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this should sway your vote ?? HAHAHAH

[Oct 1,2008 9:54am - monster_island ""]

[Oct 1,2008 10:06am - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 1,2008 10:13am - monster_island ""]
" she likes niggers "
[Oct 1,2008 10:33am - ouchdrummer ""]
holy crap, i can't even watch that whole video. I wish Darwin would get his act together and take good care of these people.
[Oct 1,2008 10:34am - tramplethweak ""]
[Oct 1,2008 10:42am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
haahaha i thought they were riding a horse!!!

but it was a four wheeler dressed up like a horse
[Oct 1,2008 1:05pm - scmfck  ""]
damn, i'd hit it
[Oct 1,2008 1:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
is that susan sarandon?
[Oct 1,2008 3:23pm - xmikex ""]
Laugh now, but these are the same people that liberals said didn't have the voting power to elect George Bush 2 terms in a row.
[Oct 1,2008 9:23pm - yummy ""]
I heard a clip of this on the radio this morning. I thought it was a joke. I guess it kind of is.
[Oct 1,2008 9:41pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Ummm, we are at war with IRAN? HAHA!! yeah.... Yay, geebajeebuz.
[Oct 1,2008 9:57pm - samYam ""]
Who do I talk to about getting that 3:18 worth of time back, that was drivel....

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