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sick decapitated dog video

[Sep 25,2008 2:08pm - monster_island ""]
[Sep 25,2008 2:25pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
I woud never watch that if its a dog getting killed. Faggot ass shit.
[Sep 25,2008 2:30pm - monster_island ""]
dont be a pussy just watch it
[Sep 25,2008 2:31pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Sep 25,2008 2:36pm - monster_island ""]
yes ... YESS!!!!
[Sep 25,2008 2:37pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Thanks for agreeing. I'd rather watch dead people.
[Sep 25,2008 2:41pm - monster_island ""]
will you stop being a pussy and watch it

fyi ... i am a dog owner/breeder ... hint hint
[Sep 25,2008 2:44pm - orgymf@work  ""]
[Sep 25,2008 2:45pm - thuringwethil ""]
that's how Jeffrey Dahmer got his start, ya know
[Sep 25,2008 2:46pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I can watch pretty much anything but steer clear from seeing horrible things happen to dogs. I like dogs more than people, so I'm going to sit this one out.
[Sep 25,2008 2:52pm - the_reverend ""]
you dick.
[Sep 25,2008 3:00pm - monster_island ""]
quit being a bunch of pussies and watch it ... all the way to the happy ending ... fucking ruin a funny thing with gayness !!!!
[Sep 25,2008 3:26pm - the_reverend ""]
I did. that's why I said "dick"
[Sep 25,2008 3:30pm - Martins ""]
Lol, I get it. In this case, he's right. You're all pussies. Just watch it.

I am a dog owner and if anyone decapitated my dog, I'd probably eat them.
[Sep 25,2008 4:11pm - aaron_michael ""]
that weirded me out for a good couple seconds
[Sep 25,2008 5:36pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I prefer the video that came up afterwards of a cat protecting some boobs!
[Sep 25,2008 5:39pm - ouchdrummer ""]
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[Sep 25,2008 6:05pm - Troll ""]
the music really makes it.
[Sep 26,2008 7:43pm - Pires ""]
that was fucking awesome!!! that dog deserved it! oh wait...
[Sep 26,2008 8:16pm - Dankill  ""]
That was funny. That lil guy gets a treat for scaring the shit out of everyone.

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