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Salem zombie walk

[Sep 30,2008 11:07am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
october 5th there's going to be a zombie walk in downtown salem/ zombie movies at salem cinema all night

also midnight movies all october at salem cinema, they have that shitty cthulhu movie...the one that's based on innsmouth story hahah
[Sep 30,2008 12:17pm - Martins ""]
I don't know why they called it Cthulu except for the fact that it sparks interest. Real Lovecraft fans know the truth. I do suppose that everything Lovecraft wrote has to do with Cthulu though.
[Sep 30,2008 12:22pm - ouchdrummer ""]
damn, whys this gotta be on a fucking sunday. Its the only day i have two band practices. I freiking love zombie movies too. bummer. Do you know which movies they are gonna show?
[Oct 1,2008 10:49am - y_ddraig_goch ""]

ouchdrummer said:damn, whys this gotta be on a fucking sunday. Its the only day i have two band practices. I freiking love zombie movies too. bummer. Do you know which movies they are gonna show?

probably the gayest ones ever.

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