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[Sep 29,2008 2:38am - Friedrich Nietzsche  ""]
Christianity can be understood only in relation to the soil out of which it grew, it is not a counter movement against the jewish instinct, it is the rational outcome of the latter, one step further in its appalling logic. In the formula of the savior: "for salvation is of the jews." The second principle is: the psychological type of the Galilean is still recognizable, but it was only in a state of utter degeneration (which is at once a distortion and an overloading with foreign features) that he was able to serve the purpose for which he has been used, namely, as a type of redeemer of mankind.

The jews are the most remarkable people in the history of the world, because when confronted with the question of Being or non Being, with simply uncanny deliberateness, they prefered being at any price: this price was the fundamental falsification of all nature, all the naturalness and all the reality, of the inner quite as much as of the outer world. The hedged themslves in behind all those conditions under which hitherto a people has been able to live, has been allowed to live; of themsleves they created an idea which was the reverse of natural conditions, each in turn, they twisted first religion, then the cult, then morality, history and psychology, about in a manner so perfectly hopeless that they were made to contradict their natural value. We meet with the same phenomena again, and exaggerated to an incalculable degree, although only as a copy: the Christian Church as compared with the "chosen people", lacks all claims to originality. Precisely on this account the Jews are the most fatal people in the history of the world: their ultimate influence has falsified mankind to such an extent, that even to this day the Christian can be anti-semetic in spirit, without comprehending that he himself is the final consequence of Judaism...
[Sep 29,2008 4:30am - Pasquale DiPasquale  ""]
Hey bro, I had to read one a ya books when I was at Salem State, never read it since I'm takin over my dad's limo company after I graduate anyway. But I like to think of myself as the Ubermensch, especially after my latest cycle.
[Sep 29,2008 9:17am - This_is_Heresy ""]
Good book.
[Sep 29,2008 12:31pm - unholy  ""]
Nietzsche alleged that "...one is not 'converted ' to Christianity — one must be sufficiently sick for it."[88] The decadent and sick types of people came to power through Christianity. From everywhere, the aggregate of the sick accumulated in Christianity and outnumbered the healthy. "The majority became master; the democratism of the Christian instincts conquered... ."[89] The meaning of the God on the Cross is that "...[e]verything that suffers, everything that hangs on the Cross, is divine... ."[90] "Because sickness belongs to the essence of Christianity, the typical Christian condition, 'belief,' has to be a form of sickness. Every straightforward, honest, scientific road to knowledge has to be repudiated by the Church as a forbidden road. Even doubt is a sin."[91] Knowledge requires caution, intellectual moderation, discipline, and self–overcoming. But Christianity uses sick reasoning, such as martyrdom, to try to prove its truth. Christians think that "...there must be something to a cause for which someone is willing to die."[92] In response, Nietzsche quoted a passage from his earlier work: "And if someone goes through fire for his doctrine — what does that prove?"[93] "[T]he need for belief, for some unconditional Yes and No,...is a need born of weakness."[94]

[Sep 30,2008 12:09am - BSV  ""]
the most important book I've ever read (a few times).
[Sep 30,2008 2:02am - the_reverend ""]
ich bin

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