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jobs conducive to being a musician

[Sep 21,2008 5:43pm - alexc ""]
the criteria:
-Flexibility of scheduling, particularly with night shifts and weekends
-The ability to take large lengths of time off for touring
-And the key: Enough pay to live off of

I don't think such a job exists. What do you dudes do? I need ideas man.
[Sep 21,2008 5:53pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Sell drugs and give music lessons. Male prostitution can also be lucrative.
[Sep 21,2008 5:55pm - Mess ""]

goatcatalyst said:Sell drugs and give music lessons. Male prostitution can also be lucrative.

i'm going to try the first thing you said starting tonight.
[Sep 21,2008 5:58pm - xanonymousx ""]
work for an amusement park
then quit.
[Sep 21,2008 6:14pm - luke nli  ""]
I work for a moving company. works out pretty good. but the job is shitty
[Sep 29,2009 7:40pm - anonymous  ""]
who won the first super bowl
[Sep 29,2009 7:44pm - PACKERS  ""]
who won the first super bowl
[Sep 29,2009 8:50pm - sli sli sli  ""]
sorry alex, being a musician = being broke
deal with it.

there's plenty of JOBS out there that will meet your criteria, just not a whole lot of CAREERS.

that being said, i am a bicycle mechanic, and i think its funny that like all my co-workers are also in go-nowhere punk or metal bands
[Sep 29,2009 8:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
DCU while stressful caters to my musical needs. i bet i could take a leave of absence to tour if necessary as well
[Sep 29,2009 9:17pm - the_reverend ""]
ahahahah fims, you crack me up. like you will ever be in a band long enough to tour.
[Sep 29,2009 9:20pm - pam ""]
[Sep 29,2009 9:27pm - alexc ""]
since making this thread, i actually found one at the newbury comics warehouse. they have plenty of drones who will take your place when you decide to go on tour. ive left for as long as a month and they dont really seem to care. it was never about being broke or not broke. i knew the former was my only option but just broke enough to survive.
[Sep 29,2009 9:46pm - xanonymousx ""]
apple store is good, if you don't work in a dept. that only has 6 people three of which full time who don't work past 6pm
[Sep 30,2009 5:21am - barbeloh  ""]
academia, where only about 10 hours of your work week is fixed. (the other 40+ you can do wherever you want; at the merch table, during sound check, waiting for the rest of the band to show up for practice, etc....)
[Sep 30,2009 6:50am - Bill Hicks  ""]
Gas station attendant
[Sep 30,2009 8:19am - ouchdrummer ""]
I might be crazy, but i would think night-shifts and weekends would be OUT for a musician. I know when i was a chef that was pretty much all i did, and i never had time for music... hence me selling my soul to corporate America so i can have every night and weekend to rehearse/practice. It works good. I know it seems counter-intuitive to get a corporate job when you wanna rock, but it really does make the life a little easier.
[Sep 30,2009 9:03am - blue ""]

ouchdrummer said:I might be crazy, but i would think night-shifts and weekends would be OUT for a musician.

You have turned my world upside down. And this whole time I thought that was the best possible schedule for me.
[Sep 30,2009 9:20am - arktouros ""]

ouchdrummer said:hence me selling my soul to corporate America so i can have every night and weekend to rehearse/practice. It works good. I know it seems counter-intuitive to get a corporate job when you wanna rock, but it really does make the life a little easier.

yeah, you can't beat a 9-5 with vacation and sick time if you wanna play shows and tour a couple weeks at a time at least. backed
[Sep 30,2009 9:53am - H8r  ""]

blue said:
ouchdrummer said:I might be crazy, but i would think night-shifts and weekends would be OUT for a musician.

You have turned my world upside down. And this whole time I thought that was the best possible schedule for me.

well he did say nightshifts and weekends.
[Sep 30,2009 9:55am - ouchdrummer ""]

H8r said:
blue said:
ouchdrummer said:I might be crazy, but i would think night-shifts and weekends would be OUT for a musician.

You have turned my world upside down. And this whole time I thought that was the best possible schedule for me.

well he did say nightshifts and weekends.

[Sep 30,2009 10:14am - aril  ""]
generally speaking, in most corporate jobs it's frowned upon if you take more than a work week off. some dude here took 2 weeks off for his wedding and all I heard was trash talk.
with my current job I'd only be able to do a week/week and a half mini tour.
why don't you ask powerglove? they did that long-ass tour with dragonfarce last year. Nash, if you're reading this, what the hell do you do these days?
[Sep 30,2009 10:42am - Yeti ""]
yeah i wouldn't be able to go for more than a week, two would be out of the question. it sucks, but options are strangled at best.
[Sep 30,2009 12:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

the_reverend said:ahahahah fims, you crack me up. like you will ever be in a band long enough to tour.

wow rev thanks

and i just want to say thats a real fucking shitty thing to say. i been playin in bands and shit for over 10 years now and its always been my dream to go out and tour. theres always something that gets my way but goddamnit i'm gonna fuckin do it if kills me.
[Sep 30,2009 12:43pm - spaldino  ""]
a waiter isnt too bad of a job to have. usually its very flexible. sell coke and be a waiter. major bank yo.
[Sep 30,2009 12:59pm - joeyumbrella ""]
hairdresser. make your own hours, BIG $$$ TIPS, touch chicks all day...
[Sep 30,2009 1:01pm - lb  ""]
<- Works full time at a coffee shop and makes about $25 in tips every day.
[Sep 30,2009 1:01pm - Yeti ""]
but you're a hairdresser.
[Sep 30,2009 1:02pm - brian_dc ""]

ouchdrummer said:
H8r said:
blue said:
ouchdrummer said:I might be crazy, but i would think night-shifts and weekends would be OUT for a musician.

You have turned my world upside down. And this whole time I thought that was the best possible schedule for me.

well he did say nightshifts and weekends.


I think he meant that it has to be a job that is flexible when it comes to night shifts and weekends. Obviously, no night shifts and weekends would be ideal. I think he's just looking for the realistic options.
[Sep 30,2009 1:09pm - joeyumbrella ""]
whats wrong with being a hairdresser?
[Sep 30,2009 1:12pm - Yeti ""]
haha nothing, it was a joke.
[Sep 30,2009 1:14pm - joeyumbrella ""]
haha, me too... I know everyone thinks guys that do hair are flaming faggots, most are. But after 9 years of plumbing, job rules.... they encourage my tattoos, let me dress however I want... I can swear, smoke, pretty much whatever I want... and let me tell you, PUSSY GALORE
[Sep 30,2009 1:37pm - brian_dc ""]
are you responsible for all these girls with shitty haircuts in providence?
[Sep 30,2009 1:41pm - joeyumbrella ""]
no comment... but seriously, no. I think they turn on a blender and stick their hair in there
[Sep 30,2009 2:24pm - krankt  ""]
Library janitor
[Sep 30,2009 3:30pm - ouchdrummer ""]

brian_dc said:
ouchdrummer said:
H8r said:
blue said:
ouchdrummer said:I might be crazy, but i would think night-shifts and weekends would be OUT for a musician.

You have turned my world upside down. And this whole time I thought that was the best possible schedule for me.

well he did say nightshifts and weekends.


I think he meant that it has to be a job that is flexible when it comes to night shifts and weekends. Obviously, no night shifts and weekends would be ideal. I think he's just looking for the realistic options.

And what's not realistic about an office job? I got one. If i can get one, anyone can.
[Sep 30,2009 3:41pm - Lamp ""]
I work during the day Mon-Fri at an unskilled blue collar labor job. When it's busy I end up working a fair amount of Saturdays too. I can take time off whenever I feel like it and could probably take a lot of time off (I've done a week before), but during the busy season it kind of sucks. You make fantastic money but by the end of the day you're so tired you don't even really want to do anything anyway, especially if you have work the next day.
[Sep 30,2009 3:47pm - aril  ""]
Johan of Amon Amarth used to sell cheese at a supermarket...
I had a beer or two with him a few years ago across from the Palladium and he was saying how poor he was. Hell, the dude didn't even have money to buy a beer.
I bet that's different now.
[Sep 30,2009 3:49pm - brian_dc ""]
I doubt Amon Amarth is raking in more money per member than say...Johnny I.T. Professional from anywhere in the world.
[Sep 30,2009 3:51pm - brian_dc ""]
I mean, Steve Von Till is an elementary school teacher.
[Sep 30,2009 3:52pm - aril  ""]
He's no millionaire, but he's probably making more money than selling cheese. They're one of the better known euro metal bands these days, along with Opeth, Children of Boredom, etc.
When I talked to him, Children of Boredom was headlining (thankully I left). AA couldn't even afford a real tour bus, they had a van with a trailer.
[Sep 30,2009 3:52pm - MadOakDevin ""]
work at a bar.
[Sep 30,2009 3:59pm - ouchdrummer ""]
working at a bar is NOT conducive to a rock&roll lifestyle.
[Sep 30,2009 4:38pm - brian_dc ""]
so long as you're willing to cut out the actual rock&roll part, it sure is.
[Sep 30,2009 4:54pm - aril  ""]
a job conducive to being a musician = if your father is nick cage and your step dad is shagrath and your parents pay for everything.

sorry - had to say it
[Sep 30,2009 6:18pm - cav nli  ""]

ouchdrummer said: hence me selling my soul to corporate America so i can have every night and weekend to rehearse/practice. It works good. I know it seems counter-intuitive to get a corporate job when you wanna rock, but it really does make the life a little easier.

i sold my soul for semi-corporate america. work as an auto analyst/appraiser, but from a desk. not on-site. got an email last week that we are not to request vacation time from oct 30 until the beginning of april next year because its the "busy season" also spent 4 hours (half of a work day) last week testing and getting fingerprinted for licensing for my job on work time and did not get compensated for it. i work a commission job so they pretty much told me that i can do the same amount of work in 6 hours as in 8. which only worked one of the two days i left for 2 hours because i got lucky. anyone here know if this shit is even legal? needless to say i quit the rock a little over a year ago. about half a year after a started this job. had an opportunity to be a loan officer a couple months ago and really didnt go for it like i should have. kicking myself in the ass now. i wish i could find a company that actually lets people use the vacation time they are given without getting shit for it. but then again id rather take an actual vacation than drive around for hours in a shitty van on my vacation time, if i could actually take it. fucking job sucks. plus i found that after working a 9-5 all week, i didnt really have the mental energy to put into music. job burns me the fuck out. i wouldnt recommend a corporate/desk job but thats just me. if its a nice easy job then thats cool but most 9-5 "corporate" jobs now a days are a lot of fucking stress.

[Sep 30,2009 6:21pm - reimroc ""]
you can work anywhere and still play music. its just when it comes to touring thats the problem.
[Sep 30,2009 11:25pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:DCU while stressful caters to my musical needs. i bet i could take a leave of absence to tour if necessary as well

i worked at the DCU center being the supervisor to worc's finest changing over that arena. i got that job just on the sheer fact that i can drive a zamboni
[Oct 1,2009 3:42am - mOe ""]
I was an A/V tech @ college campuses (one in Western MA, one here in NJ) and it was an ok job for availablitliy. ESPECIALLY in MA. When I got to NJ they were a million times stricter so I dropped the gig altogether. I wait tables now @ a hip new restaurant in a well to do town in NJ. 4 days a week. Usually 2-3 of those are double shifts. I make some sweet cash and they love me there. Probably the coolest job I could have now. Just gotta remember to save.
[Oct 1,2009 8:22am - ouchdrummer ""]
my work is great with letting me use vacation. If you're close to downtown hit me up and i'll get ya an interview. Honestly, it's not fun all the time at my work, but there is plenty of room for the rock.
[Oct 1,2009 11:09am - goatcatalyst ""]
I wish I could work with Jimbo and take phat bluntlunches with Aril, eet pretzels and ogle businesswomens.

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