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Afrocentricism is true Conservatism

[Oct 16,2008 10:12pm - Conservationist ""]

Carruthers makes a good point. No ethnic group feels happy unless it rules itself. No ethnic group feels comfortable ruling itself, unless it has a consensus on values and direction, which is what we call "culture." It helps to have customs, rituals, languages and a heritage in common; in fact, it is essential. We can't advocate such things for white people or we get called racist, but what these conservatives are doing is essentially turning the tables on black America and calling them racist. Wait, what?

Consider that Carruthers is right, and that his ideas apply to every ethnic group. None of us want to be from a group that because it is mixed lacks heritage, so culture becomes an option and so disintegrates because it's easier to have no culture, leaving a grey race of people who get their values and customs from television and advertising. We all want to be what we are, what our ancestors labored to make us and what -- in our saner moments -- we admit we like being. Multiculturalism just doesn't work. Carruthers is pure sense; Obama is clarity in supporting him; Stanley Kurtz, while sometimes quite astute, is off-base here.

Afrocentrists are at their core conservatives in the oldest sense, before we start arguing over small gov't, taxes, free markets and defense spending. Conservatives conserve; they preserve the past, assert its place, and uphold its values. If whites can do these things, why can't African-Americans? If this is the best assault conservatives can come up with, this election will have grim results for them, because this double standard assaults our basic sense of decency and fair play.

Afrocentricism is National Socialism for African-Americans -- and separation from whites.

We all just want to be what we are.

The Republicans are attacking the wrong idea here.

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