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Mars Volta apreesh!

[Oct 15,2008 4:27pm - duanegoldstein ""]
Ok so I cant stop listening to these guys!!! I missed the Boston show (I passed it up for the dinoJr BTS show), fucking amazing shit I'm a big prog-head and post-HC fella, Schooled in music/theory/rock/fusion/jazz/weirdness... but fuking-A anyone want to get on this "tri-tone boat"
[Oct 15,2008 4:28pm - orgymf@work  ""]

appreciation denied
[Oct 15,2008 4:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i used to like that first cd for some reason. after awhile though i just couldnt take the vocals. somebody get that dude a pair of nads.
[Oct 15,2008 4:30pm - orgymf@work  ""]
oh....and i am so sick of people telling me how "amazing" their drummer is.

nothin special

take music theory classes until you are an expert, take acid until your thought process is as useless/retarded as Mike Pattons, write songs.
Mars Volta
[Oct 15,2008 4:30pm - orgymf@work  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said: somebody get that dude a pair of nads.

haha, that too
[Oct 15,2008 4:33pm - darkwor  ""]
i've been a fan since their first album, their best one by far imo, but i can only listen sparingly. vocals are cool but do get annoying. and the LYRICS. cool imagery but MAKE NO SENSE.
[Oct 15,2008 4:36pm - archaeon ""]

orgymf@work said:oh....and i am so sick of people telling me how "amazing" their drummer is.

nothin special

Are you a drummer? He does some pretty cool things if you ask me.

Just started listening to this band recently, good stuff.
[Oct 15,2008 4:49pm - orgymf@work  ""]
yes sir, i am a drummer. not a great one. but a drummer, and a huge fan of those who actually are good.
buddy rich, gene krupa, alex van halen, pete sandoval, virgil donati
amazing drummers.

the drummer of Mars Volta.....just like Danny Carey....over rated
Carey goes crazy with triplets and quadruplets, Mars Volatas drummer pulls a couple of fancy fill ins and rudiments, and everyone thinks they are amazing.

they are just pretty good drummers who have very flashy styles
[Oct 15,2008 4:53pm - orgymf@work  ""]
im just kidding. i love mars volta. i also love hendrix, and all animals. i just have so much love its so funny
[Oct 15,2008 4:59pm - archaeon ""]
he's not amazing but I think he does a really good job with that band.
[Oct 15,2008 5:03pm - porphyria  ""]
Thomas Pridgen on drums made the Bedlam in Goliath album worth listening to.
[Oct 15,2008 5:04pm - porphyria  ""]
p.s. do any of you know which drummer you're talking about?
[Oct 15,2008 5:05pm - Lamp ""]

orgymf@work said:gay

appreciation denied

The thread should have ended here.
[Oct 15,2008 5:09pm - archaeon ""]
I'm talking about whoever played on De-Loused in the Comatorium
[Oct 15,2008 5:53pm - Martins ""]

De-Loused is an awesome album. Grant here didn't believe me until I made him listen to it the other day. <3 Funny that this appreciation thread happens now lul. I love this bandyband.
[Oct 16,2008 1:32am - duanegoldstein ""]

orgymf@work said:

take music theory classes until you are an expert, take acid until your thought process is as useless/retarded as Mike Pattons, write songs.
Mars Volta

Haha thats pretty much my game plan. That statement made me laugh so damn hard.
[Oct 16,2008 2:33am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

orgymf@work said:gay

appreciation denied

[Oct 16,2008 3:22am - duanegoldstein ""]
gay and artsy well maybe, overatted sure thats a war of opinions but I dont get the "pretentious" remark.
[Oct 16,2008 8:09am - UKN  ""]

orgymf@work said:oh....and i am so sick of people telling me how "amazing" their drummer is.

nothin special

take music theory classes until you are an expert, take acid until your thought process is as useless/retarded as Mike Pattons, write songs.
Mars Volta

Thomas Pridgen is an insanely talented player. He won the GC drum off when he was like 8 or 9 and had and was the youngest person to get a Zildjian endorsement by age 10, he's got his shit together.
[Oct 16,2008 9:00am - orgymf@work  ""]

orgymf@work said:im just kidding. i love mars volta. i also love hendrix, and all animals. i just have so much love its so funny

hey rev....wanna check the ip and see which douche just used my name to spout this gayness?
[Oct 16,2008 9:02am - orgymf@work  ""]

archaeon said:he's not amazing but I think he does a really good job with that band.

fair enough.

i don't have a problem with anyones musical taste, i just get annoyed with people who worship/idolize overrated bands/musicians
[Oct 16,2008 9:02am - orgymf@work  ""]

Lamp said:
orgymf@work said:gay

appreciation denied

The thread should have ended here.

[Oct 16,2008 9:04am - orgymf@work  ""]

UKN said:
orgymf@work said:oh....and i am so sick of people telling me how "amazing" their drummer is.

nothin special

take music theory classes until you are an expert, take acid until your thought process is as useless/retarded as Mike Pattons, write songs.
Mars Volta

Thomas Pridgen is an insanely talented player. He won the GC drum off when he was like 8 or 9 and had and was the youngest person to get a Zildjian endorsement by age 10, he's got his shit together.

maybe he is a good drummer.
but no drumming on any mars volta album has ever struck me as even vaguely impressive
[Oct 16,2008 10:40am - Yeti ""]
greatly unappreciated.
[Oct 16,2008 10:47am - Martins ""]
[Oct 16,2008 10:52am - orgymf@work fake  ""]
i am no douche at all, 'twas being sarcastic.
[Oct 16,2008 10:57am - orgymf@work  ""]

orgymf@work%20fake said:i am no douche at all, 'twas being sarcastic.

care to meet them?
[Oct 16,2008 11:00am - porphyria  ""]

orgymf@work said:

Thomas Pridgen is an insanely talented player. He won the GC drum off when he was like 8 or 9 and had and was the youngest person to get a Zildjian endorsement by age 10, he's got his shit together.

maybe he is a good drummer.
but no drumming on any mars volta album has ever struck me as even vaguely impressive

Dudes pretty good, I have a dvd called 'Shed Sessions' which is just a bunch of drummers jamming out in a room, it's pretty awesome.



[Oct 16,2008 11:08am - orgymf@work  ""]
these pretty much prove my point.
you guys were right that he is an excellent solo drummer.
in a band setting, just flashy.
going overboard with rudiments and flashy shuffles.....no biggie
[Oct 16,2008 11:32am - aril  ""]
okay, orgy, that fake orgy was me.
my sense at humor ultimately led to you being mad. oh noooooo
[Oct 16,2008 11:41am - orgymf@work  ""]

aril said:okay, orgy, that fake orgy was me.
my sense at humor ultimately led to you being mad. oh noooooo

or maybe just cuddle?
[Oct 16,2008 11:45am - pam ""]

orgymf@work said:gay

appreciation denied

[Oct 16,2008 11:57am - Murph ""]
Tony Royster Jr. > > > > > > > Thomas Pridgen

Pridgen has amazing chops, but he loses himself so much in his own playing.

Royster is more of the real deal than any drummer I've ever seen. His hat work is fucking crippling. (That is Royster playing with Pridgen in the last vid posted, gospelchops)
[Oct 16,2008 12:20pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Murph said:Tony Royster Jr. > > > > > > > Thomas Pridgen

Pridgen has amazing chops, but he loses himself so much in his own playing.

Royster is more of the real deal than any drummer I've ever seen. His hat work is fucking crippling. (That is Royster playing with Pridgen in the last vid posted, gospelchops)


that kid rules. ever see the vid of him playing when he was 9? amazing!!
[Oct 16,2008 12:22pm - porphyria  ""]
But Royster is in some uber lame band that's not nearly as interesting as Mars Volta (if that says anything to you guys).
[Oct 16,2008 12:24pm - Murph ""]

porphyria said:But Royster is in some uber lame band that's not nearly as interesting as Mars Volta (if that says anything to you guys).

I mean, as far as bodies of work go, I might give the upper hand to Pridgen subjectively, because I do like the new MV more than any studio project I've heard Royster do. When it comes to technique and fluidity though, Royster just has something that is inherent, something that cannot be taught.
[Oct 16,2008 12:37pm - orgymf@work  ""]

porphyria said:But Royster is in some uber lame band that's not nearly as interesting as Mars Volta (if that says anything to you guys).

while i do hate mars volta, i will admit tony has a much shittier band.... but is still a far better drummer.
[Oct 16,2008 2:12pm - uranus voltage  ""]

pam said:
orgymf@work said:gay

appreciation denied

[Oct 16,2008 2:41pm - darkwor  ""]
fuck it, Relationship of Command owns all.
[Oct 16,2008 4:00pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I prefer to believe At the Drive-In was thrown from their bus Cliff Burton style rather than splitting and forming this band and shitty ass Sparta.
[Oct 16,2008 4:01pm - aril  ""]
I could never really get into The Mars Volta.
I listen to them a few times and wasn't really digging it. I heard it stoned once and it was OKAY at most.
Not really huge on their sound. I'd rather listen to the classics.
[Oct 16,2008 4:29pm - blue ""]
havent heard the last couple albums from these guys, but their first couple were sweet as shit.
[Oct 16,2008 4:37pm - orgymf@work  ""]

blue said:havent heard the last couple albums from these guys, but their first couple were sweet as shit.

shit is not really all that sweet sir

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