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Apologies from swamplorddvm

[Feb 19,2004 12:01am - swamplorddvm ""]
Yeah, so i've read many posts and threads of mine and i've realized that I have offended many felow rttp goers. (Making this thread won't help) I tend to get serious about certain topics and shit. So my apologies for offending any one. but if I think a band sucks, you will know. You would do the same. Keep it Metal :NEWHORNS:
[Feb 19,2004 12:06am - MyDeadDoll ""]
but offending people is fun. no
need to applogize. hehehehe
[Feb 19,2004 12:12am - swamplorddvm ""]
shut up you fucking nigger, chink, spic, towel head, craker, kike!!!
[Feb 19,2004 12:14am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm a spic, the word's out.
[Feb 19,2004 2:23am - swamplorddvm ""]
Welcome to the club. (if it's true)
[Feb 20,2004 2:49pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
there's a club?
[Feb 20,2004 4:42pm - the_reverend ""]
it's some place uncomfortably hot and poor.
[Feb 20,2004 6:23pm - dreadkill ""]
i've never been offended by sir swampulus. it's good to have opinions as long as you respect others', and you've never disrespected mine, so we cool G.
[Feb 20,2004 7:22pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
The "tawt" thing got old fast but I don't think you annoyed anyone aside from the couple people who are annoyed by everyone.
[Feb 20,2004 10:48pm - Abbath ""]
i show no hate swamp, any one who likes opeth is a brother to me
[Feb 20,2004 11:17pm - JellyFish ""]

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