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When will you turn on your Heat 2008

[Oct 22,2008 11:09am - the_reverend ""]
It's 54 in here.
I had my first hot coffee at dunkin donuts this year.
[Oct 22,2008 11:12am - aril  ""]
i'm going to get one of those electric room heaters to see if it saves me money.
last winter I had to seal off all of my windows with plastic and somehow ended up paying almost 400 a month for a few months in a row
[Oct 22,2008 11:12am - brian_dc ""]
my heat has a life of it's own

it turned on over the weekend while I was away

oh well, shit is free for me.
[Oct 22,2008 11:14am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ugh already did. we have a pretty good set up though and get alot of our heat from the floor below.
[Oct 22,2008 11:17am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
free heat, electricity, and water.

the perks of living in an ancient apartment building not originally meant to be an apartment...so they have no way of measuring it.
[Oct 22,2008 11:18am - aril  ""]
I still have the AC blasting.
the song "I lit your baby on fire" to be exact.
[Oct 22,2008 11:22am - sever ""]
my apartment has a 40 year old heating apparatus.

in other words... my apartment has no heat. it's gonna be a COLD winter. wicked pissah.
[Oct 22,2008 11:25am - Murph ""]

brian_dc said:my heat has a life of it's own

it turned on over the weekend while I was away

oh well, shit is free for me.

quite a nice perk from das juden.
[Oct 22,2008 11:49am - darkwor  ""]
i live on the 3rd floor of a 3-decker, we can shut and lock the windows and gather heat from the 2 floors below us, wear a sweatshirt and go all winter without turning it on once. last year we fired it up twice for the hell of it.
[Oct 22,2008 11:57am - xmikex ""]
[Oct 22,2008 12:44pm - orgymf@work  ""]
i enjoy the cold, so i am happy about winter.....on the rare occasion that i get too cold, me and the woman get warm with blankets and body heat, we only tun the heat on if it's gonna be cold enough to freeze the pipes.
[Oct 22,2008 12:47pm - Lamp ""]
The temperature differences are so drastic around here. It'll be 40 in the morning, but by the afternoon it's 75 this time of year. I'm not even sure if the heat works anyway.
[Oct 22,2008 12:48pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Lamp said:The temperature differences are so drastic around here. It'll be 40 in the morning, but by the afternoon it's 75 this time of year.

yeah, that does get pretty annoying
[Oct 22,2008 12:57pm - bradmann ""]
no less than a minute ago i was like "hunh, what's that smell?" and then realized it was my housemate turning the heat on. sooo choice, can't wait for that bill in the mail.
[Oct 22,2008 1:12pm - sxealex ""]
i think im gonna burn some firewood
[Oct 22,2008 1:35pm - timma ""]
My landlord switched us from oil to gas over the summer, and boosted a rent a slight bit to offset the cost...hopefully we don't get fucked by it.

Worst case scenario, I still have a working fireplace and long johns.
[Oct 22,2008 1:38pm - the_reverend ""]
I need to get my dad to bring a load of wood.
[Oct 22,2008 7:26pm - Seth  ""]
A nice cold night with some good food and a nice movie and bed!!!!! Not walking a dog in the middle of the night or am when it is fucken cold as hell !!!:BANGHEAD:
[Oct 22,2008 7:35pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'll be starting to split fire wood this weekend, so we don't have to turn on our heat. Good thing I enjoy splitting wood.
[Oct 22,2008 7:35pm - Hoser ""]
Been burning the woodstove for a week now....
[Oct 22,2008 7:39pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
I pretty much seal up the house with plastic,close down the double parlor
for the winter and lock myself in between my bedroom ,computer room
and kitchen...using a space heater and the oven for heat. I use my oil
only if it gets unbearable and for showers. I made it through last winter
without getting raped too brutally by the oil company.
[Oct 22,2008 8:37pm - sever ""]

darkwor said:i live on the 3rd floor of a 3-decker, we can shut and lock the windows and gather heat from the 2 floors below us, wear a sweatshirt and go all winter without turning it on once. last year we fired it up twice for the hell of it.

I'm on the 3rd floor too but I get no heat from below me. I'm pissed.
[Oct 22,2008 8:55pm - RichHorror ""]
Two days ago. I couldn't feel my toes.
[Oct 24,2008 8:00am - McGunk.  ""]
I used to be cold
[Oct 24,2008 8:22am - the_reverend ""]
it was 51 when I woke up this morning. then again, I still have a cat door that is wide open to the outside.
[Oct 24,2008 8:29am - Sacreligion ""]

McGunk. said:I used to be cold

there it is, mcgunk. the smartest thing you'll ever say and you've already annoyed too many people for them to think it's funny.
[Oct 24,2008 10:33am - Yeti ""]
i probably won't turn it on until the temp starts dipping into the 10's, or at least January. we are using space heaters. it is indeed going to be a long ass winter.
[Oct 24,2008 10:35am - Sacreligion ""]
it can't possibly be worse than the orne st. apartment where a $400 bill did nothing and we had to sleep in layers with multiple blankets.
[Oct 24,2008 10:39am - Yeti ""]
yeah its like Hell in my house compared to that.
[Oct 24,2008 10:42am - Sacreligion ""]
then again we did have beer boxes replacing windows.
[Oct 24,2008 10:48am - Yeti ""]
one window.
[Oct 24,2008 11:57am - Conservationist ""]
Winter is relief in the South.
[Oct 24,2008 11:58am - McGunk.  ""]
I used to ruin everyones post
[Nov 18,2008 8:58pm - the_reverend ""]
I turned on the heat in the bathroom a couple days ago, set to 60.
when I came in today... it was 46 so I lit a fire.
time to seal up the sliders and clean out the filters.
[Nov 18,2008 9:04pm - Mess ""]
i use a plug-in space heater in my bathroom and the window's covered with plastic because it rotted out of the frame. cool huh?
[Nov 18,2008 9:09pm - pam ""]
Turned it on a few times in the last 2 weeks.
[Nov 20,2008 7:39am - Yeti ""]
yesterday there was ice on the toilet in my house. the cold is also changing the consistency of the dish soap in my kitchen.
[Nov 20,2008 5:06pm - Lamp ""]
I don't think the thermostat even works in my apartment. It actually got up to almost 60 today, but here I am at home and I can't even wear short sleeves for being too cold.
[Nov 20,2008 5:14pm - the_reverend ""]
this is my second day wearing pants. I gave up and the heat is now on. I'm working on sealing up the leaky doors
[Nov 20,2008 5:20pm - largefreakatzero ""]
It was 17 degrees this morning at my house and I don't think it got out of the low 30s up there today. Fucking right the heat is on.
[Nov 20,2008 5:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I was just down at the harbor in portsmouth with the dog. holy fuck cold.
[Nov 20,2008 5:32pm - tylor  ""]
only bills i pay are electric and cable

[Nov 20,2008 5:36pm - boblovesmusic ""]
didn't have the heat on last night... three layers of clothes and a couple layers of blankets. Perfect!

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