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Obama's ACORN caught in voter fraud

[Oct 12,2008 2:24pm - Conservationist ""]
Acorn officials bill themselves as nonpartisan community organizers merely interested in giving a voice to minorities and the poor. In reality, Acorn is a union-backed, multimillion-dollar outfit that uses intimidation and other tactics to push for higher minimum wage mandates and to trash Wal-Mart and other non-union companies.

Given this history, it's not surprising that Acorn is so hostile to voter identification laws and other efforts to ensure fairness and accuracy at the polls. In Missouri last month, the state Supreme Court held that a photo ID requirement to vote was overly burdensome and a violation of the state constitution. Acorn was behind the original suit challenging the statute, and it has brought similar challenges in several other states, including Ohio.

A recent Pew Research Center survey found that blacks today are almost twice as likely as they were in 2004 to say they have little or no confidence in the voting system. Such a finding would seem like a powerful argument for voter ID laws, which consistently poll well among people of all races and incomes and would increase confidence in the voting process. Of course, voter ID laws would also cut down on fraud, which, judging from the latest indictments, would put a real crimp in Acorn's style.


That's Obama's old outfit.

Yeah, we know Obama. We know a shyster when we see one.

A grassroots organization that grew out of 1960s radicalism was Friday at the heart of a political firestorm over alleged voter registration fraud in the run-up to the US presidential election.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now -- better known by its acronym ACORN -- boasts gathering the names of 1.3 million mostly non-white, low-income voters in 21 states in the most successful voter registration drive in US history.

But its achievement is challenged by conservative opponents of Democratic front-runner Barack Obama, after allegations of voter registration fraud emerged in at least six to eight states where the November 4 vote is liable to be close.


[Oct 12,2008 2:26pm - Conservationist ""]
An analysis of campaign finance records by The New York Times this week found nearly 3,000 donations to Mr. Obama, the Democratic nominee, from more than a dozen people with apparently fictitious donor information. The contributions represent a tiny fraction of the record $450 million Mr. Obama has raised. But the questionable donations — some donors were listed simply with gibberish for their names — raise concerns about whether the Obama campaign is adequately vetting its unprecedented flood of donors.


[Oct 12,2008 4:24pm - sacreligion ""]

Conservationist said:But the questionable donations — some donors were listed simply with gibberish for their names — raise concerns about whether the Obama campaign is adequately vetting its unprecedented flood of donors.

or maybe some white guy read the names of some people with african names and thought they were gibberish because he's ignorant.
[Oct 12,2008 5:00pm - the_reverend ""]
obama owns acorn?
[Oct 12,2008 5:21pm - Conservationist ""]
ACORN is Obama's "community organizer" experience, and he held a leading role in their Chicago activity.

They are corrupt.

Work for the mob, you're a mobster.
[Oct 12,2008 7:32pm - Hoser ""]
Uh oh....quick Dems!!! Think of an excuse!!!! QUUUIIICCCKKKK!!!!!

Our party cannot be corrupt as the rest of all politicians!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Chaaaaaaaaaarlie!!!!!!!!!!!! We are a completely HOOOOOOONEST party!!!!

Sorry turds...a Republican freed the slaves, dump your nigger loving party and come to the dark side!!!!
[Oct 12,2008 7:57pm - the_reverend ""]
every mighty oak was once a little acorn.
[Oct 13,2008 3:19am - Conservationist ""]
ACORN = the worst of race-baiting and corruption.

They detest people who aren't impoverished and angry and brown...

Think about that.
[Oct 13,2008 3:35am - pam ""]
Good, I hope the Dems steal this election like you Republican cunts stole the election in 2000. Fair is fair, right?
[Oct 13,2008 3:42am - zyklon ""]
[Oct 13,2008 5:13am - Conservationist ""]

pam said:Good, I hope the Dems steal this election like you Republican cunts stole the election in 2000. Fair is fair, right?

It's more important to believe in conspiracies and hold up imaginary concepts of fairness than it is to get a workable government, isn't it?

Yes indeed, the hallmark of a dying society... and you stood bravely against the trend, didn't you?
[Oct 13,2008 5:41am - the_reverend ""]
911 was your fault?
[Oct 13,2008 9:36am - pam ""]
I stood bravely against what? You know what, I'm not taking the bait.
[Oct 13,2008 9:48am - purple lipped ape  ""]

pam said:I stood bravely against what? You know what, I'm not taking the bait.

thats right, don't take the bate...then all we'll have is a bunch of repubs. slinging shyte @ each other!! lol:bartmoon:
[Oct 13,2008 11:41am - Conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:911 was your fault?

You're right... I am Conservationist bin Laden.

[Oct 14,2008 1:21am - ctB0rderpatrol  ""]

[Oct 14,2008 10:48am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
bipartisan politics are mad homo.
[Oct 14,2008 10:51am - Yeti ""]
"Only I could have executed such a masterpiece of electoral fraud! And I have the records to prove it! Here, just look at these! Each one a work of Machiavellian art!"
[Oct 14,2008 8:44pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

sacreligion said:
Conservationist said:But the questionable donations — some donors were listed simply with gibberish for their names — raise concerns about whether the Obama campaign is adequately vetting its unprecedented flood of donors.

or maybe some white guy read the names of some people with african names and thought they were gibberish because he's ignorant.

wow. That wool over your eyes must get itchy

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