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Local Liquor Stores with the Best Beer Selections

[Oct 6,2008 3:45pm - aril  ""]
Yes, another beer thread.

Belgian / English / German / Canadian / American / Whatever.

The place near my place has a decent amount of Belgian beers, but not much English-style beers (stouts, etc.)
Just curious what everyone's opinions are about this.
Does anyone know where to get Sam Adams Millenium as well?
[Oct 6,2008 3:46pm - mortalis ""]
andover liquors, one of the few bright spots in the town
[Oct 6,2008 3:47pm - aril  ""]
what do they have there? just a wide variety or a certain type?

way down near New Bedford, Westport liquors has a nice selection of all different European beers. But the place is a shack.
[Oct 6,2008 3:49pm - Seth  ""]
Baur Wines on Newbury St. in Boston has a good selection. I use to work there and they try to carry a big variety of stuff to serve boston etc.... Definitly a check once....
[Oct 6,2008 3:50pm - timma ""]
Macy's in West Roxbury is ok...not the best. Any of the Blanchard's locations seem to have alot too. The one at the westgate mall in Brockton is fucking HUGE.
[Oct 6,2008 3:51pm - ouchdrummer ""]
if your talking about the city,

Charles st. Liquors-down on charles st. by the MGH stop on the red line.
definately the best store for someone like me, you, orgy, darkwar, or other beer connoisseurs. Lots of belgian, lots of american craft microbrews, all sorts of crazy stuff you've never seen. Good prices too.

As far as in the city is concerned, the only other place is in allson, marty's. There are a couple down by kenmore that my buddy really likes, i will find out the names.
[Oct 6,2008 3:51pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Capitol Convenience in Concord, NH (used to be Mamo's Market). A ton of obscure microbrews and imports. They also let you mix/match 6-packs.
[Oct 6,2008 3:51pm - Seth  ""]
Definitly the Blanchards in Brockton is sick!!!!!
[Oct 6,2008 3:54pm - aril  ""]
How come i've never been to the Blanchards in Brockton??
Oh yea, I try avoiding Brockton like a plague. I'll be sure to go there, though.
[Oct 6,2008 4:03pm - orgymf@work  ""]
yeah....definately with them on Marty's and Blanchards (never been to the Brockton location, but the Allston one rules)
Also there is a place (in South Attleboro, Swansea, and Sturbridge) called Yankee Spirits (i've only been to the one in South Attleboro, but i hear great things about the Swansea location) with amazing beer selection!

plus, there is a bar and grill in Allston called the "Sunset Grill and Tap"
that keeps 132 beers on tap at all times (at least 10 to 30 new ones a month, and thousands of bottles as well.

Aril....unfortunately, you can not get Millenium from a liquor store..... much like Newport Storms first 4 "Coastal Extreme" yearly specials, it was made once, and is out of circulation.....to get one you would probably have to talk to other beer fanatics until you find one who has a bottle.....though i doubt they'd be willing to part with it.
[Oct 6,2008 4:05pm - karnivean ""]
cumberland liquors In Fall River is open on sundays till 11 PM! cant beet that. Random fun fact for anyone in need of booze on sunday
[Oct 6,2008 4:06pm - orgymf@work  ""]
oh....and if you are in the rhode island area.....i highly reccomend Town Wine and Spirits in East Providence (route 1a....newport ave) and Nikki's Liquors (95 south to exit 24, right at the end of the exit, left at the end of the street....it's in shaw's plaza)
great selection, and if you mix your own 6, 12 or 18 pack of craft beer, it's ten percent off, 24 pack, twenty percent off!
[Oct 6,2008 4:07pm - orgymf@work  ""]
woops.....right at the end of the exit, right at the end of the street..... retarded, constant typos, bad with directions...i suck
[Oct 6,2008 4:15pm - hunterhunter ""]
spirit haus in amherst
[Oct 6,2008 4:18pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Oct 6,2008 4:52pm - karnivean ""]
Mississippi mud is the greatest shit rite beside killians!
[Oct 6,2008 5:22pm - ddrummer ""]
no need to avoid brockton for blanchards just make sure you dont go through brockton with a band and get stucking in Max's blues cafe, it seems that whenever a band plays one show there they never get out

but i digest

yeah blanchards is fucking huge
[Oct 6,2008 7:28pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
lukes in rockland is good.
yankee spirits is good
seekonk liquors is good.

lknife.com links you to a beer finder where you type in your zipcode and the beer you want and it tells you which store is closest. (i think the site is currently down)
[Oct 6,2008 7:29pm - thebloodening ""]
martinelli's in brighton
[Oct 6,2008 7:39pm - Seth  ""]
So true about Martinelli's.
[Oct 6,2008 8:22pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
For Dover residents its obviously Smileys. Small store but they do have a good selection, all the Unibroe beers, kegs and whatever else you want. When I went on tour, an awesome beer and wine store is 21 Eleven in Greenville NC. They have lots of microbrews and wine. And they have shows there! They can't serve beer but can serve wine somehow and gave us free wine! Anytime I'm in Allston, I forget the place (must be one of the ones mentioned) I always get beer I never see in NH so that's great.
[Oct 6,2008 8:37pm - |an ""]
Downtown Liquors in Davis, huge selection of Belgian/German/Czech/Polish beers, pretty decent prices too
[Oct 6,2008 8:44pm - mortalis ""]

aril said:what do they have there? just a wide variety or a certain type?

way down near New Bedford, Westport liquors has a nice selection of all different European beers. But the place is a shack.

pretty much everything. and viking blod.
[Oct 8,2008 10:12am - orgymf@work  ""]

karnivean said:Mississippi mud is the greatest shit rite beside killians!

if those are your two favs(not that they're bad or anything, but)....you got a lot more beer to try dude.
[Oct 8,2008 10:36am - darkwor  ""]
julio's liquors in westboro on rt9 has the largest beer selection i've ever seen. we're talking hundreds of different import and craft beers. they even have a deal where you can make your own 6-pack out of anything in the store, any size bottles, and get 15% off.
[Oct 8,2008 10:40am - orgymf@work  ""]
I've heard great things about Julios!!!
i'm actually saving money, just for a trip up there (i could easily spend a few hundred bucks in a place that not only has amazing beer selection but also has an amazing cigar shop, cheese shop, and hot sauce selection!!)
[Oct 8,2008 10:44am - darkwor  ""]
cheese and hot sauce!! they have bottles of hot sauce that are easily over a hundred bucks. not to mention the whiskey that is a few hundred years old in the secure glass case.
[Oct 8,2008 10:47am - aril  ""]
beer,cheese,hot sauce, and cigars?
shit man, I need to check this place out.
those are some of my favorite things.
[Oct 8,2008 10:52am - orgymf@work  ""]

darkwor said:not to mention the whiskey that is a few hundred years old in the secure glass case.

[Oct 8,2008 10:53am - orgymf@work  ""]

aril said:beer,cheese,hot sauce, and cigars?
shit man, I need to check this place out.
those are some of my favorite things.

i'll let ya know when i plan my trip up there if ya wanna carpool (i'll probably drag Jim along.....i'm sure it won't take much convincing)
[Oct 8,2008 11:07am - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]

[Oct 8,2008 11:40am - darkwor  ""]


BACKED :duffbeer:
my roommate and i return bottles there all the time to get more beer. it's a vicious cycle.
[Oct 8,2008 12:18pm - Czarnobóg ""]
If your around Somerville check out Downtown Wine and Spirits (in Davis). Huge selection of beers from all over the world, maybe the biggest in the city. My guitar player used to work there. It ruled.
[Oct 8,2008 12:23pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Czarnobóg said:If your around Somerville check out Downtown Wine and Spirits (in Davis). Huge selection of beers from all over the world, maybe the biggest in the city. My guitar player used to work there. It ruled.

i forgot about that place!! great belgian selection!
[Oct 8,2008 12:25pm - orgymf@work  ""]

darkwor said:

BACKED :duffbeer:
my roommate and i return bottles there all the time to get more beer. it's a vicious cycle.

i can't wait to check it out.
Nikki's and Yankee Spirits are definately the best in southeastern new england though
[Oct 8,2008 1:27pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
Luke's in Rockland?

Macy's Beachway Hingham/Weymo line.
[Oct 8,2008 4:05pm - Mess ""]
i hate going to macy's in weymouth. that old hag with food hanging out of her gaping hole is annoying as shit. even if she's open, i walk right by her and wait in line for the other clerk.
discount liquors is much better. the selection might be less than macy's but i'm no snob.
for variety, the one in rockland is the place to go.
[Oct 8,2008 8:44pm - yummy ""]
I'd go with Yankee Spirits.
[Oct 8,2008 11:35pm - BSV  ""]
I've been on a major Mississippi Mud kick latly.

[Oct 9,2008 7:38am - Yeti ""]
yeah Julio's is definitely the best.
[Oct 9,2008 7:49am - GodlessRob ""]

orgymf@work said:
darkwor said:not to mention the whiskey that is a few hundred years old in the secure glass case.


I have a bottle of whiskey that is 157 years old. Man, the story behind that thing. Aril next time you come over I'll show you.
There is a place in attleboro on rte 1 almost into the bucket that has a huge selection that I used to go into from time to time. They got me to try Brooklyn Chocolate Stout. Wasn't bad, haven't been able to find it since.
[Oct 10,2008 8:58am - orgymf@work  ""]

GodlessRob said:
orgymf@work said:
darkwor said:not to mention the whiskey that is a few hundred years old in the secure glass case.


I have a bottle of whiskey that is 157 years old. Man, the story behind that thing. Aril next time you come over I'll show you.
There is a place in attleboro on rte 1 almost into the bucket that has a huge selection that I used to go into from time to time. They got me to try Brooklyn Chocolate Stout. Wasn't bad, haven't been able to find it since.

yeah, that's yankee spirits. that's where i do most of my beer shopping.
it used to be a grocery store....place is fucking huge.

157 year old bottle of whiskey? have you ever cracked it?
if so,how much food/money/homebrew/beer/begging would it require for me to get an ounce or two of that on ice?

the best whiskey (scotch) i've ever had is Johnny Walker "Blue Label"
close runner up (unbelievably good, especially considering how cheap it is compared to most good whiskies) Jack Daniels "Single Barrel"
fucking amazing
[Oct 10,2008 9:24am - GodlessRob ""]

orgymf@work said:
GodlessRob said:
orgymf@work said:
darkwor said:not to mention the whiskey that is a few hundred years old in the secure glass case.


I have a bottle of whiskey that is 157 years old. Man, the story behind that thing. Aril next time you come over I'll show you.
There is a place in attleboro on rte 1 almost into the bucket that has a huge selection that I used to go into from time to time. They got me to try Brooklyn Chocolate Stout. Wasn't bad, haven't been able to find it since.

yeah, that's yankee spirits. that's where i do most of my beer shopping.
it used to be a grocery store....place is fucking huge.

157 year old bottle of whiskey? have you ever cracked it?
if so,how much food/money/homebrew/beer/begging would it require for me to get an ounce or two of that on ice?

the best whiskey (scotch) i've ever had is Johnny Walker "Blue Label"
close runner up (unbelievably good, especially considering how cheap it is compared to most good whiskies) Jack Daniels "Single Barrel"
fucking amazing

No it has never been opened. Completely untouched. I was rehabbing a burned out 6 family in New Bedford (gotta love shitstain crackheads that are to afraid to call the fire dept. when their dryer is sparking). Well I ended up in the roof one day and I saw a wooden crate poking out from the rafters and low and behold there it was. It's brothers and sisters were either drunk or cracked. The crate was mint and I ended up selling that, I can't believe what I got for that. There are some insane "box" collectors out there.

After that I went around trying to find the date on this, it says 1852, hand blown glass and the whole 9 yards. I ended up talking to 4 experts and each one said a different year, but the general consensus is that it is somewhere between 132 and 157 years old. 2 of them said 157(or now that it is almost 2009 it'll be 157 years old) 1 said 145 years old and the other said 132.

I mean regardless if it's 132 or 157 years old the shit is exactly that, FUCKING OLD.
The plan has always been (and I know I'll have some dickhead responses to this) that if I/we ever get signed that I would have a HUGE fucking party and crack that thing open. Now I will let you all know that I am a realist and the likelihood of that happening is slim to none, but the point is, is that I want to wait for something really important to open it. When I do you will be on a short list of people I will invite to partake of it.
The shit will either be the best whiskey I have ever had or it'll kill me. Either way, awesome!

[Oct 10,2008 9:43am - orgymf@work  ""]
that is a pretty odd story.
that was some damn good luck finding that!!

anyway, i respect your plan, and you are the fuckin man for including me on that list!!!! come on down to Attleboro for any of our brew weekends if ya want to!
[Oct 10,2008 10:08am - Godlessrob ""]
Where-abouts in the atl? I used to live there for years.
[Oct 10,2008 10:14am - aril  ""]
Man, I haven't been to the Emerald Square Mall in Attleboro in a few years.
Do they still got that Arby's down there?
[Oct 10,2008 10:30am - bradmann ""]
marty's (especially in newton) or blanchard's anywhere is a good choice. also winchester wine & spirits has an amazing selection and beer tastings every (other?) friday
[Oct 10,2008 10:43am - orgymf@work  ""]
i live on south main street behind the church and the funeral home (across from the train station)

aril, yeah they still got arbys there
[Oct 10,2008 11:52am - Godlessrob ""]
I know where that is. Fucking christ my band got started in the foster building! You remember that place!
[Oct 10,2008 12:24pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Tully's Beer and Wine in Wells Maine. Just went to the new location in the Hannaford plaza. Tons of good beers. Thanks to all of you I chose the Old Rasputin and damn was it awesome. One of my instant favorites. Need to go back and try tons more. But if you're in Maine, that place is official.
[Oct 10,2008 1:17pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Godlessrob said:I know where that is. Fucking christ my band got started in the foster building! You remember that place!

my second bands practice space was there.
i took a 16 year old korean girls virginity up there on my 18'th birthday.
good times.
[Oct 10,2008 1:18pm - aril  ""]
pics of it didnt happen
[Oct 10,2008 1:20pm - orgymf@work  ""]
anyway.....1 week from tomorrow, i am brewing beer.... Jim (ouchrummer) might be there.
you (and anyone else i have talked to about beer) are welcome to come drink, brew, hang out!

it'll be a blast
[Oct 10,2008 1:21pm - orgymf@work  ""]

aril said:pics of it didnt happen

hahaha, i wish i had pics of me fucking that girl, she was so hot.

i can't even describe how perfect a teenage asian virgins pussy is.

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