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ATTN:Aril or anyone looking for halfstack

[Oct 22,2008 12:36pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Did you find an amp yet? My buddies sellin his Crate Shockwave 350W head, with matching 4/12 cab. He wants 400 for it. With a noice gate pedal included. Just thought you might be interested.
[Oct 22,2008 12:53pm - aril  ""]
haven't found one yet. been testing the waters.
does he want to sell the whole thing or could he just sell the head alone? either way, i am interested. i've heard shockwaves are great sounding for metal
[Oct 22,2008 12:55pm - aril  ""]
what noisegate pedal?
also, any issues and/or blemishes?
[Oct 22,2008 12:59pm - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]
Aril, hate to rain on your parade, but If i come in to 400 bucks, I'm buying this.

Lucky for you I'm fucking broke at the moment.

and I recomend buying the cab with it.

The celestian 7080 speakers sound perfect with this head.

that's a good price considering a shockwave halfstack new cost over a grand
[Oct 22,2008 1:01pm - aril  ""]
don't you dare try to cock block me with this combo!
[Oct 22,2008 1:02pm - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]
haha. Well i already have 2 shockwave fullstacks, but for this price, and considering they are discontinued you really can't go wrong.

I doubt I'm going to be able to afford it anytime soon, but god damn I want it.

what is dudeguy asking for the head and cab seperate?
[Oct 22,2008 1:05pm - aril  ""]
haha, you have 2 shockwave fullstacks and I have a blown head with a lonely cab.
i need this more than you!!
[Oct 22,2008 1:09pm - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]
haha I'm not a total dick, I'll wait and see if you want it first.

Have you played a shockwave yet?

If you're in the south shore area your welcome to come thrash on mine and see how it sounds.
[Oct 22,2008 1:09pm - brian_dc ""]
all that pesky endangered species money getting to your head
[Oct 22,2008 1:10pm - aril  ""]
I haven't but I've heard them. I'm indeed on the south shore - middleboring to be exact
[Oct 22,2008 1:11pm - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]
and what are you running for a cab btw? keep in mine the shockwave is like 220watts at 8 ohms. You might need to buy the cab with it to avoid blowing your own.

I think you can run 350 watts at like 2 ohms with this head... that's up to 4 4x12 speaker cabs at 350 watts on one single head. Brutallicus.
[Oct 22,2008 1:12pm - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]

aril said:I haven't but I've heard them. I'm indeed on the south shore - middleboring to be exact

Swing by Whitman sometime, see why I jock and hype these things so bad haha
[Oct 22,2008 1:13pm - aril  ""]
yea, that's what I was just thinking about. I have a crap hughes & kettner vortex cab which probably could not handle it alone.
[Oct 22,2008 1:15pm - aril  ""]
whitman, eh? that's not too far at all. i used to go to whitman/hanson high for basketball camp wayyy back in the day. that's less than 20 minutes from where I am
[Oct 22,2008 1:17pm - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]
Actually, if it's got the Celestion G12F-60 rocketdriver speakers in it, they have the same power handling as the celestians in the shockwave cab (although not really as tight sounding IMO)

220 watts at 4 ohms. That cab could rock with the shock no problem.
[Oct 22,2008 1:18pm - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]

aril said:whitman, eh? that's not too far at all. i used to go to whitman/hanson high for basketball camp wayyy back in the day. that's less than 20 minutes from where I am

I live about a mile from the highschool.

swing the hell by.
[Oct 22,2008 1:27pm - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]

brian_dc said:all that pesky endangered species money getting to your head

[Oct 22,2008 1:30pm - aril  ""]
I’m thinking that my speakers in my cab may be celestion rock driver junior speakers which is supposed to be rated at 200 watts RMS into 8ohms
[Oct 22,2008 1:33pm - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]
they under rate those cabs. each speaker is 60 watts.

It will handle more than what it sais on paper. In good nick, those cabs have good power handling decent lower-mid tones.

[Oct 22,2008 1:36pm - aril  ""]
it's funny.. I got mine about 8-9 years ago as an "entry-level" halfstack and it actually went pretty well. i'm now a fan of hughes & kettner anything (everything I've played sounded great). the vortex head now has a short of some sort and I don't feel like fixing it again. but the cab.. I always thought the cab was decent even with its strange handles and no casters
[Oct 22,2008 1:39pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm going to go ahead and just say I don't think cabs should have casters.
[Oct 22,2008 1:41pm - grizloch ""]
your buddy should sell this to me, for real, cash money, on the quick
[Oct 22,2008 1:43pm - aril  ""]
[Oct 22,2008 4:33pm - grizloch ""]
boooooooooooo, something about space aliens not existing, boooooooooooo, something else obnoxious, boooooooooooo
[Oct 22,2008 4:38pm - aril  ""]
? aliens don't exist
[Oct 22,2008 4:50pm - grizloch ""]
boooooooooooooooo, something else from three months ago, booooooooooooo

seriously though, I will totally buy this if you back out
[Oct 22,2008 4:58pm - archaeon ""]
I have a shockwave head that I'd be willing to part with if anyone wants it.
[Oct 22,2008 6:46pm - Niccolai is wicked pissed  ""]
[Oct 22,2008 6:48pm - aril  ""]
[Oct 22,2008 6:50pm - hunterhunter ""]
Aril, Id sell my Peavy Ultra 60 head and ampeg 4x10 cab for 400
You were asin me in another thread what Id sell it for (i am ancient master nli)
[Oct 22,2008 7:25pm - archaeon ""]
$200 or whoever wants to give me more money haha

The clean channel needs to have the volume knob worked with. Only stays at one volume. Should be a cheap fix if you know you're shit. I have the foot switch too.

fenderwnt149 = aim
[Oct 22,2008 10:46pm - grizloch ""]
so ouchdrummer, surriously, hook a brother up
[Oct 23,2008 7:48am - ouchdrummer ""]
yeah, whoever wants it can have it, it is a package deal though, he isn't gonna split em up. I will find out about the brand/model of the noisegate this morning. Delivery could be set up for this weekend. (yes we will deliver it.)4
[Oct 23,2008 9:18am - aril  ""]
interested in both possibilities.
[Oct 23,2008 9:19am - aril  ""]
but archaeon, I do not go on AIM anymore but you can PM me or email me
[Oct 23,2008 9:24am - aril  ""]
or the other way around
[Oct 23,2008 9:25am - aril  ""]
and ouch lemme know what the pedal is or me and grizloch will have to have a gun duel for this
[Oct 23,2008 11:18am - archaeon@skewl  ""]
Aril You're not logged in and i don't know your email so just send me one at Archaeonmetal@gmail.com
[Oct 23,2008 11:32am - ouchdrummer ""]
my friend who's amp it is is in a meeting, he will be out within the hour.
[Oct 23,2008 12:20pm - ouchdrummer ""]
so here is the score. It's a digitech noise reducer. That's all he knows, he doesn't know the model, and it's tucked away at his parents house in walpole, so when we go to pick up the amp, we will find out what it is. Regardless, he wants 400 for the half stack anyways, he just is throwing in the pedal.
[Oct 23,2008 12:33pm - archaeon ""]
I also have a Hush Super-C and Sonic Maximizer that i could throw in for cheap. someone email me gawd dammit
[Oct 23,2008 12:40pm - aril  ""]
alright, cool...!
[Oct 23,2008 3:18pm - archaeon ""]
response sent
[Oct 23,2008 3:26pm - ouchdrummer ""]
since it's not my amp i don't really care.... but grant, you suck. I was trying to sell my buds amp and you had to use my thread as your own personal want add.. Harumph!!!
[Oct 23,2008 3:27pm - ouchdrummer ""]
...i'm second thought, i take it back, i don't care at all.
[Oct 23,2008 3:31pm - aril  ""]
i'm fucking torn
[Oct 23,2008 3:36pm - archaeon ""]

I'm a thread hijacker
[Oct 23,2008 10:09pm - grizloch ""]
I should be in the general boston area next thursday evening, I can meet up then, I would like to hear it first if at all possible
[Oct 24,2008 8:07am - ouchdrummer ""]
Sure you can hear it. i am sending you a PM with my #, call me before than to confirm, and me and my bud will make sure to go out to the womp and get it.
[Oct 24,2008 8:42am - aril  ""]
i just got cockblocked by grizloch.
you prick!
[Oct 24,2008 8:55am - brian_dc ""]
gotta be proactive, man
[Oct 24,2008 9:07am - aril  ""]
tried calling ouchdrummer last night but no answer. oh well! grizloch, enjoy!
[Oct 24,2008 9:16am - brian_dc ""]
*waves at grizloch*

*creates grizloch voodoo doll with other hand*

[Oct 24,2008 9:19am - aril  ""]
haha, i wouldn't do that to grizloch. he's cool and thinks aliens don't exist. gotta argue with somebody!
[Oct 24,2008 11:12am - ouchdrummer ""]
wait a minute, aril if you called, you DIDNT leave a message. I got a new phone and lost all my numbers, call me again and leave a message this time. I ain't saving the amp for anyone, my friend wants to sell it asap, so call me first and you can have it, or i should say, make arrangements to come and get it first and you can have it. (or i guess i should say, make arrangements for us to drop it off... and have all your money ready. ) This baby is goin soon though, act fast.
[Oct 24,2008 11:16am - aril  ""]
wait, same number?
grizloch can take it. I really appreciate your offer though, seriously. but yea, grizloch, you can have it!
[Oct 24,2008 12:14pm - ouchdrummer ""]
wow aril, you suck... and yes same number, but you gotta leave a message.
[Oct 24,2008 12:16pm - McGunk.  ""]
i used to be in this band 13 Winters and they are really boring and terrible now. They probably only got a guitarist just to to be able to say they have one, as they make him play the same simple power chord in all the songs because the keyboardist wants to get all the attention. Either that or he just can't really play. I saw some of the clips from the AS220 show and it was really, really boring and I couldn't even watch it was so annoying. The vocals suck bad now just a big whining jerkface and the stage setup was same ol same old and the costume the singer wore was embarassing and retarded! really sad. But whatever, I guess they are only doing it because they like it so I just say let em' if it makes them so happy.
[Oct 24,2008 12:17pm - aril  ""]
? i suck? it's getting sold?
[Oct 24,2008 12:20pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i said you suck cause i want someone to buy my buds amp. I was kidding really, but someone should buy it. You don't suck... wanna kiss?
[Oct 24,2008 12:22pm - McGunk.  ""]
i used to suck and buy amps and i used to kiss ouchdrummer but his fecal matter pays my taxes on neptune during the winter with the fungus from the amazaon that eats little kids hearts from kenya
[Oct 24,2008 1:40pm - grizloch ""]
word up, if you still have it by thursday (as Im out of Albany) I'll shoot over to wherever it is and check it out

and while I dont support aliens, I fully support voodoo, SHITS INTENSE
[Oct 24,2008 1:43pm - obama  ""]
Grizloch is in trouble with the law for filming shows without a license. Please, think twice about this transaction.
[Oct 24,2008 1:56pm - grizloch ""]

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