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Get Thrashed DVD

[Sep 16,2008 2:56pm - Mycroft  ""]
In the mall walking by Hot Topic something caught my eye. I normally would NEVER EVER even lay my eyes on this horrible establishment but there was a DVD in the window there that really peaked my interest. Get Thrashed! I remember hearing about it and how it was going to be released last year, blah blah blah then forgot about it... on my way to the Apple Store I see this and wondered if anyone else got it or is even interested in it. If you got it give a review! Growing up on thrash from 1986'ish this interests me but I saw the guys in Shadows Fall or something are in it and some other bands that I do not care for, which makes me wonder how good is this docu, thanks! :doublehorns:
[Feb 1,2013 10:02am - arilliusbm ""]
Just watched this documentary. Get Thrashed

definitely worth watching. Blows away shit like Until the Light Takes us. Anyone ever see it?
I'd post youtube links but it looks like it's not up there.
[Feb 1,2013 10:29am - largefreakatzero ""]
Did you watch it on Netflix? It appears they have it, just not sure if it's on DVD or streaming: http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Get_Thrashed/70104552?locale=en-US

Looking at the reviews, it seems the biggest gripe is some faggot from Slipknot giving his unwanted opinion repeatedly.
[Feb 1,2013 10:34am - arilliusbm ""]
No, I actually found it on a private torrent site. Always wanted to see it because I love the history of metal. Going to buy it if it's at a reasonable price.
Yea, they interview a shit ton of people, but for some reason Corey Taylor of slipknot and sully of Godsmack are included. Not sure why. Other than that though, the rare pictures and videos in the documentary are worth it.
[Feb 1,2013 10:42am - arilliusbm ""]
They briefly touched upon nu metal and how thrash influenced it. There wasn't much of a mention of death metal, though, unfortunately. But the parts that covered the LA, Bay, NYC thrash scenes were detailed and good.
[Feb 1,2013 10:47am - BSV  ""]
I watched it on youtube a few years ago. The only part I remember is the dude from Hirax saying everyone either got sick or died.
[Feb 1,2013 10:51am - arilliusbm ""]
I mean there's only so much you can squeeze into 2 hours. I think metal and hardcore needs a Ken Burns style documentary, like 12 hours total. That would be sweet.
[Feb 1,2013 10:53am - arilliusbm ""]
Dave Mustaine was being a typical douche in his interview, saying thrash wouldn't exist if it weren't for him.
[Feb 1,2013 10:59am - largefreakatzero ""]

arilliusbm said:Dave Mustaine was being a typical douche in his interview, saying thrash wouldn't exist if it weren't for him.

If it wasn't for him and Jeeeeeezus.

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