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RE: Any Threads Allegedly Posted by Me Recently

[Oct 22,2008 4:37pm - paganmegan ""]
I haven't posted anything on here in awhile, so disregard any phony threads and posts that are not officially from me. All shit talking, name smearing ,etc has clearly been done out spite and is not connected with me. Either disregard or be entertained by the bullshit, but do not take it seriously. Thanks

P.S. I miss everyone that doesn't suck from this messageboard that I had anything to do with in reality on good terms.

[Oct 22,2008 4:40pm - RichHorror ""]
I for one was fooled.
[Oct 22,2008 4:41pm - sacreligion ""]
me too...i thought that nazi-ville post was totally believable
[Oct 22,2008 4:45pm - paganmegan ""]
haha I just read the thread.
What a barrel of monkeys
[Oct 22,2008 4:46pm - paganmegan ""]
It is funny that the people who go so ballistic about alleged "shit talking" do more shit talking than all the knitting Omas in the world.

Anyways, how was the Master show?
[Oct 22,2008 4:54pm - deathchick ""]
it was great, we missed you there!
[Oct 22,2008 4:56pm - archaeon ""]
how do we know that this isn't an impostor? Take n00dz to prove it.
[Oct 22,2008 7:22pm - Paul CNV  ""]

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