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Newbury Comics 30th Anniversary Sept 12-14

[Sep 12,2008 10:42am - BSV  ""]
30th Anniversary this weekend at all stores!


I'm at the Newton store if you wanna stop by and find all the hidden metal gems. :doublehorns:
[Sep 12,2008 10:43am - Yeti ""]
oh Newbury Comics, you are my lifeblood.
[Sep 12,2008 10:50am - aril  ""]
god damn. I get paid on the 15th. shit
[Sep 12,2008 11:07am - orgymf@work  ""]
[Sep 12,2008 12:49pm - Seth  ""]
Has anyone been at the new Norwood store, it is huge and need to go sometime!! It looks sick and may have a lot of shit, but if they have the sale I am there.... I need to rejuvinate myshit....
[Sep 12,2008 12:51pm - orgymf@work  ""]
where in norwood is it?
[Sep 12,2008 1:47pm - Seth  ""]
Right on rt 1 south bound to providence. A couple of miles from 128. Right in the middle of the car dealerships and a couple miles..not realy far. Its huge!!!
[Sep 12,2008 1:48pm - orgymf@work  ""]
nice....i guess it's been a while since i was on route one in that area.
i'll have to check that shit out
[Sep 12,2008 2:10pm - Seth  ""]
I just hope they have some cool shit that no one looks for but me... Especially if they are having a anniversay sale..!!
[Sep 12,2008 2:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
well there goes all of my money.
[Sep 12,2008 2:34pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
[Sep 12,2008 5:06pm - Phillip ""]
Im broke as fuck this week do
damn you newbury
damn you bills for all being due in the same week
[Sep 12,2008 5:17pm - Seth  ""]
Here is the word about all newbuy comics stores celebrating this this weekend..check it out. I am there!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ www.newburycomics.com:skull::bow:
[Sep 12,2008 5:59pm - timma ""]
They hacked off half of Boch Kia and turned it into a Newbury. Wasn't open the last time over there but it looks sick. It's across from the Jiffy Lube and Ticket One on the south bound side.
[Sep 12,2008 6:13pm - Seth  ""]
It if funny to see it there right in the middle, but hey a great location for business... hopefully it will last compared to the one down rt 1 near home depot that failed.
[Sep 13,2008 2:11am - BSV  ""]
fucking unloaded on a bunch of Hank Williams, Merle Haggard, Dolly Parton and Django Reinhart.
[Sep 13,2008 10:21am - christopher  ""]
I dropped like $200 on vinyl at the Newbury St. Boston one. I checked the receipt and i saved $70. Their selection is crazy. Then later that day I got to see Mission of Burma for free.

I <3 newbury comics
[Sep 13,2008 5:04pm - BSV  ""]
got a bunch of random metal discs at my store for under 5 bucks, stop by on sunday-let's talk metal!
[Sep 13,2008 5:14pm - NLI  ""]
BSV see the "finally.." thread, you may have answers! (PS: you know me)
[Sep 13,2008 5:29pm - BSV  ""]
i don't understand internet shit. what's up?
[Sep 13,2008 5:33pm - Martins ""]

christopher said:I dropped like $200 on vinyl at the Newbury St. Boston one. I checked the receipt and i saved $70. Their selection is crazy. Then later that day I got to see Mission of Burma for free.

I <3 newbury comics

Haha I was there yesterday too while that band that played before Mission of Burma was playing. Me and some of my friends are bringing back Magic Cards so I bought 20 bucks worth of magic cards.
[Sep 13,2008 5:39pm - NLI  ""]
bsv, got an email or phone?
[Sep 13,2008 6:23pm - BSV  ""]
yeah if you know me, you should know it.
[Sep 13,2008 6:25pm - NLI  ""]
damn you mr. staples. i know you, but i dont have your number anymore!!1
[Sep 13,2008 6:28pm - BSV  ""]
you're fucking creepy. myspace me or something.
[Sep 13,2008 6:43pm - BSV  ""]
I only give weed to girls.
[Sep 13,2008 7:00pm - christopher  ""]

Martins said:
christopher said:I dropped like $200 on vinyl at the Newbury St. Boston one. I checked the receipt and i saved $70. Their selection is crazy. Then later that day I got to see Mission of Burma for free.

I <3 newbury comics

Haha I was there yesterday too while that band that played before Mission of Burma was playing. Me and some of my friends are bringing back Magic Cards so I bought 20 bucks worth of magic cards.

ugh, I dislike Passion Pit. Several members are from my school, so I come across them far more often then I would like too.
[Sep 13,2008 7:22pm - NLI  ""]
[Sep 13,2008 9:26pm - Seth  ""]
I know none of you dont care, but dropped about 80 to 90 dollars here and got about 10 Dvd's and 8 Cd's. I just have not spent money on myself for a bit. So this is exciting to me. Tempting to go back!!
[Sep 14,2008 8:50am - rotivore ""]
Jewbury Comics
[Sep 14,2008 2:28pm - Seth  ""]
[Sep 14,2008 2:31pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I roamed around the Kingston store and saw nothing I wanted to buy. Which is a very good thing, because I am broke as fuck.
[Sep 14,2008 2:48pm - archaeon ""]
i can't decide if i want to the salem or danvers store, I really need to buy a new bass drum head too. hmmmm
[Sep 14,2008 2:52pm - xanonymousx ""]
salem is taxxx free...
but rather buy the bass drum, so go to guitar center in nashua and pick me up so i can buy my new guitar pedal.
[Sep 14,2008 2:53pm - archaeon ""]
theres a guitar center on the way to the danvers shop and i was at the salem store last weekend. going to danvers.
[Sep 14,2008 4:58pm - archaeon ""]
i got

Candiria - 300 Percent Density
Insect Warfare - World Extermination LP

and my bass drum head.

[Sep 14,2008 5:10pm - queefismysignature  ""]
insect warfare. on vinyl. fucking win.
why you need a bass drum?
[Sep 14,2008 5:14pm - archaeon ""]
bass drum head, mine was like 2 years old and it ended up breaking a week or two ago because I'm fawking brutal. shit cost 50 bucks

the insect warfare LP came with a sweet poster too.
[Sep 14,2008 5:19pm - queefismysignature  ""]
whad you get for a head? double-ply?
how much you want for the poster?
[Sep 14,2008 5:23pm - archaeon ""]
i got an emad, pretty sure its double ply

for the poster i want naked pictures of your sister
[Sep 14,2008 5:27pm - queefismysignature  ""]
deal motherfucker.
[Sep 14,2008 6:41pm - narkybark ""]
I dropped about $80 on stuff I just shouldn't have bought.

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