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Most epic death scene in a movie

[Oct 9,2008 3:57pm - thebloodening ""]
Has to be in silent hill, when pyramid head rips the girls skin off and throws it at the door.SICK!!!!
[Oct 9,2008 3:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
too bad that movie sucked. death scene was prolly cool though... i dont remember. i just remember hating that movie
[Oct 9,2008 4:02pm - oscarct ""]
willem dafoe in platoon.
[Oct 9,2008 4:03pm - thebloodening ""]
forgot about that one, wicked sad. Bunny was a prick I remeber
[Oct 9,2008 4:09pm - ouchdrummer ""]

thebloodening said:Has to be in silent hill, when pyramid head rips the girls skin off and throws it at the door.SICK!!!!

i gotta say.... i hated this movie, but the scene your talking about was god damn awesome. I remember standing up and making a death growl when it happened. I was happy about it. It scared the bejesus outta the people hiding in the church when it happened haha. After that inside the church, when there was that huge razor-wire monster thingy... that was brutal too.
[Oct 9,2008 4:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
epic almost death scene - Event Horizon when the kid implodes in space
[Oct 9,2008 4:17pm - thuringwethil ""]
Murphy in the beginning of Robocop
[Oct 9,2008 4:22pm - oscarct ""]
ending of "Deadbeat At Dawn"
[Oct 9,2008 4:43pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Johnny 5 in Short Circuit. But his resurrection...more epic.
[Oct 9,2008 4:44pm - Mess ""]
the ending of Platooooooooon
[Oct 9,2008 4:54pm - timma ""]
Devils Rejects...when Otis drops the line "I am the Devil, and I am here to do the Devil's work" and proceeded to smash the shit out of that guy's head with a tree branch in the middle of the desert.

Cheesey, perhaps. Brutal, yes.
[Oct 9,2008 4:55pm - corpus_NLI  ""]
braveheart ! william wallace..
[Oct 10,2008 7:29am - Yeti ""]
that henchman in Robocop that gets the toxic waste dumped on him, and then is hit by a truck and explodes.
[Oct 10,2008 7:29am - Yeti ""]
or Frank in Hellraiser at the end when he says "jesus wept" and is ripped apart.
[Oct 10,2008 8:41am - orgymf@work  ""]

the courtroom scene in Boondock Saints (where they kill "Papa Joe".....i know it's not much visually, but theres something amazing about the way that whole scene plays out)

the chainsaw being thrown at the hooker in American Psycho

"Crusty" Whiles choking the little girl to death and sitting on her corpse while opening her christmas presents (home invasion scene from August Underground 3)

the chainsaw scene in Scarface

Star Wars: Episode 3...Anakin Skywalker (right after he turned into "Darth Vader") killing all the younglings (unfortunately, this scene was only spoken of in the movie, but in my dreams, it is epic!!)

and of course, the goriest thing ever, the lawnmower zombie massacre in Dead Alive
[Oct 10,2008 8:42am - orgymf@work  ""]
oh, and of course, Tony Montanas death
[Oct 10,2008 8:53am - joeycobra ""]
I think music during death scenes plays a huge part in whether they are "epic" or not, and gore doesn't exactly mean epic.

two good examples that come to mind areeeeeeeeeee

Ripley in Alien 3
Seth Brundel in The Fly
[Oct 10,2008 9:00am - orgymf@work  ""]
i know gore doesn't mean epic.....but i think that scene from Dead Alive qualifies
[Oct 10,2008 9:08am - largefreakatzero ""]
Lawnmower scene in Dead/Alive.

Silent Hill should not be in the same sentence as the word "best".
[Oct 10,2008 9:20am - timma ""]
When Mufasa falls off the cliff in the Lion King. Scarred me for life.
[Oct 10,2008 9:39am - orgymf@work  ""]

timma said:When Mufasa falls off the cliff in the Lion King. Scarred me for life.

joke or not, i seriously laughed out loud
[Oct 10,2008 9:42am - aril  ""]
boromir in lotr
william dafoe in platoon
william wallace of braveheart
two face in dark knight (oh wait.. he's alive...)
[Oct 10,2008 1:26pm - sacreligion ""]
the plate glass window in final destination 2 was pretty sweet.

and i'll see mfr's johnny 5 and raise him one saucer's death and resurrection from batteries not included
[Oct 10,2008 2:04pm - BSV  ""]
raging bull...the entire movie is so fucking intense, scene by scene it's emmense. the scene with him in jail being thrown into the hole is too much.
[Oct 10,2008 2:27pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Jacob's Ladder wins for stretching Tim Robbins' death scene to feature film length.

spoiler alert
[Oct 10,2008 2:29pm - BSV  ""]
oh shit this is about death, fuck!

passion of the christ, ftw!
[Oct 10,2008 2:29pm - orgymf@work  ""]
it didn't even hit me til just now....the point when Anakin turns!!
[Oct 10,2008 2:33pm - pam ""]
When the Joker made the pencil disappear into that dudes fucking eyeball in the new Batman I yelled "FUCK!" really loud.

And if I had a dick it would have been hard for the duration of Kill Bill vol. 1
[Oct 10,2008 2:34pm - pam ""]
The first Hellraiser movie was also packed with epic death.
[Oct 11,2008 12:37am - Phrozenspite ""]
Silent Hill was a disappointment but not to the level of most video game adaptations, I think it got the atmosphere right but it should've been a completely original story instead of trying to take pieces of multiple games

and they clarified in an interview that Two Face is definitely dead unfortunately in that batman timeline... sad I know he was the only worthwhile character in that franchise
[Oct 11,2008 1:26am - goatcatalyst ""]
When Henry and Otis go television shopping on a paltry $50 budget in HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER.

"Otis... Plug it in."
[Oct 11,2008 1:32am - goatcatalyst ""]
Silver medal: fire extinguisher face-pulping in IRREVERSIBLE.

Bronze medal: extended lapidary rape-bludgeoning->impalement in CANNIBAL LOLOCAUST

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