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News Article: 10 billion trillian trillion carat diamond found

[Feb 16,2004 3:46pm - the_reverend ""]

amazing. guys, all the rings you've bought your women are usless.
I'm sure that some guy out there has spent $35 to name this after his gf.
[Feb 16,2004 3:50pm - succubus ""]
ok now you know those 2 "Shooting stars" we saw?

maybe they were chucks of this...

let's go find 'em
i want earrings =)
[Feb 16,2004 6:55pm - the_reverend ""]
vanity, thy name is woman.
how bout I give you a pearl necklace instead
[Feb 16,2004 6:56pm - succubus ""]
[Feb 16,2004 6:58pm - jake  ""]
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. smooth.
[Feb 16,2004 9:50pm - tbone_r ""]
jake manini sucks. and so does his non-user friendly website!
[Feb 17,2004 3:13am - MyDeadDoll ""]
that's it, i need new jewelry.
[Feb 17,2004 5:18am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Jes, I can give you a pearl necklace too.
[Feb 17,2004 8:38am - subjugate ""]
i ragged on my wife about this as if you know what i spent on hers you'd be sickend

the_reverend said:http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3492919.stm

amazing. guys, all the rings you've bought your women are usless.
I'm sure that some guy out there has spent $35 to name this after his gf.

[Feb 17,2004 8:41am - succubus ""]
sickened that it's a lot or not a lot?
[Feb 17,2004 8:45am - subjugate ""]
more than my car is worth
[Feb 17,2004 8:47am - succubus ""]
i forget what car you drive...but as long as she likes it....
[Feb 17,2004 8:53am - subjugate ""]
saturn station wagon
the ring was just under 20K my car was 22K
[Feb 17,2004 8:59am - succubus ""]
ohhh must be purdy...

ps:i'm not sickened but instead impressed =)
gooo jim!
[Feb 17,2004 9:02am - subjugate ""]
it is but do you realize how many guitars i could have bought with that $$ scary thing it's paid off already
[Feb 17,2004 9:03am - succubus ""]
but as long as she loves it..it's something she will wear for the rest of her life...think of it that way...

did she pick it out or did you?
[Feb 17,2004 9:07am - subjugate ""]
yea were gonna upgrade it in a coupla years after she finishes school

she picked it i'm not that creative when it come to that shit
[Feb 17,2004 9:08am - succubus ""]
upgrade it? wow...
what size is it now?
[Feb 17,2004 9:16am - subjugate ""]
in all seriousness i can't remember the size it is now cause we upgraded it 3 times already

i will see if i can find the wedding pic with it showing it stands out pretty well she gets comments on it all the time

funny story we were out to eat(rare occasion as i hate eating it resraunts) and we over heard some women commenting on it and then saying it must be fake he could never afford anything like that
[Feb 17,2004 9:22am - succubus ""]
bitches....eff them
[Feb 17,2004 9:22am - the_reverend ""]
I know a girl who's engagement ring costs about the same as a hybrid car.
[Feb 17,2004 9:25am - subjugate ""]

if they only knew

succubus said:bitches....eff them

[Feb 17,2004 9:26am - succubus ""]
they were just jealous
[Feb 17,2004 9:37am - subjugate ""]
they should be they were wearing the crumbs from heres hah
[Feb 17,2004 9:37am - subjugate ""]

the_reverend said:I know a girl who's engagement ring costs about the same as a hybrid car.

[Feb 17,2004 9:38am - succubus ""]
yup and it's gathering dust in my closet..believe me..i've more than paid for it
[Feb 17,2004 9:39am - succubus ""]
and that's aaron's argument for diamonds being a waste of money
[Feb 17,2004 9:43am - subjugate ""]
whats in your closet??

succubus said:yup and it's gathering dust in my closet..believe me..i've more than paid for it

[Feb 17,2004 9:45am - subjugate ""]
c h e a p s k a t e

succubus said:and that's aaron's argument for diamonds being a waste of money

[Feb 17,2004 9:47am - jake  ""]
tbone_r said:jake manini sucks. and so does his non-user friendly website!

f11 that shit you cum dumpster.
[Feb 17,2004 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
not cheapskate... um... not quite.
diamonds are worthless.
there are tons of them around.
debeers is the ones that puts $$ value on them.
[Feb 17,2004 10:05am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:not cheapskate... um... not quite.
diamonds are worthless.
there are tons of them around.
debeers is the ones that puts $$ value on them.

yes we talked about that...

what museum were we in with the exhibit?
[Feb 17,2004 10:18am - subjugate ""]
easy rev it was a jokee

i actually hate them fucking commercials with a passion it's like they are brainwashing women that a dimod proves their love to them what a crock O shit

the_reverend said:not cheapskate... um... not quite.
diamonds are worthless.
there are tons of them around.
debeers is the ones that puts $$ value on them.

[Feb 17,2004 10:43am - the_reverend ""]
everyone knows that anal sex is the way to a girls heart.

honestly, it's hard for me to justify buying carina jewlery cause I know all the stuff that just sits there un-used, un-worn..
it makes me think that if her and I broke up, I wasted my $$$ cause she won't wear it. but if I get her a book or something she'll use that.
she got me a necklace that I would never take off.

usually, I'll buy her something practical (a book/lens/computer thing) and then something like earrings.
[Feb 17,2004 10:53am - succubus ""]
i only wear jewelry you got me and don't take most of it off ever
i like the compromise though...you get me things YOU want to get me (practical) and a thing that I want (jewelry)

also my things are still all boxed up...
[Feb 17,2004 12:00pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i have to buy my own jewelry. i don't
trust a guy's judgement.
[Feb 17,2004 12:06pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Two words: Crackerjack box.
[Feb 17,2004 12:19pm - MyDeadDoll ""]

that or apparently guys like to offer
pearl necklaces...
[Feb 17,2004 12:22pm - subjugate ""]
now i see why mike has the chickes linned up to go out with him haha

dude wheres my car and bill and ted didn't they do somthing along that line

DeOdiumMortis said:Two words: Crackerjack box.

[Feb 17,2004 12:29pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
yeah, mike's just a smooth guy
[Feb 17,2004 12:31pm - subjugate ""]
like diareah

sorry mike i had to couldn't pass it up:nuke:
[Feb 17,2004 12:31pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
[Feb 17,2004 12:32pm - subjugate ""]
[Feb 17,2004 12:34pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
from diamonds to poop... another thread
gone down the drain.
[Feb 17,2004 12:38pm - subjugate ""]
*flush* *flush*

lets talk labia

who likes em hanging like sirloin steak folded

hahaha and you thought i couldn't get any lower hahaha
[Feb 17,2004 12:47pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
A pussy is just a pussy, but menstration is like bleeding cake!
[Feb 17,2004 12:48pm - subjugate ""]
well said mike you just redeemed your self

altho from what i dunno
[Feb 17,2004 1:17pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I don't know either. But I like changing the Fig Newton slogan.
[Feb 17,2004 1:26pm - subjugate ""]
[Feb 17,2004 4:36pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i cant wait til im married so i can NOT waste my money on gay shit like rings.
[Feb 17,2004 4:37pm - succubus ""]
only sexy dresses ;)
[Feb 17,2004 4:43pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
being married doens't mean you have to
spend money on diamonds... just ask the
guy i married....
[Feb 17,2004 5:41pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Mr. Potato Head.
[Feb 17,2004 7:11pm - subjugate ""]
succubus you have an e mail
[Feb 17,2004 7:25pm - succubus ""]
you've got a reply =)
[Feb 17,2004 7:27pm - subjugate ""]
w e r d
[Feb 17,2004 8:23pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Mr. Potato Head.

that could almost sound dirty.

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