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SO, I've studied my dick off, and this is what I have found empirically true.

[Oct 7,2008 10:55pm - Murph ""]
[img] = [img]

[img] = [img]


[img] = [img]

The end.
[Oct 7,2008 11:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 8,2008 2:06am - Conservationist ""]

Murph said:[img]

= Willy Loman.
[Oct 8,2008 2:12am - sacreligion ""]
i'd believe it were empirically true if you said obama was darth vader and mccain was palpatine
[Oct 8,2008 2:18am - Samantha ""]
[Oct 8,2008 8:28am - ouchdrummer ""]
i used to play every saturday at the rattlesnake downtown on boylston with a girl who had boobs like that. She even had that shirt, which she wore regularly. We were called "Emily Degraff and her Amazing Tits". It was the only time in my life someone called me a tit, and i didn't mind.

...sorry i know this has NOTHING to do with the thread, but that's kinda my style. *wink*

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