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Talk about a "shitty" morning...

[Oct 5,2008 11:17am - markfuckingrichards ""]
I took an epic dump this morning, one which required 3 flushes. Upon descending to the kitchen to comsume my breakfast I learned the unfortunate news that my deposit, if you will, found its way to the floor of the laundry room. The Richards family septic tank is fucking done, and since we have well water, we are officially fucked. No toilet, no shower, no sinks, no washing machine. Life is going to be a little more interesting until we can afford a new tank, haha. Fuck my life.
[Oct 5,2008 11:21am - SkinSandwich ""]
Looks like you are washing in the river son.
[Oct 5,2008 11:25am - Conservationist ""]
That totally sucks. Take all epic dumps at the library -- it saves on air fresheners, too.
[Oct 5,2008 11:26am - the_reverend ""]
library? is that place still around?
[Oct 5,2008 11:27am - markfuckingrichards ""]
Haha, I think I spoke too soon...at first it seemed the tank was fucked but luckily it was plugged up by a gigantic mass of soap, due to some Cascade tablets that apparently don't break down enough. There was a LOT of it. Thank fucking Christ that's all it was. But, we still have an entire cellar floor covered in shit, hahaha.
[Oct 5,2008 11:28am - the_reverend ""]
party mud
[Oct 5,2008 11:29am - corpus_colostomy ""]
[Oct 5,2008 11:30am - markfuckingrichards ""]
And what a party. Good thing we had a ton of clean laundry get soiled, so we have even more fun!
[Oct 5,2008 11:32am - Mess ""]
talk about a shitty night last night,
i get pulled over by a markfuckingrichards lookalike in norwell,
the cop gave me a ticket for driving my gf's unregistered car?
and then he towes it to some fucking towe yard in the middle of the sticks somewhere.
we had to choose norwell to have a nice chink dinner. fuck that town and the whole police force. i drove around weymouth the night before, around police road blocks, 6 times, weymouth cops have better shit to do than pull over a unreg'd car. my gf tried to pay the reg friday online and they gave her a transaction id. she had it written down in her pocket and showed it to the cop. he still towed the fucking thing.
we ended up getting gook food... in weymouth. we walked 20 minutes and mostly drank when we got there.
moral of the story...
[Oct 5,2008 11:35am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Also, don't poop on the floor.
[Oct 5,2008 11:35am - Mess ""]
i'm about to head out on my mountain bike to the packy
[Oct 5,2008 11:38am - markfuckingrichards ""]
That was no look-alike, Rick. You got punk'd! Seriously though, that fucking blows.
[Oct 5,2008 11:39am - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]

markfuckingrichards said: we still have an entire cellar floor covered in shit, hahaha.

Soooo coming over and wrestling with you in it.
[Oct 5,2008 11:42am - markfuckingrichards ""]
[Oct 5,2008 11:45am - goatcatalyst ""]
Make that Copromesis show a basement show. Their shit-trannies won't know what to do with themselves.

... And of course, my condolences to you and the Fucking Richards family.
[Oct 5,2008 11:49am - Mess ""]

markfuckingrichards said:That was no look-alike, Rick. You got punk'd! Seriously though, that fucking blows.

seriously, i was like dude, don't do this to me, i KNOW you!
[Oct 5,2008 12:29pm - markfuckingrichards ""]
Goddamn dopplegangers.
[Oct 5,2008 12:44pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Mess said:talk about a shitty night last night,
i get pulled over by a markfuckingrichards lookalike in norwell,
the cop gave me a ticket for driving my gf's unregistered car?
and then he towes it to some fucking towe yard in the middle of the sticks somewhere.
we had to choose norwell to have a nice chink dinner. fuck that town and the whole police force. i drove around weymouth the night before, around police road blocks, 6 times, weymouth cops have better shit to do than pull over a unreg'd car. my gf tried to pay the reg friday online and they gave her a transaction id. she had it written down in her pocket and showed it to the cop. he still towed the fucking thing.
we ended up getting gook food... in weymouth. we walked 20 minutes and mostly drank when we got there.
moral of the story...

good thing you didn't have any"thing" in the car. sucks doood
[Oct 5,2008 12:52pm - Conservationist ""]
You should totally party in the poo. Set up a show, bring some kegs, etc.
[Oct 5,2008 1:01pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
by markfuckingrichards at Oct 5,2008 11:17am

I took an epic dump this morning, one which required 3 flushes. Upon descending to the kitchen to comsume my breakfast I learned the unfortunate news that my deposit, if you will, found its way to the floor of the laundry room. The Richards family septic tank is fucking done, and since we have well water, we are officially fucked. No toilet, no shower, no sinks, no washing machine. Life is going to be a little more interesting until we can afford a new tank, haha. Fuck my life.

when youre in composted, you gotta figure that at some point, something like that is bound to happen. . . goddamn son.
[Oct 5,2008 1:15pm - Mess ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
Mess said:talk about a shitty night last night,
i get pulled over by a markfuckingrichards lookalike in norwell,
the cop gave me a ticket for driving my gf's unregistered car?
and then he towes it to some fucking towe yard in the middle of the sticks somewhere.
we had to choose norwell to have a nice chink dinner. fuck that town and the whole police force. i drove around weymouth the night before, around police road blocks, 6 times, weymouth cops have better shit to do than pull over a unreg'd car. my gf tried to pay the reg friday online and they gave her a transaction id. she had it written down in her pocket and showed it to the cop. he still towed the fucking thing.
we ended up getting gook food... in weymouth. we walked 20 minutes and mostly drank when we got there.
moral of the story...

good thing you didn't have any"thing" in the car. sucks doood

yeah you're right, you won't believe it but yesterday morning i was driving and pulled over at the car wash to throw all the "trash" out of the vehicle. i had atleast a case of empties in the car and who knows what other kind of paraphernalia laying around, especially having TomCWAF in the backseet the night before hahaha jk.
i didn't know the cops did an inventory before the car gets towed. we were both like "thank fuck we dumped everything in the a.m."
so i guess it could've been worse.
[Oct 5,2008 1:17pm - Conservationist ""]

Dave_Maggot said:when youre in composted, you gotta figure that at some point, something like that is bound to happen. . . goddamn son.

Lyrical inspiration for their new string-ripper, Poo Party on the Basement Floor, While Neighbors Go to Church and Sodomize their Kids.
[Oct 5,2008 1:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 5,2008 3:46pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Oct 5,2008 4:01pm - the_reverend ""]
wallow filth merchant wallow
[Oct 5,2008 4:06pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
My entire house smells like bleach and ammonia now.
[Oct 5,2008 4:09pm - archaeon ""]
Like MSD's crawlspace?
[Oct 5,2008 4:14pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Well, his crawlspace has a little bit of a cotton candy aroma too it as well...
[Oct 5,2008 4:14pm - Martins ""]
twy again, dis time wid feewing
[Oct 6,2008 10:05am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
My crawlspace smells like win.
[Oct 6,2008 11:53am - ouchdrummer ""]
my water heater is dead. Has been for a while. I shower with bottles of water (7 2liters, 2gallon jugs) that i heat in front of my floorboard heater in my bathroom everynight. It sucks, so i feel you with the water problems mark. hopefully now that i've managed to crawl (at glacier like speed) towards being outta debt, i can manage to have hot water again.
[Oct 6,2008 12:00pm - timma ""]
Ouch--I got one of these camping showers, you should check one out. It's a giant water bladder with a clear side, and the other side is black. Fill it with water, let it sit in the sun for a few hours and BAM! "warm" shower...better than bottles, that's for damn sure.
[Oct 6,2008 12:04pm - markfuckingrichards ""]
Well, luckily everything is cool now Ouch. Septic tank is being flushed out today, and everything is back to normal.
[Oct 6,2008 12:06pm - ouchdrummer ""]
well, while those sound great, the couple that i've looked at have been big enough that they won't fit within my shower. So i would actually have to go outside to use it. Which in south boston isn't really an option unfortunately. Well, i guess it is, although i would probably get arrested.
[Oct 6,2008 12:09pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Happy to hear that mark. No water is real real lame.
[Oct 6,2008 12:30pm - narkybark ""]
The last place I lived, on a few occasions I had the luxury of having raw sewage bubble up from the shower drain, fill the 48" x 48" x 6" or so shower floor area, then spill over and start filling up the bathroom. And then when it rained heavy, water would come up through the stone flooring and essentially flood the whole place.

The chocolate river was the worst though, ugh. I kept looking for the Wonka boat.
[Oct 6,2008 1:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]
narky-don't you sleep till like 3 every day? why are you up already?
[Oct 6,2008 3:17pm - narkybark ""]
no, that's on weekends. I have to get up for work unfortunately.
[Oct 6,2008 3:22pm - timma ""]
waking up for work, especially on a monday, is like being hit in the face with a kickball at point blank range.

I decided that this morning in case you were wondering.
[Oct 6,2008 3:23pm - Conservationist ""]
Please post pictures of the shitfloods.
[Oct 6,2008 3:44pm - Dankill  ""]
This must become a song of epic log dropping proportions.
[Oct 6,2008 4:28pm - Conservationist ""]
Pebble squirtin'
[Oct 6,2008 4:32pm - narkybark ""]
sadly the thought of a camera never entered my mind. I think I was too busy avoiding the tar pits.

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