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fuck the club

[Sep 17,2008 1:02am - ellesarusrex ""]


[Sep 17,2008 1:08am - ellesarusrex ""]
im bored and looking up stuff to make me laugh

Always losing your remotes? Well it'd be pretty hard to if they were all strapped to your face. That's the "idea" behind the Multimedia Remote Control Wrangler (aka Remote Wrangler). And I use the quotes, because I don't think any actual thought went into this. On the plus side, you could always put it on and fight crime as Remote Head Man. I mean c'mon, there has to be better places to store remotes than on your head. Like, say, a table perhaps. A drawer? The face should be your absolute last option, right after the inside of a blender or the toilet.

[Sep 17,2008 1:13am - ellesarusrex ""]
[Sep 17,2008 1:17am - ellesarusrex ""]

[Sep 17,2008 1:18am - sacreligion ""]
that remote velcro thing is far more stylish than practical
[Sep 17,2008 1:24am - ellesarusrex ""]
is the afro and sweatband attached?
[Sep 17,2008 1:28am - sacreligion ""]
optional afro model costs extra
[Sep 17,2008 7:39am - the_reverend ""]
so is this thread all about posting really old things? I also thought I was thhe only dvice reader here
[Sep 17,2008 9:40am - ellesarusrex ""]
i rarely search the internet for such things... i was in the mood to so if its a post of shit youve seen is that a suprise from me? lol.. dvice is awesome. ive got hefty little collection of websites i roam through.
[Sep 17,2008 9:45am - thuringwethil ""]

[Sep 17,2008 9:50am - ellesarusrex ""]
hah yeah ive seen that before..
[Sep 17,2008 9:57am - the_reverend ""]
engaget, dvice, boingboing, and geekologie are the geek sites I read. though geekologie's posts are mostly old.

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