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Hey Aaron are you coming to Shai Hulud

[Nov 16,2002 12:28am - xScottx ""]
its the 24th at the cat let me know that way i know if im kicking you in the face for that show oh and did you do photo for the show tonight cause if you did your a homosexual
[Nov 16,2002 2:36am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to this show.

unearth(will play an early set),the red chord,strongpoint (ny),never broken (ny),closer than kin, eyes like autumn,the young idea,the sweatpant boners & a few others Elks Lodge (York, Me)

its only 7 miles from my house.
[Nov 23,2002 2:58pm - xScottx ""]
yeah well thats cause your a pussy in any case im going to shai hulud cause ive only seen unearth 84735093824757304 times well talk to you later
[Nov 23,2002 3:17pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I've seen them a bunch of times.
the red chord too.
but it's always a good show.

are you going to this show?
DEC 1 - Wage Of Sin, Dark Day Dawning, Life In Your Way, With Honor, A Thousand Falling Skies, Dying In Sin
or are you working today is the day at the cat?
I neeeeeeeeed to see the wage of sin. I heard a rumor that this got moved to el n gee's I guess I'll have to find out.
also, I need directions to the VFW in Waterbury.
[Nov 27,2002 1:15am - xScottx ""]
ive never hear wages of sin but if i can make it ill go but i need to know which venue its at so let me know are you coming to the accacia strain's cd release part its one of SKF's last shows!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Apr 25,2012 10:49am - The Rev Chord  ""]
[Apr 25,2012 12:38pm - DukeManjunk ""]
a profound hatred of van.

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