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The Daily Show

[Oct 10,2008 3:30am - sacreligion ""]
Jon Stewart seems as if he's sick of his audience laughing at how horrible the things they discuss actually are.
[Oct 10,2008 4:02am - pam ""]
Jon Stewart is going to be a fabulous 2nd husband.
[Oct 10,2008 4:15am - sacreligion ""]
jon stewart's going to have a nervous breakdown in the next 2 weeks. it's getting to the point where you really can't make fun of things anymore, it's too sad.
[Oct 10,2008 4:15am - sacreligion ""]
who's on rttp at 4am, btw?
[Oct 10,2008 4:21am - pam ""]
I took cold medicine that I'm pretty sure has crack in it because I'm unable to sleep.
That and I just did the 4am feeding on bebe
[Oct 10,2008 9:22am - Kadoog  ""]

sacreligion said:Jon Stewart seems as if he's sick of his audience laughing at how horrible the things they discuss actually are.

Agreed. I have a hard time watching the Daily Show now because the audience just laughs and cheers and then goes home and does nothing. I wonder if Stewart says something to them between takes, like, "DOOOOOO SOMETHING!" I'm sure he words it a little better...
[Oct 10,2008 9:27am - the_reverend ""]
I was awake at this time and trying to fall asleep on the floor. probably due to cold meds too
[Oct 10,2008 9:33am - brian_dc ""]
yeah, I sort of grew out of watching the Daily Show for this reason. It's pretty obvious that Stewart has crossed more out of the realm of being the kind of person who wants to joke about the problems in the world. I honestly think he might want to consider moving on to becoming a legitimate pundit...That phrase did not come out easily.
[Oct 10,2008 9:35am - orgymf@work  ""]
that show is awful ::smarmy liberal commentary:: ::applause:: repeat

lame attempt at humor

the fact that it's such a big show, proves how easily amused many people are, it's almost as boring as saturday night live has been the past decade or so
[Oct 10,2008 9:37am - brian_dc ""]
well, in it's heyday, when Colbert and Carrel were correspondents, it was a legitimately hilarious show. Biased or not, the humor was good.
[Oct 10,2008 9:37am - orgymf@work  ""]
eh, i haven't found that show funny since Craig Kilbourne (is that how you spell his last name? i can't remember) hosted
[Oct 10,2008 9:41am - brian_dc ""]
ah...I thought he was lame. His character was something I just hated. Smarmy, pretty-boy Hollywoodish dude. 5 questions sucked. I know it was just a character, but it's nothing I could ever laugh at.

He was funnier on Sportscenter, I thought.
[Oct 10,2008 9:45am - orgymf@work  ""]
hmmm...i don't know, he definately did have a douche quality about him.... but it was still the last time that show made me laugh.

it was never great....or even good in my opinion
[Oct 10,2008 9:49am - timma ""]
[Oct 10,2008 9:37am - brian_dc]
well, in it's heyday, when Colbert and Carrel were correspondents, it was a legitimately hilarious show. Biased or not, the humor was good.

Couldn't agree more. Well said, sir.
[Oct 10,2008 1:22pm - sacreligion ""]
well the thing with the daily show right now is that they are showing how everyone in washington and on wall st. are contradicting themselves with various videos that are sometimes only a day or two apart...and it's like he's enabling the people being dumbed down by the media as its portrayed under the veil of humor because it's a comedy central show.
[Oct 10,2008 1:28pm - BSV  ""]
yeah the daily show was amazing with colbert and carrell. the supporting cast now a days is just blah. dmitiri martin really ushered in this era so to say. smart for them to just focus on jon stewart and play around more with the actual footage from the media.
colbert is still genius though. his persona has never dried up and is still sharp and genuine. the interview with oliver stone last night was great.

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