 12:46pm - thuringwethil ""]

[Sep 11,2008 1:33pm - fleshfries ""]
Vocalist of Cattle Decapitation has some really evil shit he's doing in 5/5/2000

[Sep 11,2008 3:23pm - queefismysignature  ""]
is gay.
[Sep 11,2008 3:27pm - thuringwethil ""]
like a fox!
[Sep 11,2008 3:35pm - sacreligion ""]

fleshfries said:Vocalist of Cattle Decapitation has some really evil shit he's doing in 5/5/2000


this shits pretty cool, actually
[Sep 11,2008 3:38pm - BenFo ""]
[Sep 12,2008 10:02am - townie bastard  ""]

sacreligion said:
fleshfries said:Vocalist of Cattle Decapitation has some really evil shit he's doing in 5/5/2000


this shits pretty cool, actually

pretty sinister "soundscapes" :spineyes:
[Sep 12,2008 11:33am - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
go check out anything the french black legions ever put out...Check out mort garson, old tangerine dream(yeah okay I keep saying it). But check out what the black legions have to offer, just dont spread the word, we dont want another wave of fools trying to replicate and ruin that. Some Xasthur is really ambient, as well as, in different style- Lycia...
[Sep 12,2008 11:49am - c.DeAd  ""]

C.dead said:Wow, can't beleive i missed this thread.

Mostly everything mentioned is awesome, all the cold meat stuff especially. As far as dark ambient/death industrial thats good and more recent, Exsanguinate (dude from Control), Nommam Erytz, Subklinik, and some others. YES, Tesco fricking rules if you into the Power Electronics and noise stuff. They put out some great stuff from like Genocide Organ and Con-Dom. Check out Diagnose:Lebenesfahr who is the vocalist of Silencer. ITs a good mix of old-school industrial and Dark Ambient.

Megaptera and Bad Sector are some GREAT suggestions. Also, if you like Rasion D'etre check out Stratum Terror, its the same guy doing more industrial/power electronics. Archon Satani, MZ.412, Brighter Death Now, and In Slaughter Natives are more or less my fav. CMI related stuff.

Oh oh oh, IRM is fantastic as well. Jeeez, shit is just coming back to me.

Bjork.........mother of god.
[Sep 12,2008 1:09pm - inside job  ""]
bjork is bullshit
[Sep 12,2008 10:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

fleshfries said:Vocalist of Cattle Decapitation has some really evil shit he's doing in 5/5/2000


thank you for this srsly
[Sep 12,2008 10:56pm - fleshfries ""]
Ha, no problem, that shit makes me feel like I'm actually dying haha.
[Sep 12,2008 11:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
its the next best thing
[Sep 12,2008 11:24pm - BenFo ""]

inside%20job said:bjork is bullshit

More like inside hand job.
[Sep 13,2008 8:40pm - steel penetration  ""]
a reach around? wut?
[Sep 13,2008 11:18pm - sever ""]
[Sep 14,2008 1:49am - inside job  ""]
MMMMMMMMMMMMore like you dont know what your talking about
[Sep 14,2008 1:59am - inside job  ""]
oh yeah the morning 911 happened I was having a blast in building 7. No pun oh and wait no plane, fuck you...
[Sep 14,2008 1:42pm - ancient master  ""]
procer veneficus?
[Sep 14,2008 9:25pm - steel penetration  ""]

fleshfries said:Ha, no problem, that shit makes me feel like I'm actually dying haha.

couldnt have been said any better :doublehorns:

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