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Girls flash boobs...Guy doesn't see tits, so throws fireworks at them...

[Sep 26,2008 7:40pm - Pires ""]

[Sep 26,2008 7:43pm - RichHorror ""]
Everyone knows you need bricks to get tits to work, not fireworks. Idiot.
[Sep 26,2008 7:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm a proud supporter of the Bricks 4 Tits Coalition
[Sep 26,2008 8:21pm - archaeon ""]
[Sep 26,2008 8:22pm - Dankill  ""]
Next time a drunk mob chants for you to turn around, you'd better do it.
All the same, if someone asks if you're a God, say yes.
[Sep 26,2008 8:30pm - swamplorddvm ""]
haha. it's like the sluts went up in smoke. Where the hell did they go?
[Sep 26,2008 8:37pm - hunterhunter ""]
that dude was so pissed he didnt get to see their boobs
[Sep 26,2008 8:38pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
some really intelligent people there.
[Sep 26,2008 9:06pm - dertoxia ""]
no one else is saying anything them being in a fucking shopping cart?
[Sep 27,2008 8:10am - RustyPS ""]

dertoxia said:no one else is saying anything them being in a fucking shopping cart?

lol exactly what I was thinking
[Sep 27,2008 9:20am - Conservationist ""]
[Sep 27,2008 9:21am - Conservationist ""]

DaveFromTheGrave said:some really intelligent people there.

Yeah. If that crowd were nerve gassed, humanity would be stronger.

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