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who here likes poison the well, as i lay dying, and fata

[Feb 20,2004 8:55pm - hoonervilles ""]
hell yeah
[Feb 20,2004 11:15pm - JellyFish ""]
[Feb 20,2004 11:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I like as i lay dying and the first ptw full length.
new ptw and fata makes me feel gay...
[Feb 21,2004 9:14am - XeatadickX ""]
no one
[Feb 21,2004 12:23pm - tbone_r ""]
"new ptw and fata makes me feel gay... "

haha awesome, well put
[Feb 21,2004 2:22pm - dreadkill ""]
not me. that kid who plays drums and does the emo vocals for fata is the gayest kid in the world. emocore bands are gayer than actual emo bands, because emo dudes at least realize they are pussies. emocore kids actually think they have balls, which is pathetic.

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